New Milton Advertiser 2nd Oct 2020
6 · Friday 2nd October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Plea for inquest into mum’s death
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Search for ‘high- risk’ person POLICE carried out an air and land search for a “high- risk” missing person in Lym- ington last Friday night. Residents were awoken by a police helicopter as it hovered over the town during the early hours, and later that afternoon officers revealed the incident had a happy ending. A post on a local force Facebook page on Satur- day afternoon said: “Last night you may have heard a helicopter in the Lymington area. “Officers were out look- ing for a high-risk missing person. We can update you that they were found safe and well.” 22-month ban for drink-driver GETTING behind the wheel while more than two-and- a-half times the legal limit landed a Christchurch wom- an with a 22-month ban from driving. Susan Ellis (69), of Belvedere Road, admitted committing the offence in a Mitsubishi Colt on Barrack Road in the town on 16th May. She was fined £80 and ordered to pay £119 court costs by Poole magistrates. Village road set to be one-way A ONE-WAY restriction has been put in place on a narrow rural road running through a New Forest village after safety concerns were raised. The Hampshire County Council order, which came into force on Saturday, only allows motorists to travel in a south-westerly direction along Vaggs Lane in Hordle. Vehicles turning into the south-western end of the road had been said to pose a collision risk by flouting traffic signs. Extension refusal appeal dismissed AN APPEAL has been dis- missed against New Forest District Council’s refusal of an extension at a property in Lymington. Mr and Mrs Baker applied for permission to add a first floor to The Sail Locker, 1 Westfield Road. Planning inspector Helen O’Connor ruled that the development would cause unacceptable harm to the living conditions of neighbours. Hundreds raised A STREET collection held in Bransgore for the village’s Community First Respond- ers team on 19th September raised £577.34.
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Daughter wants to ask questions about her time at care home
Dorset HealthCare also got involved, the documentation revealed, and has “cascaded learning” to district nursing teams about the “timely hand- over of information” in relation to the case. Avon View is a 25-bed nursing unit which provides specialist care for those who suffer con- ditions such as motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s or brain injuries. Tricuro was launched in 2015 and is a joint local authority trading company owned by BCP Council. Asked to comment, a spokes- man on behalf of the coroner said Veronica’s death had been reported to the coroner but was unable to comment fur- ther. Tricuro said: “We are unable to comment on individual cases involving confidential medical or personal care information re- lating to a deceased client. “We fully investigated Ms Nye’s complaint on two sepa- rate occasions, working with CQC and the respective safe- guarding team, making appro- priate changes to our care and support as necessary. “We cannot comment on a coroner’s involvement or the respective decisions they make, needless to say being a trusted statutory body they would of course investigate the situation further if they felt it appropri- ate to do so.” mum designation of 260 homes. The planned main access is a new roundabout junction op- posite the existing Brookes Hill industrial estate, with a second- ary junction to the east, which would also serve as a way in for vehicles during the building phase. Overall, the site area extends to 17.36 hectares and 1.30ha of highway land along the A36 cor- ridor, all of which is controlled by the applicants and Hamp- shire County Council Highways. A representative of Bloor Homes and Barker-Mill Estates said they were “delighted” to submit the plans, which were developed following an “exten- sive” public consultation. “We will continue to work with local residents and New Forest District Council to re- view the feedback as part of planning applications on the site,” she pledged. “Our outline application for the site will provide up to 300 much-needed new homes, in- cluding affordable housing, a range of new public open spac- es, road and transport improve- ments as well as funding to- wards the improvement of local facilities. “Our plans will make a con- siderable contribution to meet- ing the housing needs of the New Forest district, and will deliver part of the council’s al- located strategic site at North Totton.”
as heard on
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A SOMERFORD woman has pleaded with a coroner to hold an inquest into her mother’s death – which has so far sparked three investigations into a care home. Julia Nye wants to ask ques- tions in relation to Veronica Thomson’s time at the Avon View Care Home in Loring Road, Christchurch. It is oper- ated by Tricuro Care, which is wholly owned by BCP Council. Despite Tricuro and the na- tional watchdog, the Care Qual- ity Commission (CQC), finding failures in the care provided to Veronica by the 81-bed home, Dorset Coroner’s Office has said it cannot confirm whether an inquest will be held. Julia, who lives in Everett Road, said the reluctance to commit to a full hearing has left her “angered and frustrated”. She told the A&T: “So far three investigations have been held into my mother’s death and all of them said ‘lessons need to be learnt’ in relation to her care. “I want there to be an in- quest. I want to ask questions and I want them to look into A MAJOR plan to build up to 300 homes – more than a third of which will be affordable – on land at Netley Marsh has been unveiled. Developer Bloor Homes and local landowner Barker-Mills Estates have teamed up for the proposal on land north of Salis- bury Road, Calmore, which is included in designated site number one in New Forest Dis- trict Council’s Local Plan. It wants outline permission for the homes, recreational green space, informal and for- mal open space as well as drain- age, utilities and “necessary infrastructure” as well as two access points from Salisbury Road. The planning statement by consultants Luken Beck says up to 35% of the homes – or 105 – will be designated as afforda- ble housing. Of those, 70% will be to rent and 30% shared ownership, while the development will pro- vide a “full range” of housing, from one and two-bedroom apartments to three and four- bed family homes. The statement added: “The
Veronica Thomson and (inset) her daughter Julia Nye
her care. Why won’t they say they will have an inquest?” Veronica passed away in Bournemouth hospital aged 80 in late May. She suffered from Alzheimer’s and reduced mo- bility, and required a constant and regular intake of water and monitoring of her blood pres- sure. Her death was officially ruled as being due to natural causes but Julia wants to air her con- cerns and evidence which she has obtained in a public forum. She has shown the A&T documents which reveal in the wake of Veronica’s death Tricu- ro carried out two separate in-
ternal investigations, and there was a third probe by the nation- al care watchdog the CQC. Tricuro’s reports say it un- covered failings in care plan- ning, record keeping and com- munication, and recommended a quality assurance review be carried out. A letter to Julia from the CQC’s Alison Mesher stated it had also investigated and con- cluded there were “omissions in care and failings in documenta- tion”. But it had also ruled these did not link to Veronica’s cause of death so did not warrant criminal action being taken.
Plan for 300 new homes unveiled
The homes will be built on land at Calmore
proposals represent sustaina- ble development in accordance with the Local Plan and will deliver a wide range of benefits that further weigh in favour of the application.” Those include incorporating the latest energy and water ef- ficiency, high-speed broadband and provision for electric car charging points and improve- ments to highway infrastruc- ture and pedestrian and cycle connectivity. Further benefits will come from Section 106 financial con- tributions to boost off-site in- frastructure and facilities, edu- cation provision and increased expenditure to the locality to
support local shops and facili- ties. The statement highlights how NFDC’s Local Plan sets out planned growth of up to 10,000 homes until 2036 in cer- tain areas of the New Forest to meet “urgent” local housing provision, a low supply of hous- ing, and NFDC underperform- ing against the 2018 housing delivery test. Strategic site one of the Local Plan covers “land to the north of Totton”, and suggests it could accommodate up to 1,000 new homes, five hectares of employ- ment land and the creation of a new primary school. The site is part of that land, with a mini-
16 th YEAR
be? legacy will your
Nancy’s special support for coastal marathon
Your Will touches the lives of your loved ones – and also future generations. If you’re 55 or over, make or update your Will for free and include a gift to a cause dear to you. Your Will can transform lives. Free Wills Month is your chance to leave your lasting legacy . Every solicitor is offering Covid-safe appointments Please quote Free Wills Month when you call a solicitor.
RESIDENTS from a supported living home in Hordle will join their carer for an alternative London marathon in support of a deaf signing charity. Nancy Weatherson was all set to take part in this year’s race through the capital in a bid to raise £1,700 for SignHealth, a charity which supports the mental wellbeing of deaf peo- ple. However, her entry has now been deferred to next year, due to the pandemic, so she has pledged to complete her own 26.2-mile coastal route from Sandbanks and culminating on Milford village green on Sunday 4th October. Family and friends will join Nancy for sections of the run, and her partner, Jon Crouch from The Cave wine bar, is set to host a drinks reception for participants on the village green. Jon and his seven-year- old son Sam also plan to sup- port Nancy along the route on their bicycles. Nancy, a support worker for Achieve Together Deaf Servic- es, said: “I support nine dis- abled deaf adults in support- ed living – one of whom is in a wheelchair and one needs a walker. “Amazingly all nine have said they would like to support me on the day and plan to join me on the last 5k before we finish on the green.
COLES MILLER SOLICITORS LLP Anthony Weber 01202 694 891 6 Arrowsmith Court 10 Station Approach Broadstone BH18 8AX and Ricky Langlois & Kerry Hay 01202 673 011 44-46 Parkstone Road Poole BH15 2PG and Joe Edwards & Clare Bland 01202 293 226 4 Durley Chine Road Bournemouth BH2 5QT and Julie Morgan
GALES SOLICITORS Kathryn Cole 01202 512 227 512 Wimborne Road Winton Bournemouth BH9 2ET and Sarah England 01202 422 622 138 - 140 Tuckton Road Bournemouth BH6 3JX SOLOMONS SOLICITORS Alexandra Livesey 01202 802 807 Hamilton Court House 1-3 Alum Chine Road Westbourne BH4 8DT
01202 355 699 21 Eastbrook Row Crown Mead Wimborne BH21 1HN and Lucy Hamlyn 01202 667 866 Harbour House, Unit 8 Marshes End Poole BH17 7AG
Nancy Weatherson will be joined by deaf students on her run
As Nancy has also pledged to take part in next year’s London Marathon, she has doubled her fundraising target from £1,700 to £3,400. To sponsor Nancy vis- it
“There are 11-million deaf and hard-of-hearing people liv- ing in the UK. SignHealth are the only charity that have a ref- uge centre and counselling ser- vice in British sign language.”
The Free Wills Month charities are paying for a limited number of simple Wills. If your Will is complex, you can pay the solicitor for extra advice. There is no obligation to include a gift to any of the charities. The campaign is intended for those aged 55 and over.
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