New Year New You 2020

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Thursday, January 9, 2020 27


Newbury Weekly News

NewYear, NewYou! Based inWoolton Hill, covering Newbury and surrounding areas

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Thursday, January 9, 2020 28

Newbury Weekly News

Make 2020 the yar that you hear bettr

A RECENT study published in The Lancet , one of the world’s leading medical journals, called dementia “the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century”. The study, conducted by The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Care, noted that 50 million people have dementia worldwide – and that the number is expected to triple by 2050. The commission’s purpose was to provide recommendations for prevention and management of dementia. The need is urgent, it determined, as dementia not only affects the person with dementia, it also impacts their family and friends. Be proactive earlier in life to help prevent dementia later The commission’s 24 international experts concluded that one in three cases of dementia could be prevented if people managed just nine lifestyle factors – one of which is managing hearing loss during midlife (between the ages of 40 and 65). The other eight include increasing childhood education and exercise, maintaining social engagements, reducing or stopping smoking, and management of depression, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Dementia typically doesn’t

Second Move wellbeing suite launched THE charity Basingstoke

“It’s friendly, I don’t feel pressured, I’m kept motivated. I want to keep myself mobile. As the saying goes ‘use it or lose it’.” The team have also considered the barriers of exercising for those living with limited mobility by installing a chairlift at the facility. Vicky Chandler, one of the Move supervisors, added: “It’s really important to us that we engage people living with long-term health conditions and limited mobility, and we hope that the newly-installed lift helps a wide range of people to be able to use Move.

allowed the trust to further support health and wellbeing in our local community. “A key aim of the trust is to provide opportunities for more active and healthier communities. “The new Move suite will help us to achieve this for those within our local communities who previously could not find an offer that was right for them.” The launch follows the initial introduction of the ‘move’ concept at the leisure trust’s Basingstoke site, where many members are experiencing the benefits of power-assisted exercise. Deputy general manager Chris Corcoran said: “We are incredibly proud to be able to offer this facility to residents of Newbury and surrounding communities and are already helping a good number of older adults take part in exercise, some of whom have not taken part in physical activity for many years.” New member Kim Jones said:

Sports Trust has launched its second Move wellbeing suite three months after the first. Based at the trust’s Newbury site, bstFitness on Park Way, Move is designed for older adults and those living with long-term health conditions. The suite boasts 12 power- assisted exercise machines supplied by UK manufacturer Shapemaster. A key part of the ‘move’ experience is the social element. It’s one of the friendliest, most welcoming parts of the facility and members are already making friends since its launch at the end of November. “I enjoy the move suite,” said new member, Kath Huntley. “It is a lovely surrounding and has good music. It is nice, clean and I am meeting nice people. You can work out at your own pace. I love it.” General manager Lewis Freeman said: “The opening of our new Move wellbeing suite, at BST Fitness Newbury, has

likely contributing factors. We can help you manage your hearing loss Hearing loss is definitely something you can manage with the help of a trained hearing professional. If you have or think you have hearing loss, this new research gives you an important reason to do something about it as soon as you can. To book your comprehensive, free hearing assessment call Mary Hare Hearing Centre on (01635) 523 343 or pop in to see us at 10 Weavers Walk, Newbury, RG14 1AL. www.maryharehearingcentres.

manifest itself with symptoms until we’re 65+, but the study’s authors note that it likely begins between the ages of 40 and 65. They determined that managing these nine modifiable risk factors at various stages of life could “contribute to prevention or delay of dementia”. The link between dementia and hearing loss The commission admits science isn’t yet unanimous on why unmanaged hearing loss can increase the risk of dementia. But research has confirmed that hearing loss adds to the cognitive load of the brain, leads to social isolation and depression, and accelerates brain atrophy – all of which are

“We’re really friendly and welcoming and are keen to offer a truly inclusive experience.”

More details on ‘Move’ and other fitness options at BST Newbury can be found at newbury_ Tel: (01635) 701100 Email: newburyenquiries@

Reinvesting in the local community

Time for HARD WORK Join today at or call us on 01635 701100 Terms and Conditions apply.

Make 2020 the year t r you hear better t r Research shows that managing hearing loss may ŚĞůƉ ƚŽ ƉƌĞǀĞŶƚ ĚĞŵĞŶƟĂ͘ ĞŝŶŐ ƉƌŽĂĐƟǀĞ ĞĂƌůŝĞƌ ŝŶ ůŝĨĞ ďLJ ŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ ĂĐƟǀĞ͕ ŚĂǀŝŶŐ Ă ŐŽŽĚ ƐŽĐŝĂů ůŝĨĞ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŶĂŐŝŶŐ ŚĞĂƌŝŶŐ ůŽƐƐ ĐŽƵůĚ Ăůů ĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚĞ ƚŽ ƉƌĞǀĞŶƟŶŐ Žƌ ĚĞůĂLJŝŶŐ ĚĞŵĞŶƟĂ͘ dŚĞ ŚĞĂƌŝŶŐ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůƐ Ăƚ DĂƌLJ ,ĂƌĞ ,ĞĂƌŝŶŐ ĞŶƚƌĞ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŚĞ ĞdžƉĞƌƟƐĞ ƚŽ ŚĞůƉ LJŽƵ ƚĂŬĞ ĐĂƌĞ ŽĨ LJŽƵƌ ŚĞĂƌŝŶŐ ŚĞĂůƚŚ͘ ŽŽŬ LJŽƵƌ ĨƌĞĞ ŚĞĂƌŝŶŐ ĂƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ ƚŽĚĂLJ ŽŶ Ϭϭϲϯϱ ϱϮϯϯϰϯ͘ Make 2020 the year e ar you hear better a e

What can you achieve? Join now and get řďķī ťīĮĴ #ðīÐÆĴ #ÐÅðĴ HALF PRICE .

10 Weavers Walk, Newbury, RG14 1AL ǁǁǁ͘ŵĂƌLJŚĂƌĞŚĞĂƌŝŶŐĐĞŶƚƌĞƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ

Thursday, January 9, 2020 29


Newbury Weekly News

Shape up for the New Year at Herongate HERONGATE is an independent, family-owned health club situated just outside the beautiful town of Hungerford. January free, with no joining fee on all of our memberships.

VICTORIA Park is a stone’s throw away from the town centre and an easy way to get active outdoors. Did you know that as well as play equipment, a splash park for children in the summer, a competition standard skatepark and, of course, beautiful walks along the canal, Victoria Park has a free outdoor gym, which includes both cardio and resistance training equipment? There’s also free-to-use gym equipment in other parks in the town at Blossom’s Field in Wash Common and at Digby Road. Newbury Town Council’s tennis courts at the park have Lawn Tennis Association standard floodlighting. The courts can be booked from just £3.20 per half hour or £44 for a whole year’s membership per household, which means you can play as much as you like throughout the year. Get active in Victoria Park

These will compliment our life fitness gym, dance studio, virtual spin studio and pool, spa and steam room. Herongate also benefits from a fully-licensed café/bar run by the Honesty Group, as well as squash courts, sunbed and meeting rooms for hire. We look forward to seeing you, showing you round and helping you to be the best you in 2020.

Our memberships do not have long contracts – in fact, all we require is a month’s notice and all of our memberships allow you to freeze for up to three months. Herongate boasts some amazing facilities and we are very excited to be launching a new dedicated PT studio and refurbished changing rooms.

Our aim is to provide a friendly and accessible club that caters for those living and working in Hungerford, as well as the surrounding towns and villages. To celebrate 2020 and the start of a new decade we are offering

The floodlighting is only £1.50 per half hour of play extra with the lights automatically coming on once you’ve booked your

court, so you can play throughout the year.

Children and adults can sign up for lessons with our partners, the National Tennis Association; details on the website: And if you’re feeling competitive, you can join your local tennis league through It’s easy to book too, though the ‘Clubspark’ app on your mobile phone or via the town council website: In addition, Newbury Bowls Club, which was founded in 1598, is a friendly, well established and active club situated right in the heart of the park. The season commences late April through to early October and many friendly matches are organised, both home and away. They offer equipment and tuition to newcomers, both men

Get active in Victoria Park

and women on Monday evenings from 6pm for people keen to have a go. You can contact them through their website: http:// newburybowls So, what are you waiting for? Discover your local park today and get active.

Newbury Town Council is proud to invite residents and visitors to Newbury to enjoy all that its Parks & Recreation Grounds have to offer. Outdoor gym equipment is free for everyone to use at: •Blossom’s Field,Wash Common •Digby Road Play Area •Victoria Park






Thursday, January 9, 2020 30


Newbury Weekly News

Regency Park Health Club and Spa – more than jus t a membership

THE Regency Park Hotel Health Club and Spa is situated in Thatcham and is the perfect place to start your New Year. With plenty of free car parking and complimentary wifi throughout, you can be assured that all your needs are catered for. The superb and extensive on-site facilities include a luxurious 17m indoor swimming pool, along with a steam room, sauna and spa Jacuzzi. In addition to the pool area there is a 30-station PRECOR gym which offers a mix of cardio, resistance, free weights and a body tracker to track your progression. Friendly staff members are always on hand and go the extra mile to support the gym users. Offering advice and information, they are always making sure you are getting the best from your visit to club. If you fancy pampering yourself after your workout, a visit to the spa is an essential part of your stay. Consisting of four treatment rooms and a nail room, it is the perfect place for relaxing. Partnering with Aromatherapy Associates and Jessica Nails, they provide you with a top-to- toe service of first class treatments from experienced therapists. As well as a retreat for hotel guests, the spa is open to day visitors and those wishing to indulge in regular treatments. From a quick facial or pedicure

A natural alternative

beginning to associate poor health with what they are eating. Trying to pinpoint which foods are triggering your symptoms is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The Brunel Health Food Intolerance test takes all the guess work out of it for you. The test involves having a finger prick of blood taken at the clinic, which takes less than 15 minutes. The sample is then sent off to Brunel Health Lab and the results are returned within seven working days. You then come and discuss the results with Lesley, who will help you sift through the information in order to arrive at a workable plan of how to implement any necessary dietary changes you will need to make. If you would like to book an appointment or would like further information please ring Lesley on 07709 896140. To find out more information, visit

NATUROPATH Lesley Schofield has run the

Alternative Therapy Clinic in Newbury for the last 15 years. The main therapies carried out at the clinic are food intolerance testing, colon hydrotherapy, acupuncture and deep oscillation therapy. A large number of the people she helps have digestive issues and food intolerance testing can be vital in working out exactly why the digestive system is malfunctioning. Lesley says: “If you know which foods your body reacts to and stop eating those foods quite often symptoms such as bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort will be reduced or go away completely.” Andrew McAvoy, who had a food intolerance test recently, said: “When I first went to see Lesley I had severe IBS symptoms. “Loose bowels, cramping, bloating and wind was a daily occurance. It was virtually impossible to go on a night out because of the unpredictability of my bowel habits. My social

to complete spa days of indulgent pampering, there is something to suit everyone. As a member of the club you have access to the full extent of the facilities and in addition you can take part in group classes, and benefit from great discounts on beauty treatments and food and drink within the hotel. Also, all valid memberships have the opportunity to be the club’s member of the month through the year. The club is a members and residents-only club; offering a range of memberships with no joining fee to suit every need, from peak and off-peak memberships to excellent student rates, and not forgetting discount corporate membership rates too. Becoming a member is more than just membership; you

become part of the health club community family. With social coffee mornings, health and fitness forums, Christmas parties and fundraising events, there is always something happening to bring the members together. We are currently offering our New Year special, to get the month of January free. If you join with us throughout January there is no payment to make until February. As an additional exclusive offer, if you join in January you will also receive three free personal training sessions. All you have to do is bring a cut- out of the advert along with you when you join. So, with the mince pies being left in 2019, let us help you kick start your 2020 in the best way.

Lesley Schofield

life was suffering. “Within a very short time of receiving the test results and subsequently changing my diet accordingly the symptoms had gone and I’ve been fine ever since, as long as I don’t eat the foods I’m intolerant of. “I wish I’d have had the test sooner. It’s made such a difference to my quality of life.” As food intolerance becomes more widely accepted and understood, lots of people are

Regency Park Health Club & Spa

The AlternaƟve Therapy Clinic Newbury

£50 Off To take advantage of this money off coupon and to make an appointment contact Lesley on 07709 896140 Redeemable only on Food Intolerance TesƟng at the AlternaƟve Therapy Clinic

No joining fee and get January FREE! Nothing to pay until February


Regency Park Hotel, Bowling Green Road, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 3RP Tel: 01635 588720 Email: Website: • Top of the range Gym • 17m Swimming Pool • Sauna • Steam Room • Jacuzzi • Free Car Park EXCLUSIVE OFFER! Bring this advert in to get 3 FREE personal training sessions

Thursday, January 9, 2020 31

NEWBURY NEWS ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE West Berks Slimming World members shed almost 3,000 stone in 2019 OBESITY in West Berkshire is on the increase.

Newbury Weekly News

thought possible. Instead of telling you what you can and can’t eat, Food Optimising puts you in control. You don’t need to worry about weighing all your food, counting points or monitoring every mouthful. Slimming World’s highly- effective approach to weight loss is empowering and enabling. Our support – online and in group – is based on a deep understanding of how you feel and a passionate desire to help you achieve your personal weight loss goals – and maintain them for life. Success isn’t achieved by setting impossible standards, or through humiliation. It’s achieved through caring, compassion and respect. You decide what size you want to be and we’ll help you get there. At Slimming World we work together to help you look and feel great – body, mind and soul. Taste the difference… n Never go hungry again. Our Free Food list includes masses of food that you can eat in unlimited amounts, such as pototoes, rice, pasta, meat, chicken, fruit and vegetable – all in unlimited amounts n Eat as much as you want, when you want. n No food is banned. Enjoy your favourite treats every day and still lose weight.

n We’ll support you every step of the way – in group and online where our consultants and your fellow members want you to succeed just as much as you do. n You set your own target. You choose the weight you want to be and together we'll achieve it. n We are so confident in the effectiveness of our weight loss programme that we offer a money back guarantee. What you’ll get with Slimming World n An amazing no-hunger eating plan that you’ll love. n Recipe and menu ideas for every occasion. n Family friendly eating in and eating out ideas. n Our fabulous lifestyle activity programme, Body Magic. n Awards and celebrations for every achievement. n Loads of help, encouragement and motivation when you need it most. n Slimming strategies that will help you lose weight beautifully and keep slim for life. All consultants have been members themselves and have successfully lost weight, so they understand and can empathise with the experience of members who struggle with their weight. They receive advanced training and diplomas in the nutrition and psychology of weight loss. Joining one group gives you access to the nationwide

Slimming World membership so that you can attend any group and know that you will be welcomed and supported, keeping you on track while travelling for business or pleasure around the UK. In 2006, Slimming World launched Family Affair, a unique programme for 11- to 15-year- olds. Young people between these ages attend Slimming World free of charge when accompanied by a fee-paying parent/guardian and with the support of their GP. They follow a special healthy eating plan called Free2Go which is based on everyday healthy foods for all the family and which encourages them to make ‘cool swaps’, replacing high-fat foods such as pizzas or milkshakes with healthier yet practical alternatives. Around 21,000 young people attend group each year. Slimming World is the only national weight loss organisation which supports women to manage their weight through every stage of their pregnancy, from preconception to post-natally. Developed in partnership with the Royal College of Midwives, our pregnancy policy ensures that mums-to-be and breast- feeding mothers can continue to manage their weight in a healthy way. For details of your local group, check out

Jo Wright’s has been a consult for six-and-a-half years, running one group which lost 1,401lbs – or 100 stone – last year. While proud of all her members, one in particular, Jo Thomas, achieve her 10.5 stone award in 2019 and was in the top eight of the district’s ‘Woman of the Year Competition’. Mariana Simpson has been a consultant for more than 12 years and loves how much Slimming World transforms her members, seeing them become more confident, happy and enjoying life to the full and that no matter how much some of us struggle, the group is always there to support everyone. Her her members lost 7,012lb, or 500 stone. Em Watson Stubbs is a new consultant in 2019 and opened up a brand new group on Thursday evenings in Bucklebury. She loves the community spirit in her group and the warm and cosy feeling her members have that makes Thursday evenings great fun for all. The fabulous members in Bucklebury have lost 70 stone since opening in June. The newest consultant on the team, Davina Gale, opened her first group in September 2019 and her group have already lost a staggering 877lbs, or 62 stone, and achieved their first target member. Our generous eating plan makes slimming easier than you ever

Nearly two out of three (61 per cent) adults under the age of 65 in the West Berkshire region are overweight or obese. But there is support out there. The demand for a healthy weight loss programme that offers real solutions to individuals, families and whole communities through a supportive approach based on sound principles has never been greater. There are seven Slimming World groups in Newbury, Hungerford, Thatcham, Bucklebury and Curridge run by a team of six consultants, helped members shed an amazing 2954.5 stone. enable the provision of a warm friendly Slimming World Group being open six days a week for 52 weeks of the year. Karen Cutler has been a consultant for three-and-a-half years and over her three groups in 2019 her lovely members have lost a total of 18,488lbs, which is a staggering 1,320 stone. She also had 159 target members in 2019. Everyone’s target is set individually by themselves and is completely their choice and their own dream weight. Richard Woodall has been a consultant for more than six years and he runs four groups. His members lost a total of 12,635lbs, or 902.5 stone, in the first 50 weeks of 2019. A further group opened on December 27, 2019, and will

Above; Davina Gale, Karen Cutler and Em Watson Stubbs. Clockwise, from right; Karen Cutler, Davina Gale, Mariana Simpson, Richard Woodall and Em Watson Stubbs

MONDAY Thatcham Newbury & Thatcham Hockey Club 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30pm Tel: Mariana on 07765400369 Newbury Speenhamland Primary School 7:00pm Tel: Davina on 07711041136 TUESDAY Thatcham Thatcham Town Football Club 9:30am, 11:30am, 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30pm Tel: Karen on 07483951851 Newbury Newbury College 7:30 pm Tel: Richard on 07412033302

WEDNESDAY Thatcham Thatcham Catholic Hall 9:30am Tel: Jo on 07765275671

FRIDAY Newbury - New Group Sea Cadets 9:30am starting on 27 December Tel: Davina on 07711041136 SATURDAY Curridge Curridge WI Hall 9:30am Tel: Jo Ellis on 07754150789

THURSDAY Newbury Greenham Community Centre 9:30am Tel: Richard on 07412033302 Newbury College 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30pm Tel: Richard on 07412033302 Bucklebury The Victory Room 7:30pm Tel: Emily on 07793 813509

Hungerford Herongate Leisure 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30pm Tel: Richard on 07412033302 Newbury Newbury Rugby Club 5:30 and 7:30pm Tel: Karen on 07483951851

Thursday, January 9, 2020 32


Newbury Weekly News

It’s game, set and matc h Bradfield College Tennis Club TENNIS at Bradfield has never been better and they are The centre offers a great range of opportunities to pick up a racquet and get started.

For those just looking to improve their fitness, the centre offers a cardio tennis programme with dedicated sessions for beginners. This popular fitness class is the perfect way to improve your fitness and have fun in a highly social environment. Cardio tennis is available to both members and non-members on a pay-and-play basis. There are few clubs that can offer facilities of the standard found at Bradfield. They invite you to join and be part of the club.

proud to announce that the club has been awarded the coveted title of Berkshire Club of the Year for the second year running. The award-winning tennis centre offers you much more than an ordinary tennis club – a dedicated team of LTA-qualified coaches who can help all standards of player to improve their game, three indoor Plexipave courts and six floodlit clay courts, giving you an all- year-round tennis experience at a professional standard.

For more casual players, you can take advantage of pay-as- you-play court hire by the hour on the indoor and clay courts. For those looking to play regularly, memberships are available that offer discounts on court hire and courses, along with other great benefits, such as the Wimbledon ticket ballot. This offers great value and includes subsidised club nights and access to tournaments.

Boosting the fitness of people in middle age

A NEW fitness venture has launched aimed specifically at boosting the fitness and wellbeing of those who feel they may have passed their ‘peak’ years and who have come to realise that something in their lifestyle needs to change. Well Fit, a Hungerford-based business, has been set up by former weightlifting champion and coach Marius Hardiman, 49, and sports massage therapist and personal trainer Joanne Duffy, 51. Their primary goal is to take the very best care of your general wellbeing at a time of life when loss of muscle mass and bone density can start to have a detrimental effect on health. Joanne said: “We’re both of a certain age and understand only too well how much the body changes in middle age, how much more prone it is to injury and how much slower it is to recover, how hormonal changes make some exercises much tougher to do and how easy it is to lose motivation altogether. “But most importantly we also understand it is a time of life when we can sometimes get wake-up calls and know something really has to change or our health and wellbeing will suffer. Joanne and Marius will use their unique combination of skills to design training

Joanne Duffy and Marius Hardiman

- Specialising in training for later life - Any ability welcome - One to one bespoke sessions - One to one bespoke programming

“And the technical aspects can even help to develop your mental and motor skills. “We want to help people to become strong and fit and stay safe and well as they age because we firmly believe anyone can be well and fit at any time of life.” Well Fit offers personal training in one-to-one sessions or in small groups, sports massage, help with rehab, basic nutrition and ongoing exercise programmes. To find out more or to book your first session email

programmes to aid all-round wellbeing. Well Fit focuses on building strength predominantly through a targeted combination of weight and resistance training, in order to help clients get fit for life. Marius said: “There really is nothing like weightlifting to improve strength. “The increase in muscle mass means you’ll burn more calories and fat. “The benefits also last longer because lifting weights raises your metabolic rate for longer than cardio exercise.

- Sports massage - Basic nutrition

Book your one to one training session and get your second session HALF PRICE . Contact: @well_fitforlife Website under construction

Thursday, January 9, 2020 33


Newbury Weekly News

Set your goals at Bradfield Sports Complex JANUARY. The month to get fitter, achieve more and feel better. Setting fitness goals can seem tricky after the excesses of the festive period, but we all need to start somewhere. At Bradfield Sports Complex, they believe that in just three months, you can achieve the results you desire by changing your lifestyle, instilling new habits and being committed to a new you. A challenge? Not for the friendly team of dedicated instructors who are with you every step of the way offering tailored programmes to help achieve your fitness goals. Whether your preference is swimming, gym, fitness classes or tennis, we have it all to offer you the perfect membership experience and excellent facilities to keep you on track. The 25m pool is one of the best in Berkshire and is perfect exercise for both individuals and families and there is a full learn-to-swim programme for children.

If classes are more of your bag, Bradfield’s fitness class programme incorporates a wide range of classes from box-fit or spinning to yoga, all accommodated in our large studio and dedicated spinning room, which are ideal for those who enjoy group workouts. The gym is equipped with industry-leading Technogym equipment and is supported by Gecko Fitness, who offer guidance not just with training, but also nutrition and lifestyle. For the more social among you, the team sport facilities are extremely popular. There are squash courts and an indoor sports hall offering

Berkshire Club of the Year for two years running, the award- winning tennis club offers the chance to play on one of three indoor courts or on six floodlit clay courts. Either hire a court for casual play, take a lesson with the team of coaches or join in with club tennis on one of the LTA- approved tennis programmes. There are also kids tennis camps during school holidays for ages four to 14. Are you ready for the challenge? Get the results you want. Come for a tour or a complimentary swim. There is no hard sell, there is no joining fee and there are great value membership packages on offer. Call (0118) 964 4600 or visit www.bradfieldsportscomplex A warm welcome awaits you.

badminton, volleyball, basketball and football.

There is even a nine-hole golf course and Indoor Golf Studio run by resident professional Simon McGreal.

GET A HEAD START... Pay no joining fee when you join Lifestyle Fitness Newbury in January.

Offer ends midnight 31st January 2020. Applicable Terms and Conditions can be found at

Year of healthy growth at Lifestyle Fitness Newbury 2019 was a year of great success for Lifestyle Fitness Newbury, based within Trinity School. As well as doubling in new members and helping them to achieve their fitness goals.” The popular gym opened in Newbury in 2013.

create; a welcoming, inclusive and active community that really is affordable for all our members. “Boasting a great range of cardio equipment, a dedicated spin studio, free weights and an array of fixed resistance equip- ment, Lifestyle Fitness Newbury has the tools to help you hit whatever your fitness target might be. Tania added: “Anyone who’s interested in finding out what we have to offer, just pop us an email membership.newbury@ and we’ll make sure someone’s available to show you around and have a chat to see how we can help you.”

Since then, it has steadily grown to be a vibrant community club, with hundreds of active members and a varied group exercise timetable. Lifestyle Fitness managing director James Lawrence said: “As a company, we are all about investing in the local community by providing first- class fitness facilities and really making a difference to the health of our members, the school and the local community. “Newbury is a fantastic example of the type of club we like to

membership, the friendly local gym celebrated the launch of some new classes, including a ladies bootcamp. Club manager Tania White is excited to hear what the future holds and added: “It’s so nice to see people coming in and actually enjoying themselves. “There’s a real community feel to the club and our Earn While You Burn scheme is really helping people stick to their plans” She added: “It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know all our

Newbury Trinity School Love Lane, Shaw, RG14 2DU Join:

Thursday, January 9, 2020 34


Newbury Weekly News

Enjoy getting active at Northcroft Leisure Centre

NORTHCROFT Leisure Centre’s gym is fitted out with state-of-the-art equipment to get you up and running for the new year. The functional area includes a 12-station Queenax rig, boxing bag, sled, track and plenty of other equipment. Other facilities include a 25m swimming pool, with a 72m outdoor pool open in the summer months, more than 65 classes a week, a sports hall, two squash courts and an onsite café. Northcroft also offers a variety of membership packages to help you achieve your new year’s resolutions and get fit this year. You can get fit at your leisure, you can drop by any time, you can do what’s easy or what’s hard – it’s up to you. Join online or in centre today to get one month free off your membership. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the team at Northcroft Leisure Centre – they will be happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have. Northcrof Leisure, Newbury. Telephone: (01635) 31199 or visit the website at northcroft-leisure-centre

You fit in at You Fit Gym YOU Fit Gym has seen some big changes during 2019 and is settling down nicely in its new location on the ground floor of Newbury Rugby Club. mornings for the members to relax after a workout and get to know each other better.

offer to help you commit to be fit in 2019: Sign up for membership to You Fit Gym during January and receive four free one-to-one sessions. Why not take the first step to a healthier and happier you by phoning us on (01635) 581 900 or emailing enquiries@ or check out our website, Instagram youfitgymnewbury and Facebook page or pop in to see us? And remember: You fit in at You Fit Gym.

You Fit Gym offers zero-joining fee, no-contract membership options which include individual exercise programmes and regular programme updates. With its open-plan gym, You Fit Gym provides the perfect setting for you to get fit, stay active and meet new people. It has ample free parking and also offers one-to-one training and weight loss programmes. You Fit Gym has the perfect

There is new equipment and some new staff members and regular new fitness challenges for you to try. The gym still prides itself on providing a personal, friendly and motivational environment. The staff are always on hand to help and will happily take you through a gym circuit if you’re struggling with motivation. They also hold regular coffee





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* New Direct Debit Memberships only, Minimum 6 months, New Members only ** Exclude certain offers

Thursday, January 9, 2020 35

NEWBURY NEWS ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE New year new you at Donnington Valley Hotel & Spa THIS year will bring some Newbury Weekly News

18-hole parkland golf course Onsite Pro shop 18m swimming pool Sauna and steam rooms Experience

exciting new developments at Donnington Valley Hotel & Spa. A privately-owned hotel, spa and golf club surrounded by stunning parkland, this is a place where you will receive genuine service, great facilities and a warm welcome. It’s the perfect lifestyle destination. A member’s only club with a spectacular 18m swimming pool, aromatherapy room, and all the other facilities you would expect, Donnington Valley’s health club will be welcoming brand new fitness equipment in spring 2020 with the latest advancements in technology. Turn up and plug in for your up- to-date fitness statistics which will help you achieve the goals you are striving for. As well as a fully-trained team of fitness professionals, Donnington Valley offers a variety of fitness classes to help you on your way, from Les Mills Body Pump and circuit training to lower impact aqua aerobics, yoga and Pilates, allowing you to change up your routine and maximise results. Once the hard work is done you can then take time to enjoy the spa. With a relaxation room and outdoor terrace, Donnington Valley Spa is a light, uplifting space with a list of heavenly treatments, professional therapists and a menu designed to leave you feeling relaxed, revitalised and carefree. The spa offers a range of signature treatments, lotions and potions from the prestige

showers Aerobics Yoga

Circuit training Air-conditioned gym Sun terrace Onsite car park Golf club house

This clinically proven, safe and painless treatment incorporates new dual wavelengths technology which can thermally alter the fat cells as well as stimulate the release of fatty acids and glycerol to shrink cells. If you are looking for fresh air activity, Donnington Valley also has an 18-hole golf course that is widely regarded as a hidden gem, set in beautiful rolling countryside and a challenging

6,296 yards, 18-hole, par 71 from the back tees. Although some of the holes are quite forgiving the closing four are regarded as one of the toughest finishes in the country. A range of memberships are available from £50.50 per month. Contact the Donnington Valley Health Club membership team on (01635) 551188 or email membership@donningtonvalley. for further information.

product house of Decléor, the trusted expert and innovator in aromatherapy skincare. Along with Moroccan Oil, GHD and other highly-acclaimed brands, Donnington Valley partners with Delilah, a new British make up collection that is distinctive, yet timelessly beautiful. Understanding that beauty and wellbeing are intrinsically linked, the spa offers a unique

sensorial experience, superior facilities in the finest four star spa in Berkshire which has also been awarded a Five Bubbles rating by The Good Spa Guide . All members can also enjoy a range of discounts across the hotel and spa. If using the gym is not enough for you, then the health club is also home to XERO Lipo – a non- surgical fat reduction and body- shaping technology.

3 Month Trial Membership

£60.50 per month off peak | £77.50 per month peak

• No joining fee • New equipment coming Spring 2020 • Enjoy the fabulous 18m swimming pool

For more information please call Tina on 01635 551188 or email


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Newbury Weekly News

Change habits and beha viours BERKSHIRE Fitness &

Wellbeing has been providing a mobile hypnotherapy, sports massage therapy and personal training to Newbury, Reading and surrounding areas since 2007. We travel directly to the client’s door making our service convenient and personal. We also offer in-house sessions available in the centre of Newbury within five minutes walk from the train station. Our personal trainers also offer rehabilitation including sports therapy and GP exercise referral. What makes us different is our ability to reprogramme someone’s mind in the form of hypnotherapy, which is uncommon to see as part of a single entity. Hypnosis can aid fat loss, sports performance and boosting attributes like focus, motivation and confidence can supercharge your likelihood of success. In fact, many top athletes are now using hypnotherapy to be ahead of the competition. You can change habits and behaviours that have been installed for many years. Even smoking can be cured in as little as one session. As a qualified hypnotherapist, Lee Busby DHP Acc Hyp will help you to achieve your goals, whether that means stopping smoking, losing weight or one of many other problems which can be treated with hypnotherapy sessions Stop smoking n Breathe more easily

Berkshire Fitness & Wellbeing Provides Comprehensive Solutions For Body & Mind

Personal Training, Hypnotherapy & Sports Massage Therapy. We are mobile and can come to you.

In house sessions also available located in the centre of Newbury within 5 minutes walk from the train station for both Hypnotherapy & Sports Massage Therapy.

Lee Busby

n Live longer n Save money n Have more energy Lose weight (fat) n Look and feel better n Reduce risk of related diseases and conditions n Improve sleep quality n Lessen joint stress and pain Control behaviours n Stress and anxiety n Overcome fears and phobias n Memory and exam improvements

n Relaxation and better sleep Sports performance n Improve performance n Overcome fears and nerves n Increase confidence n Adopt a winning mentality You can be safe in the knowledge that you’ve found a professional, caring and supportive service to help guide you to a new level of achievement using the power of your subconscious mind. Book your session now or contact us for a free initial consultation with no obligation.

Sports Massage Therapy Professional Mobile Service For All Sports/ Everyday Aches & Pains

Personal Training • Friendly • Effective • Knowledgeable • Motivating • Mobile Service

Hypnotherapy • Stop smoking • Lose weight (fat)

• Improve sports performance • Overcome fears & phobias • Manage stress & anxiety

Contact: Lee Busby Tel: 07736515281 Email:

Mindfulness Meditation Experience the benefits and help support stress, pain and sleep problems ~ All levels welcome, evening/daytime available, free parking ~

Limited places and advanced booking only! Restorative Meditation First Sunday every month £15 6.45 - 8pm followed by refreshments Woolton Hill Church Hall, RG20 9XF Mindfulness Meditation Weekly term time 4 week block booking £45 Refreshers, tasters, 121 coaching available

*** NEW ‘Sleep Retreat’ on demand *** From the comfort of your own home, 5 day online meditation course to help sleep

All bookings Gillian Ward, BSoM 07840 620731

Thursday, January 9, 2020 37


Newbury Weekly News

You can CHOOSE if you are going to be fit as you age – but YOU have to make that choice

MANY people believe that growing “old and frail” is the natural way of life – just don’t tell that to the aboriginal hunters of Africa and Australia. Human kind is not naturally destined to become frail; we do so because the modern (western) lifestyle offers little stimulus to help us grow and maintain strength and thereby our fitness. Over the last seven years, and more than 10,000 training sessions, we have helped hundreds of local people maintain or regain their strength and fitness through the only exercise routine that we should do throughout our lives – strength training. Research shows that any one can gain significant benefits from the right kind of exercise in a fraction of the time that most people assume, and we brought those exercise protocols here from the USA in 2012. We don’t offer “New Year, New You” – we offer to make you as fit as you can be in this year, and to

EVERY exercise article that’s coming out this new year tells the same thing – Strength Training is a foundation activity for everybody to lead a healthy life. For the last six years in the UK, and since 2000 in the USA, Abstract Bodyworks has been providing the best strength training you can find – routines based on medical research not fads and fashions – a private environment with one-to-one instructors that ensures all our clients, no matter how young or old, how fit or frail, get the most benefit from their workouts, in a cool and comfortable environment. Don’t make a resolution to “do some exercise” this year – commit yourself today to doing the exercise that will lay the foundation for a longer and stronger life.

maintain that level of fitness for the next 10, 20, and 30 years and beyond. That is entirely possible; but

YOU have to make that choice to lay the foundations of a life without weakness – and we can help.

We DON’T want you to become a member in 2020

Because we don’t have memberships. At Abstract Bodyworks Personal Training we are so confident about the results we deliver to our clients of ANY AGE that we don’t need that kind of commitment from you. We help our clients improve their fitness and health through research based personal training protocols and world class equipment in our custom facility in the heart of Newbury. Contact us to book your TWO FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSIONS

11 Kings Road West, Newbury -

01635 551656

07450 915462

Thursday, January 9, 2020 38


Newbury Weekly News




No.6 Parkway Shopping Centre, RG14 1AY Anytime Fitness Newbury


*Ts&Cs Apply. Offer comprises of 1 month free for new members aged 18 and over when joining with a 12 month direct debit or paid in full membership only. Fob fee applies. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Speak to a team member for full details.

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