New Milton Advertiser 30th Oct 2020
Friday 30th October 2020 · 3 · · 01425 613384
Flaming hot charity run for geared-up firefighters
£1,700 bill for throwing waste from car window
THROWING building waste out of his car window landed a Totton man with a court bill totalling almost £1,700 in fines and costs. Adam Whitcher, of Hay- ward Close, admitted dumping the material at land in Rom- sey when he appeared before Southampton magistrates. The court heard he threw the waste out of his car window along Toothill Road when he was driving to a tip in August last year. Whitcher was fined £500, or - dered to pay £1,126 in costs and £65 in compensation. The prosecution was brought by Test Valley Borough Coun- cil, and its environment cabinet member Cllr Alison Johnston said: “Flytipping is incredibly
lazy and very selfish. “What makes these cases even more so, is that everyone was doing their best during a difficult few months, and for others to feel it’s okay to simply throw their rubbish away with no consequences is horrendous. “My sincere thanks go to the environmental service officers who continued to work hard during the pandemic to inves- tigate these cases, and for the legal officers who secured the right result in court. “I’m also very grateful for those residents who tried their absolute best to find alterna - tive ways of utilising their waste during the pandemic, whether it’s composting, or just trying to throw away as little as pos- sible.”
A FIREFIGHTING team com- pleted a gruelling 60-mile char- ity run around all 11 stations in the New Forest while wearing their full safety gear. The herculean two-day effort was tackled by four members of the Fordingbridge fire station team, in aid of the Fire Fighters Charity which supports current and ex-personnel and their fam- ilies in need of care. Paul Dorrington, Lee Dor- rington, Matt O’Hare and Col- in Reeves trained for two full months in preparation for the run, which was originally due to take place in April but had to be postponed due to the pan- demic. Colin told the A&T: “One of our newest recruits has always wanted to get a challenge of some sort going. “Originally the idea was to run from Fordingbridge to Lyn- dhurst, but that felt too easy so Four smash through their target going station to station By Andrew goldman
£1,000 has been smashed with well over double raised by New Forest residents and businesses. Colin added: “In terms of the reaction we had from the public, we had absolutely no idea just how generous and supportive people would be so we’re massively grateful to anyone who gave us a wave, a toot in their car and of course a donation. “When we finished in Fordingbridge on Sunday, the adrenaline as we ran through groups of people cheering was a real rush – all the pain disappeared.” The team was also supported by Fordingbridge businesses, such as the Cottage Loaf, the Gourmet Grocers and Detection Supplies. Despite the mammoth run being over, Colin has assured people that this won’t be the team’s final challenge, saying: “We’re looking to do an annual event now – we think this will be the first of many. “We’ll look to raise money for different charities too as we go along, but that’s another discussion to be had when we’re all a bit more rested.” dead at the scene. According to her family, Ms Langham, who worked as a secretary and personal assis- tant, had expressed anxiety about the pandemic measures and having to work from her Vaughan Road home, where she lived alone. This was thought to have added to pre-existing worries about her health and wanting a relationship. The inquest heard CCTV footage had captured Ms Lang- ham arriving at Lepe Beach and walking into the sea about three hours before her body was found. Coroner Jason Pegg recorded a determination of suicide.
The firefighters take a breather at Ringwood station
the four-man team stopped at all 11 New Forest fire stations, cheered on by onlookers and motorists. Colin said: “It was a lot tougher than we thought it was going to be. “The physical and mental battle that you have with
we decided to do something a bit bigger.” Run over Saturday and Sun- day, the team were fully kit- ted out with equipment and breathing apparatus on their back, with extra weight total- ling up to 16kg. Starting in Fordingbridge,
yourself is hard to deal with. “We had winds blowing, rain coming at us sideways and you just have to dig deep and go to the end – then wake up the next day and do it all again. But we were all thrilled to finish in one piece.” The fundraising target of
BenjaminMoore ®
Woman took her own life
A DIBDEN woman who died at Lepe Beach shortly after the national Covid-19 lockdown took her own life, an inquest has ruled. The body of 45-year-old Na - talie Langham was found at the popular New Forest seaside location just after 8am on 30th March. She had been a hockey player, swimmer and charity event organiser. It came a week after the gov- ernment urged the nation to “stay at home” to help reduce the spread of the virus. A hearing at Winchester Coro- ner’s Court on Monday was told a post-mortem examination established immersion in wa- ter had caused Ms Langham’s death. She was pronounced
Villagers have say on green space
THE public will be asked for their views to plan the devel- opment of 2.2 hectares of com- munity space in Milford which could host sports facilities and wildlife areas. The site on fields surrounding the village primary school on Lymington Road will be handed over to the parish council once Pennyfarthing Homes has com- pleted its 42-unit estate The Swifts. Already planned for part of the site are allotments, a pick- up and drop-off zone for the school, and a children’s play area. But the remaining area of land could be developed with sports pitches, running tracks or wildlife areas, as the parish council sees fit – following a sur - vey of the village to launch in January next year. Speaking at an online parish council meeting, chair Cllr Bob Bishop said: “This will be a real-
and the parish will maintain everything else. As the landowner, it will be required to inspect the play fa- cilities and carry out repairs, as well as oversee the allotments, cut the grass and trim the hedg- es. Parish clerk Graham Wells has estimated this could cost the council up to £8,000 a year. He said: “Currently we charge the cricket and football clubs for using the facilities at Barnes Lane, so if they or any other or- ganisation wish to use the new facility it would incur a charge – thus producing an additional modest income, not expendi- ture.” The land is part of a site known as MOS1, which was earmarked for public amenity when a government planning inspector agreed agricultural fields could be declassified from green belt to enable develop- ment.
ly positive development for the village and something that we can really get our teeth into.” The meeting heard that the initial public consultation will be launched early next year be- fore the parish council consid- ers all suggestions and comes up with a number of alternative draft plans. Cllr Bishop said: “It could be that we come up with three or four different draft schemes and then hold a further consul- tation when the community can respond to them. At that point we could consider further sug- gestions.” As part of the deal with Pen- nyfarthing, the parish council has also been handed a £182,000 one-off payment to maintain and develop the site. New Forest District Council will take full responsibility for a parking and drop-off zone in a northern area of the plot,
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