New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020
Friday 6th November 2020 · 7 News · · 01425 613384
Warning after driver fined over pony collision failure
Community volunteers thanked
VOLUNTEERS who give their time to the Lymington Commu- nity Centre have been awarded for their “vital” roles. Each year the popular facility in New Street hosts a lunch par- ty to bring all the volunteers to- gether to thank them for their work. The Fowler Cup is pre- sented to a volunteer who has gone the extra mile. Although the pandemic forced the cancellation of the celebration, the Fowler Cup was nevertheless awarded to Margaret ‘Miggi’ Sharp who has gone above and beyond helping the centre including making curtains for the café, ushering for the cinema, bar work and much more.
Second prize went to Bar- ry Clarke who works with the maintenance team, and third prize was awarded to Jackie Holloway who organises the books and assists with fund- raising. To replace the annual par- ty, local companies helped the community centre provide goodie bags with afternoon tea and treats which were delivered to 85 volunteers’ homes to say thank you. Pictured from left are centre manager Rachel Smith, trustee Judy Ruffell, volunteer Bar- ry Clarke, volunteer Margaret Sharp, volunteer Jackie Hol- loway and acting chair Lucie Lewis.
and an agister would be noti- fied. Last week two ponies died after hit-and-run collisions on New Forest roads. One had to be destroyed after being found near the B3078 at Crow’s Nest, near Fritham, at midday last Monday. Agister Andrew Napthine attended. The second fatality was a black filly which was wear - ing a reflective collar when it was killed on Burley Road at Hinchelsea, near Brockenhurst. Agister Robert Maton found the animal at about 9am last Friday. There were two other report- ed collisions involving ponies last Monday and Wednesday evenings but nothing was found in both cases. Agister Peter Rix attend- ed the first call-out to the C10 Station Road, near Burley, and Mr Napthine to the second at Telegraph on the B3078, near Fritham. As reported in the A&T, the national park authority said drivers should consider slowing down from 40mph to 30mph af- ter highlighting that November is the “deadliest” month for ani- mal accidents.
Motorist also given eight points on licence for not reporting crash
THE head agister of the New Forest has warned motorists to report animal accidents after a driver ended up in court for fail- ing to call in a collision. Bradley Hines (21), of Ho- bart Drive, Hythe, was landed with a near-£240 court bill and had eight points imposed on his driving licence by Southamp- ton magistrates. He admitted failing to report within 24 hours an incident on the B3045 at Beaulieu on 3rd January. The court heard it involved an 18-month-old New Forest pony called Onion. Agister Jonathan Gerrelli said: “If you are unfortunate enough to become involved in an accident, however minor you feel it is, or serious, you must report it to police. Indeed you are legally obligated to do it if it involves Forest stock. “Really, this case just nails
Drivers are legally obliged to report collisions with Forest livestock
home the point that there are consequences if you fail to do so – you must think of the welfare of the animal.”
Mr Gerrelli said in such inci- dents animals had the “instinct” to flee even when they are hurt, adding: “We have it happen
when they’ve had broken legs or very serious injuries.” He stressed drivers must call Hampshire police on 999 or 101
Water deliveries after home supplies cut off
ed more than 200 people to our priority service register for wa- ter deliveries. “We appreciate that the el- derly and people with mobili- ty issues or illness are unable to leave their homes and urge anyone who requires additional support to contact us on 0330 3030277.” On Saturday morning the PERFUMERY & CO. LYMINGTON LYMINGTON, 32 HIGH STREET CLARINS LAUNCHES AT Find us: 47 Brookley Rd, Brockenhurst SO42 7RB Contact us: t 01590 623566 e Now you can buy online at Ytene Gallery Contemporary British Art Original art, limited editions, sculpture, homeware and framing. Open by appointment throughout November. company said on social media: “Our inspectors were out all night bleeding airlocks out of the system but if you still don’t have water, air in the system is probably to blame. “You may notice some disco- louration at first. This is normal and usually disappears if you run your taps for a few min- utes.”
EMERGENCY water was de- livered after a faulty valve left thousands of homes on the Wa- terside without supplies for al- most 24 hours. Properties in Calshot, Dib- den Purlieu, Holbury, Hythe and Marchwood were affected by the incident, which began at around 11am last Friday. Southern Water engineers undertook emergency repairs to fix the problem, which was caused by a valve on the water main which had become stuck in the shut position. Although it was fixed by 9pm on Friday, the supply was grad- ual to return as the mains sys- tem had to be recharged. The company delivered over 400 bottles of water to priority customers and set up a socially distanced collection station at Gang Warily Community Cen- tre for those in need. A Southern Water spokes- person told the A&T: “We suf- fered a fault on a valve on a mains water pipe which serves around 6,000 customers. We are extremely sorry for the inconve- nience this caused. “During the incident we add- A T L YMINGTON
One of the pieces taken during the theft
Japanese sword and gold taken in raid on garage
Sharing a gallery of images showing the stolen items on so- cial media, local officers urged people to come forward if they can help find them. “The items that were taken are unique: a large number of small and large gold nuggets, precious stones, metals and crystals,” the post said. “Also stolen was an antique vase, an antique Japanese sword with black enamel and a metal detector.” The full gallery can be viewed on Hampshire police’s Flickr account at Contact the force on 101, quoting crime reference num- ber 44200408787, or call Crime- stoppers on 0800 555 111.
GOLD nuggets, precious stones and an antique Japanese sword were among a large haul of val- uables stolen in a raid on a New Forest garage. Thieves targeted the out- building at a home in Forest Gardens, Lyndhurst, during the night of Tuesday 20th October. Details of the break-in were re- leased by police only this week. In addition to a large number of small and large gold nuggets, the offenders also escaped with precious stones, metals and crystals. They also took an antique Japanese sword, an antique vase and a Garrett Ace 250 high-performance metal detec- tor.
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