New Milton Advertiser 2nd Oct 2020
20 · Friday 2nd October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 25th September 2020: Damerham Pitched roof timber outbuild- ing, 8 The Terrace, High Street, East End, Mr Still. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Use as dwelling house (lawful use certificate for retaining an existing use or operation), The Old Church, Mockbeggar Lane, Mrs Denton. Proposed riding arena (pri- vate use), Ibsley Grange, Mock- beggar Lane, Ibsley, Bestford. Parapet and solar panels to roof of existing outbuilding, shed and open sided store (ret- rospective in part), Sunset, Ivy Lane, Blashford, Mr McShea. Fawley Alterations and additions to existing property, Woodber- ry Day Nursery, 1 Rollestone Road, Holbury, Woodberry Day Nursery Ltd. Fordingbridge Proposed single-storey side and rear extension, increase patio door opening for bi-fold doors (lawful development cer- tificate that permission is not required for proposal), 49 Avon Meade, Lovell. Hythe and Dibden Single-storey front extension following removal of existing porch, 1 Heathfield, Dr and Mrs Forster. Lymington and Pennington Demolition of existing rear extension, construction of new two-storey extension, internal remodelling, associated land- scaping, increase in the num- ber of units of accommodation from four to six, Tourlands, Emsworth Road, NFDC. Replacement of timber slid- ing sash dormer windows, in- cluding frame, with a hardwood replica, existing windows are decayed beyond economical repair (application for list- ed building consent), 98 High Street, Mr Prince. Extend existing rear dormer (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Beech Lodge, 31 Bitterne Way, Mr Jones. Installation of one window to the side of the building on the ground floor and the installa - tion of a three windows to the opposite side of the building (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Unit 620, Am- press Lane, Colten Care. Marchwood Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 25th September 2020. Bransgore Erection of double garage, demolition of existing garage, Verna, Willow Lane, Thorney Hill. Brockenhurst Refurbishment and over-cladding to external el- evation, entrance alterations to unit 1, external alterations, Brock House, Grigg Lane. Single-storey extensions, two bay windows, creation of balco- ny, Juliet balcony, alterations to fenestration, single-storey ex- tension to garage (demolition of conservatory), Brooklands, 3 Woodbury. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Single-storey extension, pa- tio deck, Old Orchard, Linford Road, Linford. Hale Conservatory, demolition of existing bay, Finches Hatch, Forest Road. Hordle Replacement steel lattice Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submit- ted to BCP Council during the week ending 25th September 2020. Erection of single dwelling with associated site works; Salisbury Road. Additional storey with ridged roof to a height of 7m, floor to ceiling height of additional sto- rey 2.3m; The Annexe, 41 Burley Road. To add glazing to the rear, first and second floor Juliet balconies and front dormer; 11 Rossiters Quay, Bridge Street. Side and rear extensions, raise and extend roof for a loft conversion to provide first floor accommodation; 103 The Grove. The demolition of 19 and 21 Wortley Road together with the construction of a 2 1/2-storey
Proposed single-storey en- trance porch, single-storey part flat roofed, part pitched roofed rear elevation and first floor flat roof infill, 18 Long Lane, Kitson. Martin Single-storey rear exten- sion, cladding, replace gate and fence, Harris Farm, Martin Road, Mr Varley. Single-sto- rey rear extension, external and internal alterations, boiler (application for listed building consent), Harris Farm, Martin Road, Mr Varley. Milford-on-Sea Demolish, remove existing beach hut and replace exactly the same like for like footprint, increase the roof length and add a canopy, Beach Hut 341, Hordle Cliff Beach, Hurst Road, Mr and Mrs Bishop. Single-storey rear extension, 13 Solent Way, Chamberlain. Rear first floor sun room exten - sion to replace existing balcony, 2 North Head, Ms Dianna Good Goodwin. Netley Marsh Outline planning applica- tion with all matters reserved, except means of access to the highway network (junction ar- rangements) and associated highway improvements for the demolition of existing build- ings and the residential (C3) development of the site with up to 300 dwellings, alternate natural recreational greens- pace, informal and formal open space, together with associated drainage, utilities and all oth- er associated and necessary infrastructure, Land North of Salisbury Road, Calmore, Bloor Homes Ltd and Trustees of Barker Mill Estates. New Milton Single-storey rear extension with alteration to fenestration on rear elevation, 8 Faircourt, York Avenue, Mr Studt. Erect four 3-bedroom hous- es with garages and parking, demolish existing dwelling, Brockwood, 42 Barton Com- mon Lane, Barton-on-Sea, AJ Developments. Detached outbuilding in gar- den of dwelling house (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 11 Barton Wood Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mrs Haskell. Ringwood Erect two detached hous- es, parking, demolish existing buildings, Boundary Cottage, 272 Christchurch Road, Ms Yeats. Two-storey side extension to existing detached property, 76 Kingfisher Way, Case. Sandleheath Single-storey rear extension, tower, erection of temporary steel lattice tower and over- head power line diversion (ap- plication under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 and section 90(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990), Land on the North West side of Sway Road, Tiptoe. Landford Agricultural storage building, Land adjacent Shorthill Farm, Lyburn Road. New Milton Two new windows along West Elevation, Wootton Hall, Tiptoe Road. Replacement steel lattice tower, erection of temporary steel lattice tower and over- head power line diversion (ap- plication under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 and section 90(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990), Land on the North West side of Sway Road, Tiptoe. Ringwood Single-storey extension to outbuilding, Gorselands, High- town Hill. Sway Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for contin - building to accommodate eight 2-bedroom flats, together with access, car and cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping; 19 and 21 Wortley Road. Demolition existing buildings and erect block of 15 apart- ments, one shop unit with park- ing, bin and cycle storage; 398- 400 Lymington Road. Single-storey rear extension, alteration to fenestration to second floor front elevation; 15 Waterside. Two-storey front extension; 34 Seaway Avenue. Loft conversion to provide first floor accommodation with dormer, single-storey side and front extensions, changes to rear elevations; 19 Shelley Close. Remove existing carport, sin- gle-storey extension to side and carport; 8 Sheldrake Road. Decisions GRANTED Two-storey side extension,
Dormer, 11 Blenheim Gar- dens, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Web- ster. Lymington and Pennington Alitex greenhouse (National Trust Mottisfont Model), it is freestanding on a brick base, size w. 2.6 metres, l. 4.0 metres, The Chantry, Hollywood Lane, Mrs Johnston. Two-storey side extension, 6 St Annes Gardens, Mr Wilson. Rear extension, internal alter- ations, Victory Cottage, North Close, Mr Hoare. Martin Replacement garage, 2 St Georges Cottages, Martin Road, Mr Musselwhite. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey front extension, Carrington Grange, 31 Keyhav - en Road, Mr and Mrs Combes. Single-Storey front extension (application for listed building consent), Carrington Grange, 31 Keyhaven Road, Mr and Mrs Combes. New Milton Variation of condition 7 of 19/11091 and 19/11506 to allow for provision of any medical or health services and training (including associated support activities) and use of dedicated office area to provide adminis - trative support for off-site ac- tivities in connection with the D1 use, 7-9 Compton Road, UK Chiropractic Property Ltd. Two-storey side extension, replacing garage, link roof, 18 Chestnut Avenue, Barton-on- Sea, Mr Maund. Single-storey rear extension, 55 Oakwood Avenue, Ashley, Mr Farmer. Ringwood First floor side extension and two-storey rear extension, 3 Merlin Close, Hightown, Mr Kemish. Totton and Eling Double garage, 10 Deerhurst Close, Mr T. Francis. Single-storey rear extension, 72 Rufus Gardens, Mr Tillyer. GRANTED BY COUNTY New Milton Planning application for change of use of existing aggre- gate processing facility for pro- duction of recycled aggregates as well as primary aggregates, Solent Industrial Estate, NMS. Use of garage as living accom- modation, form patio doors, internal alterations (lawful de- velopment certificate that per - mission is not required for pro- posal), 7 Burgate Fields, Mrs Beeson. Hordle Hip to gable roof alterations, addition of rear dormer, instal- lation of roof lights to facilitate WAS LAWFUL Fordingbridge placement 1.8m and 1.5m high boundary fencing, Thatched Cottage, Southampton Road. Outbuilding, Cedar Mount, 11 Oak Close. Single-storey rear extension, render, one additional window, replacement windows, altera- tion to driveway, demolition of conservatory and one chimney, High Firs, Goose Green. Minstead Replacement outbuilding, The Orchard, The Grove. Netley Marsh Detached double carport, demolition of existing single carport, 257 Woodlands Road, Woodlands. Ringwood Swimming pool with paving, plant house, Bluebell Chase, Forest Edge Road, Crow. Sway First floor extension, alter - ations to doors and windows, roof alterations, demolition of conservatory, Amberwood Farm, Fairlight Lane, Tiptoe. Single-storey extension, 2 Kitchers Close. New single-sto - rey pavilion, ArtSway, Station Road. PLANNING PERMISSION flat. Variation of condition 2 of application 8/19/0301/FUL. Plans ASP.18.105.002 to be replaced by ASP.19.118.002, ASP.18.105.100 to be replaced by ASP.19.118.100, ASP.18.105.200 to be replaced by ASP.19.118.200 and ASP.18.105.001 to be re- placed by ASP.19.118.001; 408 Lymington Road, Highcliffe. Single-storey side extension, first floor extension to the rear and side or property and exter- nal re-model, carport; 54 Chew- ton Way. Proposed roof mounted PV solar panel installation on the existing two-storey offices blocks, new handrail and re- placement anti-bird netting; North and South Wings of Block 11 Signal House, Grange Road. Ground floor, roof and dor - mer extension with loft conver- sion to form first floor accom - modation. Demolish garage and provide new outbuilding; REQURED Copythorne Application for a lawful devel- opment certificate for proposed
construction of above surface car park with access, Sandle- heath Village Hall, Main Road, Sandleheath Village Hall CIO. Implement shed and feed store (agricultural prior noti- fication), Sandle Manor Farm, Station Road, Mr and Mrs Feltham. Totton and Eling Retrospective replaced ga- rage, 7 Downs Park Road, Eling, Mr Catt. 4.5m x 1.5m signage to advertise football club, upcom- ing fixtures, and services on site (application for advertisement consent), AFC Totton, Salis- bury Road, Calmore, AFC Tot- ton. Addition of rear dormer to attic space on two-storey house (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 88 Hammonds Green, Ms Ward. Single-storey, flat roof exten - sion, 204 Ringwood Road, Kelly. Single-storey rear extension, 17 Milverton Road, Eling, Lew- is. Decisions Two-storey side and rear ex- tension, single-storey rear gar- den room, fenestration alter- ations, carport, 2 Clare Lodge Cottages, Chapel Lane, Mr Gif- ford. First floor rear extension to provide gable end, flank dormer and provision of pitched roof over existing flat roof dormer to front, Rose Lawn, Poplar Lane, Mr and Mrs Batchelor. Fawley Erection of one-bedroom bungalow, Land of 135 Hamp- ton Lane, Blackfield, APE Prop - erties Ltd. Detached garage, Nutmeg Cottage, Mopley, Langley, Mr and Mrs Harnett. Porch, two-storey side exten- sion, 25 Cadland Park, Holbury, Ms Creaney. Fordingbridge Single-storey rear extension, The Haven, 61 Church Street, Crownshade Ltd. Single-storey rear extension, internal alterations, reinstate existing rear chimney (appli- cation for listed building con- sent), The Haven, 61 Church Street, Crownshade Ltd. Hordle Single-storey front and rear extension, 2 Stoneleigh Avenue, Mr and Mrs Beale. Hythe and Dibden Roof alterations including dormers and mono pitch roof, 1 Elgin Close, Mr Dunsdon. GRANTED Bransgore ued use of outbuilding as holi- day let, Woodcutters Cottage, Crabbswood Lane. Decisions GRANTED Brockenhurst Conversion of existing at- tached garage to facilitate ad- ditional habitable accommo- dation, Thornberry, 105 New Forest Drive. Burley Render and painting of previ- ously painted brick house, ren- der brick garage, Wilderhope Cottage, Southfield Lane. Landford Replacement dwelling and garage, demolition of existing dwelling, Ballacraine, Chap- el Lane, Nomansland. Stables / hay store, culvert, Land at Stock Lane, Stock Lane. Single-storey building, dem- olition two modular build- ings, Landford C of E Primary School, Lyndhurst Road. Single-storey extension, demolition of conservatory, For- est Gables, Lyndhurst Road. Lyndhurst Dormer and three rooflights to facilitate habitable floor space, 51 Wellands Road. Re- single-storey rear extension and front porch canopy; 17 Kings Avenue. Single-storey garage exten- sion with shallow pitched roof; 1 Cambridge Gardens. New window to ground floor side elevation, removal of one existing window; 20 Jumpers Avenue. Erect dormer to existing front roof slope, replace exist- ing porch with glazed gable end pitched porch, remodelling to all elevations; 5 Glendale Close. Single-storey rear extension with timber deck; 29 Merley Drive. Single-storey rear and side extension; 61 The Meadway. Front two-storey extension with pitched roof; 20 Wortley Road, Highcliffe. Replacement of existing rear extension with two-sto- rey extension, including the formation of an external stair- case, to provide an additional
loft conversion (lawful develop- ment certificate that permis - sion is not required for propos- al), 8 Buckstone Close, Everton, Mr and Mrs Tuck. New Milton Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 35 Gainsborough Avenue, Mr and Mrs Folbigg. Increasing the size (width and height) of a rear kitchen window and removing an ex- isting Velux roof window and replacing it with two Velux roof windows (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 3 Barton Common Lane, Barton- on-Sea, Mr Cumbach. Ringwood Addition of dormer window (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 38 Winston Way, Kareen Rickman. Whitsbury Single-storey rear extension to existing property (lawful de- velopment certificate that per - mission is not required for pro- posal), 3 Well House Close, Mr and Mrs Attenborough. GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Fordingbridge Flat roof single-storey living room extension (prior approv- al application), 10 Pembridge Road, Mr and Mrs Williams. Totton and Eling Single-storey rear extension (prior approval application), 37 Redwood Gardens, Mr and Mrs Dickson and Tolly. EIA NOT REQURED Marchwood Screening Opinion in respect of the proposed partial redevel- opment of McMullen Barracks, 17 Port and Maritime Regi- ment RLC McMullen Barracks, Byams Lane, WYG Planning and Design. Change of use and building operations to covert an existing agricultural building to one res- idential dwelling house (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Thatchmans Farm, Flood Street, Burgate, Mr Gaussen. New Milton Two dwellings, parking and ancillary works, demolition of existing dwelling and outbuild- ings, 46 Brook Avenue, Solent Project New Homes Ltd. Ringwood Sever land and erect two de- tached bungalows, parking, de- molish existing garage, Land of 70 Eastfield Lane, AJ Develop - ments. WITHDRAWN Fordingbridge extension to existing dwell- ing, Beechwood Farm Cottage, Brockishill Road, Bartley. Sway Application for a lawful de- velopment certificate for a proposed vehicular access, Coombe Grange, Coombe Lane. RAISE NO OBJECTION Copythorne Detached rear and side veran- dah (application for non-ma- terial amendment to planning permission 19/00566), Raven- scroft, Winsor Lane, Winsor. WITHDRAWN Copythorne Outbuilding, hardstanding, Cherry Tree Cottage, Lynd- hurst Road, Cadnam. Fawley One new cottage dwelling, extension and alterations to Fowey House, demolition of one existing cottage dwell- ing, Fowey House, Lepe Road, Langley. New Milton New access and track, Lon- gacres, Bashley Common Road. Sway Application to remove con- dition 3 of planning permission NFC/113251/1, to remove agri- cultural occupancy condition, Little Place, Flexford Lane. 36 Lingwood Avenue. NOT LAWFUL Proposed garden room; 7 Darwin Avenue. REFUSED Side ground floor and first floor extensions; 39 Burley Road. Demolition of existing build- ing, construction of new church building; 51 Bargates. Erect garage (retrospective); Amberwood Cottage, St Cathe- rines Hill Lane. Demolition of existing dwell- ing and construction of a two- and-a-half-storey building comprising seven apartments, together with associated access parking and landscaping. (Re- vised application); 165 Lyming- ton Road, Highcliffe. Front, side and rear exten- sions, raise roof to provide first floor accommodation; 34 Shel - drake Road.
Nitrate sheme to end building block The Balmer Lawn Hotel is among 11 local sites with plans held up by pollution concerns
POLLUTION concerns which have held up high-profile New Forest planning developments – including three hotel expan- sions – could be alleviated thanks to a new government scheme. The Balmer Lawn Hotel in Brockenhurst, Bartley Lodge in Cadnam and Hotel Terravina in Woodlands were among 11 sites for proposed schemes in the So- lent coastal area where building work on new homes or extra visitor accommodation was stalled because of worries they would lead to more nitrates in local waters and cause negative environmental effects. Also held up has been the Filly Inn’s bid for a first-floor extension to create more ac- commodation and changing the use of a site in Lyndhurst Road, Landford, for two permanent gypsy and/or traveller’s pitches. However, Defra has now launched a £3.9m scheme that allows developers to buy ‘ni- trate credits’ and use them to offset the impacts arising from their developments if they are not nitrate neutral. In the New Forest nation- al park the money generated could go towards improving waste water treatment works that drain into rivers in Lynd- hurst, Brockenhurst, Sway, Beaulieu and East Boldre. The new Defra plan has been welcomed by NPA planning chief Steve Avery, who said: “Within the New Forest nation- al park there are several pro- posals for new housing and vis- itor accommodation that have stalled due to the requirement
for ‘nitrate neutrality’ and this funding will support the deliv- ery of mitigation measures to enable these proposals to be delivered while protecting the Solent coast.” Among the environmen- tal problems that were being caused was excessive growth of green algae which smothers and damages rare habitats and wildlife, including the Solent’s internationally protected estu- aries, salt marshes and seagrass beds, as well as protected birds. In the summer of 2019 Natu- ral England raised the need for new development to be ‘nitrate neutral’, prompting the NPA to issue a number of planning permissions with a condition that the development permitted shall not be occupied until amit- igation package addressing the additional nutrient input arising from it has been approved. As well as the ‘nitrate trading platform’ contained within the Defra scheme, developers could instead create new habitats such as meadows, woodlands and wetlands – which will pre- vent harmful levels of nitrates reaching the Solent’s rare wild- life and habitats. Debbie Tann, CEO of Hamp- shire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, said: “Nitrate pollution in the Solent wreaks havoc with our vital marine ecosystems, suffocating the life out of our seas. Now, thanks to Natural England and Defra, we are tak- ing important steps towards addressing this problem – en- suring that houses can only be built if the nitrate impact is properly addressed.”
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