Newbury Weekly News - May 11th 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Woman took her own life on holiday
21-year-old hadexpressed
‘dark thoughts’ before herdeath
Report by CHRISORD email chris.ord@newbur twitter @chriso_nwn
A YOUNG woman from Thatcham intentionally took her own life while on holiday in Lithuania, a coroner has ruled. Rachael Perkins, 21, had been expressing “dark thoughts” and had created a series of morbid drawings of her own death, the inquest heard. Her body was discovered on the morning of Monday, July 11, in a play park in the Lithuanian capi- tal Vilnius, where she had been visiting the family of her boyfriend. The cause of death was given as hanging. Assistant coroner for Berk- shire, Emma Jones, recorded a verdict of suicide – telling the inquest she was satisfied that Miss Perkins, of Druce Way, had intended to take her own life. The former Reading College student, who had a history of mental illness and cannabis use, had not been seen since walking off from her partner, Edwyn Jaro- sevic, the previous evening at around 11pm. The inquest heard howMr Jaro- sevic had to run to catch up with his girlfriend, before stopping to light his cigarette. In a statement given to the Lithuanian authorities, which was read out at the inquest, Mr Jarosevic said: “At that point
in the body for a number of weeks. No alcohol was found in her system and no other injuries were noted. In a further statement read out at the inquest, Mr Jarosevic had said he was aware of Miss Perkins’ previous mental health issues and talked about conversations he had had with her. “Once she said she did not see any point in living,” he told police. “She had dark thoughts.” The inquest also heard how, after arriving in Lithuania on July 3, concerns had been raised by Mr Jarosevic’s family when Miss Perkins revealed a drawing she had made of (what was believed to be) herself lying in a coffin. Miss Perkins’ parents told the inquest how a series of similar drawings had been discovered in her room following her death. After considering the evidence, the coroner told Miss Perkins parents: “In my opinion, it was very important to obtain this file of evidence from the Lithuanian authorities.” Concluding the inquest, Mrs Jones said: “She obviously thought about how she’s going to do it, coupled with past mental health difficulties, that drawing she did of the coffin and express- ing ‘dark thoughts’. “Taking all the evidence into account, I’m satisfied that she did intend to take her own life on this occurrence and that it was more than a cry for help. “Therefore, I will record a verdict of suicide.”
Rachael did not stop and kept on walking. “I turned around to light my cigarette – I turned back, but could not see her. “I just turned my back for a second and could not understand how she could disappear.” Mr Jarosevic reported her miss- ing to the police the following afternoon when she failed to return to his parents’ home. Speaking to the Lithuanian authorities, Mr Jarosevic had said his girlfriend did not seem annoyed and had been acting “normal” before she disappeared. A previous inquest hearinghad been adjourned in November owing to a lack of information surrounding the death from the Lithuanian authorities. In a separate statement to the English coroner, Mr Jarosevic had described Miss Perkins as feeling “stressed” in the moments before she went missing, which had caused him to become “agitated”. Miss Perkins had previously been diagnosed with anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, and had suffered a breakdown in 2012, which had been linked to her use of cannabis at the time. According to Mr Jarosevic’ s statement, Miss Perkins had stopped using drugs 10 days prior to her death. A post mortem examination found traces of cannabis in Miss Perkins’ blood and urine. However, the drug can remain Humphries Stonemasons are official stockists of a wide range of multi-fuel & wood burning stoves. Compliment this with the beauty and practical characteristics of a hand crafted stone fireplace and you have an individual touch of quality, warmth and style that will add value to your home too. surrounded by a beautiful KDQGFUDIWHG VWRQH ÀUHSODFH surrounded by a beautiful KDQGFUDIWHG VWRQH ÀUHSODFH Humphries Stonemasons are official stockists of a wide range of multi-fuel & wood burning stoves. Compliment this with the beauty and practical characteristics of a hand crafted stone fireplace and you have an individual touch of quality, warmth and style that will add value to your home too. 10% OFF ALL STOVES ORDERED BEFORE THE END OF JULY 2017 QUOTE ‘NEW10’ T&C’s apply Experience a solid fuel stove Experience a solid fuel stove
Demolition workhasstarted ontheSterling Cables tower End of an era as tower comes down
ling Industrial Estate redevelop- ment, will link Hector’s Way and Kings Road. Improvements will also be made to the Boundary Road bridge so that it can accommo- date two-way traffic, with pedes- trian footpaths installed. When the plans were approved in 2015, Bucklebury ward member Graham Pask (Con) said: “This site has been an eyesore for 30 years or more. “It’s probably the worst site we have got. “The need to do something with it is inevitable.”
THE end of an era on Newbury’s skyline is drawing closer. The demolition of the town’s ‘eyesore’, the Sterling Cables tower, got into full swing this week as the site is prepared for housing. Developer Amirantes will build 167 flats in place of the 250ft tower. The new homes will be spread across eight blocks, varying in height between three and eight storeys. A new road, which will be constructed as part of the Ster-
TheSterling Cables tower has dominated Newbury’sskyline Pensioner admits sex offences
two years, but said she would suspend this f or a two-year period. In addition, Mr Smith was required to sign the Sex Offend- ers Register and made subject to a 45-days rehabilitation activ- ity requirement. Finally, he was made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order.
Tuesday, May 2. Steve Molloy, defending, said his client had been mar ried twice. Mr Smith’s first wife had died in tragic circumstances and he had nursed his second wife through Parkinson’s disease until her death, after 48 years of marriage, the court heard. Judge Alexia Dur ran imposed a prison sentence of
A THATCHAM pensioner and member of a local church congregation has been spared a prison sentence f or committing sex offences. Eighty-seven-year-old Ernest Smith, of Coombe Cour t, who attends the United Reformed Church, admitted two charges under the Sexual Of fences Act 2003 and appeared for sentenc- ing at Reading Crown Court on
Onceshesaidshe didnotseeany point inliving
Team leader who swindled £10k is spared jail A NEWBURY man who swindled more than £10,000 from his employers has avoided jail. James Parsons deceived unwitting colleagues by inventing fake customers demanding refunds on goods purchased at the Wickes store in Canal View Road. A team leader at the store, Parsons, of Martin- gale Close, then pocketed the cash for himself and also stole goods from the shop. He pleaded guilty to stealing cash and goods when he appeared at Reading Magistrates’ Court on March 2. The court heard how Parsons would ask colleagues to complete refund forms and ask them to leave the cash for the fictitious customer to collect. He then used his knowledge of store procedure to hide the envelopes in places his colleagues wouldn’t think to look. Parsons, aged 30, was sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, at Read- ing Crown Court last week and was ordered to pay £8,500 compensation to Wickes within 18 months. He also has to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, 30 sessions of a thinking skills programme and a complete a 10-day rehabilitation activity. The thefts occurred between August 2016 and November 2016. In total he completed 65 transactions, pocketing a total of £9,653.51 in cash. Goods totalling £405.46 taken from Wickes with- out payment were found at Parsons’ home address during a house search. Magistrates heard that Parsons stole to fund his cocaine addiction, an online gambling habit and to repay debts to loan companies.
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