Newbury Weekly News - May 11th 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Fuel worth £25 to be won this week THE Newbury Weekly News is
Winning registration number for May 11, 2017 BV03 AMK You can pick up one of the NWN’s distinctive ‘black, white and read all over’ car stickers from the fol- lowing places: Newbury n Newbury BuildingSociety n NWNreception,Faraday Road n CampHopsondepartment storecustomerservicesdesk n MonCheriFlowerstall, KennetCentre Hermitage n ChieveleyMotorCompany Thatcham n Newbury BuildingSociety. Woolhampton n Woolhampton Stores Hungerford n Newbury BuildingSociety Tadley n Librar y
continuing its free petrol compe - tition which each week gives one lucky reader the oppor tunity to win £25-worth of free fuel. To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is pick up one of our car stickers from the list of suppliers (left), displa y it in your car and then check each week in the Newbury Weekly News to see if your registration number is the one chosen. If it is, then bring your car with your V5 registration document to our offices in Faraday Road, Newbury. We will then give you a letter for you to claim your £25-worth of fuel from Chieveley Motor Compan y, in Long Lane, Hermitage. The NWN has been out spotting cars displaying the sticker. If your car has a stic ker but we haven’t spotted it yet – let us know straight away, either by emailing ONEprizeof FREEFUEL is being awardedto a sticker-holdereachweek. ReadersMUSTcheckthe Newbury WeeklyNews eachweekto see if they havewonand contactthe newspaperif theirnumberhas beenchosen. Theywill not be contactedby the NWN in the eventof theirnumberbeing selected.The carsMUSTbe displaying one of the specialstickersto be eligible to win the prize. Winnersmustprovideproofof owner- ship – a currentV5 vehicleregistration
Newlookfora VWBeetle
Drive down retro street A NUMBER of vintage and classic cars were on display in Newbury town centre at the weekend. Car Display brought something new to the high street and it was a joy to see the public appreciat- ing these unique vehicles. Carclubbrings anewshow toNewburytown centre
vintage and retro vehicles. The display was organised by Newbury BID and the Berkshire Retro and Custom Club. Cars ranged from a Scooby-powered Beetle, an Escort RS turbo and a Ford Capri, to the more modern, highly-modified vehicles. Newbury BID events manager Laura Adamson, said: “Newbury
“We would like to say a big thank you to Berkshire Retro and Custom Club for making this display such a success and we look forward to building on this great event next year.”
Petrolheads were able to view the array of retro and customised cars, which lined Northbrook Street and Parkway. Parkway showcased two supercars while Northbrook Street displayed
your registration number to fuel@ newburynews., handing it in to us at Newspaper House in Fara- day Road during of fice hours, or by sending it on a postcar d.
How to claim your prize
documentin theirname – in orderto claimtheirprizeby bringingthe car withthe V5 registrationdocumentto our officesin FaradayRoad,Newbury. We will thengive you a letterfor you to claimyourfuel fromChieveleyMotor Company, LongLane,Hermitage. Prizesmustbe claimedwithin28 days of thewinningregistrationnumber beingpublishedin the Newbury Weekly News andmustbe claimed,in person,
LouLewisdisplays theengineofherMk4FordEscort Series2 RSTurbo
MaxPlester, whohelpsruntheclub,withhisNissan Micra
Still making history our 150th anniversary book EXCLUSIVE OFFER NOW AVAILABLE
at the NWN officesat Newspaper House,FaradayRoad,Newbury. Dolphin open day goes swimmingly
PANGBOURNE-based charity Dolphin Adventure made a splash at its open day on April 22 as it welcomed twice the expected amount of visitors. Visitors were encouraged to have a go at a range of activities such as using the climbing wall, kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding and marathon boating. Event organiser Ed Edwards said: “Our taster sessions gave people the chance to take to the water in a variety of different boats and to reach for new heights on our climbing wall. “It was a lovely atmosphere and a great opportunity for people to discover new adventur- ous activities that are not only good fun, but also improve your fitness, enable you to learn new skills, make new friends, enjoy the River Thames and climb or walk in scenic surroundings.” More than 120 children, adults Man, 58, convicted of attacks on two people A NEWBURY man has been convicted of assaulting a woman and a male. In the dock at Reading Magis- trates’ Court on Wednesday, April 26, was 58-year-old Martin Hardy of Kennet Place. He admitted assaulting Gabriella Slevin by beating her in Newbury on January 30. He further admitted committing the same offence against Niall O’Neill on the same occasion. Mr Hardy was made subject to a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £75 compensation, £85 costs plus a statutory victim services surcharge of £20.
THE world has changed a great deal in the last 150 years and never more so than in the realms of technological development and what is understood by ‘a sense of community’. Wholeheartedly embracing these aspects of life today is the Newbury Weekly News.
Newbury Weekly News
Still making history Newbury Weekly News
and families attended, and the event was staffed by 55 volun- teers and a team of qualified coaches. Youngsters enjoying theDolphin Adventure openday
For details of summer evening courses in kayaking, canoeing and climbing go to www.adven-
Newbury Weekly News – Still making history is an account of this truly local newspaper, ownership of which remains within the founding family since its first edition in 1867. It features some of the people who have contributed to the publication’s longevity, and those who have worked to reinforce its place within the community it serves. Proud to be local, nevertheless at times its reach has also been both national and international. The history of the Newbury Weekly News , its growth and survival over 15 decades, is a remarkable tale of change and consistency.
Still making history
Reprieve for battling alcohol A MAN with a lengthy crimi- nal history was given another chance in court because he was striving to stay off drink. In the dock at Reading Magis- trates’ Court on Thursday, April 27, was 29-year-old Colin Andrew Null of Newtown Road, Newbury. words or behaviour on April 9. Mike Davis, defending, said his client had been homeless and living in a tent but had recently acquired hostel accom- modation. Mr Null told the court he had given up alcohol.
By Brien Beharrell
Brien Beharrell
District judge Shomon Khan told him: “You’ve got a very bad record but this is the best place you’ve been in for a number of years, it seems. “I’m going to test your resolve to stay out of trouble with a nine- month conditional discharge.” In addition he ordered Mr Null to pay £85 costs plus a statu- tory victim services surcharge of £30.
Clare Barclay, prosecuting, said Mr Null had numerous previous convictions and on this occasion repeatedly swore at police in Bartholomew Street, Newbury. She added: “There were lots of people around, including young children.” Mr Null admitted using threat- ening, abusive or insulting
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Newbury Weekly News, Faraday Road, Newbury Berkshire RG14 2DW 01635 524111
13/02/2017 13:08:27
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