New Milton Advertiser 2nd Oct 2020
16 · Friday 2nd October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Plaque honour for Enigma war hero
code books, led to David being awarded the Distinguished Ser- vice Cross. His exploits were kept secret from all except his wife and chil- dren until details of the Second World War Enigma codebreak- ing were finally publicly dis- closed in the 1970s. These later inspired cinema releases Enigma and U-571, with the production teams each getting input from David who also appeared in a documenta- ry called The Secret Capture of the Enigma Machine. David died aged 95 on 3rd January 2016. His testimony was used to compile the biog- raphy entitled Enigma: The Untold Story of the Secret Cap- ture, edited by naval historian Capt. Peter Hore. There had been no local or national memorial commemo- rating David or his role in the ‘Secret Capture’ before the plaque was put in place at Bol- dre Church. However, the pandemic has so far prevented the church and his family from arranging a for- mal unveiling. The plaque reads: “In lov- ing memory of David Edward Balme. Lieutenant-Command- er DSC, RN 1st October 1920 – 3rd January 2016. “Boarded German submarine 9 May 1941 recovered cipher material and Enigma machine.” The installation was wel- comed by Ray Mayes, who worked with the Boldre Parish Historical Society on a pres- entation about David for its biennial local history exhibition in October 2017. “It is fitting that such an im- portant event has been com- memorated for posterity in our quiet local church,” he said. David lived in Boldre for about 40 years with his wife Su- san, who died last year at the age of 93.
Church installation on what would have been his 100th birthday
Lizzie Grayshon and a lapwing
Wading in to raise rare bird numbers
A PLAQUE posthumously hon- ouring a local war hero who captured a Nazi Enigma code machine has been installed at Boldre Church on the cente- nary of his birth. Lieutenant-Commander Da- vid Balme led a boarding par- ty onto German U-boat U110 in May 1941, which resulted in the seizure of game-changing intelligence material for expert mathematicians and problem solvers at the Bletchley Park code-breaking centre. Actions such as those taken by him and fellow crew mem- bers of British destroyer Bull- dog, on an Atlantic convoy, were credited with shortening the conflict between the Nazis and the Allies by two years. The capture of the Enigma machine, along with German
A PROJECT to restore breed- ing grounds for an endangered species of wading birds has resulted in an encouraging in- crease in numbers LIFE Waders for Real, set up by the Game & Wildlife Conser- vation Trust (GWCT), which is based in Fordinbridge, has seen collaborative work with farmers and private land owners man- age to reverse the downward trend of lapwing and other waders in the Avon Valley be- tween Salisbury and the sea at Christchurch. Incorporating predator con- trol alongside habitat creation and involving local land man- agers resulted in the Avon Val- ley’s number of lapwing being increased from 61 pairs in 2015 to 105 in last year. A crucial success of the scheme was improving the rate of breeding, as to remain sta- ble a local population needs to fledge an average of 0.7 chick per pair each year. Beforehand this rate had dropped as low as 0.4 young per pair, but by 2019 it had reached 0.96 per pair. The project has also succeed- ed in boosting the redshank population from 19 pairs in 2015 to 35 last year. LIFE Waders for Real project leader Lizzie Grayshon said: “The project wouldn’t have worked without the farmers A COMMUNITY garage sale trail will take place in Milford to raise funds for the village primary school and Oakhaven Hospice. It is hoped dozens of house- holds will sign up for the oppor- tunity to sell second hand toys, books and equipment, as well as household items and cloth- ing. The event has been organ- ised by Milford-on-Sea Prima- ry School PFA, in a bid to raise money for much needed out- door equipment for pupils. Ten per cent of the proceeds will be donated to Oakhaven Hospice. PFA chairman Amanda Maid- ment said: “Because the school children need to remain in their bubbles throughout the day it is really important that they can get outside to run around and enjoy the fresh air. The
and gamekeepers driving it. “We opened their eyes to some of the issues and provid- ed guidance on possible mitiga- tions. “The extra work these work- ing conservationists put in to help the lapwing on their land has been truly inspiring.” Although one of Britain’s most iconic birds, the lapwing is also one of its most endan- gered with numbers in England and Wales having plummeted by 80% since the 1960s. Having been monitoring lap- wing, redshank and snipe in the Avon Valley since 1996, the GWCT became so concerned by the drop in lapwing breeding pairs by 2013 that they called a meeting of local land manag- ers. Research showed the drop was due to poor breeding suc- cess, with predation of nests and chicks being the main cause. Measures taken included controlled grazing on water meadows to reduce the risk of nests being trampled, install- ing temporary electric fencing around nests; and legal lethal control of corvid species such as crows that eat eggs and kill lapwing chicks during the breeding season. For more information visit school would really love to buy some extra outdoor equipment that they can enjoy during their break and lunchtime and that is where the PFA come in.” “Unfortunately our usual fundraising events like movie nights, discos and the summer fair have not been able to go ahead this year because of the pandemic so we are looking for innovative ways to raise some extra money.” The garage sale trail will take place from 10am to 3pm on Saturday 17th October with trail maps available to buy for £1 from the Village News and La Perle Deli. All participating households will have hand san- itiser and social distancing in place. The cost of taking part is £5 per household and places can be registered by emailing
Village garage sale to raise funds for school and hospice
David Balme led a boarding party onto German U-boat U110 in May 1941 (pictured below). Right, the plaque at Boldre Church and (below left) with his wife Sue
The Enigma machine
(Photo: IWM MH 27178)
Internal Position 200H x 343W (7 columns)
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