Newbury Weekly News - May 11th 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Obituary Isobel (Izi) Kennerley 1983 - 2017
IZI was born at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, and at seven months old was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She underwent numerous operations during her early life, but never let her physical limitations hold her back. She rode with the RDA for many years and sailed around the Caribbean with the Jubilee Sailing Trust, subsequently making a skydive to raise money for them. She attended Englefield Primary, St Gabriel’s and Park House schools and ultimately gained an honours degree at Oxford Brookes University, while at the same time working as a teaching assistant at St Bartholomew’s School. She hoped to eventually qualify as a teacher, specialising in working with children with ASD. In 2010 she married Scott, the love of her life, her best friend and soulmate, but shortly after this her health began to deteriorate and she became confined to a wheelchair. Scott ultimately had to give up work also, to become her full-time carer. In 2014, she was diagnosed with a large, inoperable brain tumour and she fought the most courageous battle imaginable. In March this year, a week before she was taken into the Duchess of Kent Hospice, Izi won the Sue Ryder Southern Woman of Courage Award, which she was presented with at a ceremony at Trunkwell House and
AdultmalewinnerDeanHarriscrosses theline
Fun on the run for 500 Good turnoutforSilchester races FamilyrunnersAriaandhisfatherSanjoo Pictures: PeteHughes
for which she received a standing ovation. This was to be her last public outing. Our pride on that day was immeasurable. Izi was a very special young woman, the bravest of the brave and an inspiration to many. She will always remain in the hearts of those who knew her. CE The funeral will take place at St Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church, Newbury, on Wednesday, May 17, at 11am. Family flowers only, but donations may be made to the Duchess of Kent Hospice.
NEARLY 500 runners took part in the Silchester Fun Run on Saturday. There were two races taking place – a five-mile route for more serious runners and a 2.5- mile family race, starting 20 minutes later. The five-mile route ran along the Roman walls before going through the woods of Benyon’s enclosure and ending at the Silchester Pavilion. The fastest runner in this race was Dean Harris, finish- ing in just over 30 minutes. The fastest runner in the 2.5- mile race was Evan Jerome, who completed the race in a little over 18 minutes.
In total 493 runners entered the two races and there were prizes for different categories in each of the contests. In the 2.5-mile race, the winner of the 12 and under male was Evan Jerome (18:12), and the 12 and under female was Anna Macklin (21.01). The winner of the 16 and under male five-mile race was Matthew Raynor (33.01); 16 and under female was Abigail Hancock (38.24); adult male was Dean Harris (30.22); adult female was Emily Faulkner (35.41); vet male was Trevor Smith (36.33); and vet female was Jane Stewart (41.12).
FamiliesetoffontheSilchester FunRun
Shy crossbreed Branston has so much love to give
AS spring arrived, Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital began to release 215 hedgehogs that were rescued in the autumn and winter. Many were too small to have survived hibernation in the wild. Marilyn Korkis, who runs the hospital, said: “It has been a great winter for the rescued animals and they will hope- fully enjoy a healthy life now we have seen them through their hibernation crisis. “We are now undertaking the huge task of releasing the hedgehogs, if possible close to hedgehogs can be rehomed and are always happy to hear from those who want a hedge- hog to help them keep slugs and other pests off their plants.” The Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital, in Newton Tony, covers a vast area from the south coast to Newbury. For further information please contact enquiries@ Homes needed for rescued hedgehogs where they were found. “We are also looking for suitable gardens where
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when he meets new people but once he gets to know you, he will be a friend for life. “Potential new owners will need to be able to visit him a few times to build up a bond before bringing him into their homes.” If you have the time to get to know this adorable dog before inviting him to live with you, please call the staff at Dogs Trust Newbury to arrange a visit on 0300 303 0292. The rehoming centre is based at Plumb Farm, Hamstead Marshall.
BRANSTON, a five-year- old crossbreed, is ready to adopt a new family. The assistant manager at Dogs Trust Newbury, Jenny Hopkins, said: “Branston is a smashing chap with so much love to give. “His favourite game is fetch and he adores curling up with his favourite canine carers after a busy day.” He is best suited to an adult-only home, with no other pets so he can have his new family’s undivided attention. Miss Hopkins said: “Branston can be a little shy
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Homeless’ tents blaze was ‘accidental’ say firefighters
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in the tents, but added that no one was hurt. He said that two tents had been completely burnt and that others had been damaged in the fire, which he said was being treated as accidental at this stage. Mr Whatley added that there was strong smoke in the car park, fanned by the wind, but it was not hazardous. Firefighters left after an hour.
TENTS belonging to homeless people were burnt in Newbury last week. Firefighters believe that the blaze was started by accident. Four fire engines were sent to deal with the burning tents in a car park under Centrix Software, Oxford Road, on Thursday. Crew manager Ian Whatley said that the four pumps had been required in case there were people
Many congratulations on your 90th Birthday Dad, with lots of love from Jan, Sean and Buddy xx
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