Newbury Weekly News - May 11th 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Vineyard. £45. Box office 0845 5218218
n Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society (Oxon, Berks, Bucks) lecture by Dr Luigi Prada: Magical and Divina- tory Texts, 2.00 pm, Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ. Visitors welcome– £3. n Hurst Singers Spring Concert , 7.30pm. Silchester Parish Church. Tickets £10 from Ralph Atton (0118) 970 0825, Richard Fletcher (0118) 970 0633 or on the door. n (and tomorrow and Wednesday) Art and Plants at Rookery Farm Open Studio, 11am -5pm. Woolton Hill, RG20 9XP. Plant sale in aid of The Air Ambulance. Art by Sharon Perris, Katie Penlington, Julia Bowes and Jan Nethercot. Free tea and cake. n Newbury District Ornitho- logical Club morning walk around the gravel pits at Woolhampton . Meet in the Rowbarge car park at 8.30am. Grid ref 174/SU572667 n Royal Wootton Bassett Brass , 2pm-4pm. Bandstand, Victoria Park, Newbury n Charity Run and Fun day , from 9am. Park House School, Andover Road, Newbury SUNDAY
n (until 20 May) Newbury Spring Festival: various events and venues. Box office 0845 5218218 n (until 21 May) Open Studios 2017: various locations throughout West Berkshire and North Hampshire n (until 21 May) Insight 2017 : Open Studios flagship exhibition Monday-Sunday 11am-5pm, Thursday till 8pm. New Greenham Arts Centre, 113 Lindenmuth Way, Greenham Business Park, Newbury RG19 6HN n (until 30 May) Open Air Sculpture Exhibition, at the Orangery, Shaw House. 11am- 4pm daily n (until 2 June) Exhibition: Knitting from traditional to contemporar y , Old Chapel Textile Centre, Main Street, Greenham Business Park RG19 6HW (open 10am-4pm Tuesday to Thursday and first Saturday of the month) n Craft and Chat ,11am-1pm. Newbury library. Free drop-in session for adults n French Conversation with Danielle Simpson, 10am- noon. St Joseph’s Church Hall, London Road, Newbury (every Thursday) n Live and Lyrical , 8pm. New Greenham Arts. Box office 0845 5218218 n Lady Maisery, 8pm. Arlington Arts Centre, Snelsmore Common. Box office (01635) 244246 n Brodsky Quartet , 7.30pm. St Mary’s Church, Shaw. Box office 0845 5218218
n Book launch: Understanding Hoarding by Jo Cooke, 12.30pm-2.30pm. Broadway House, 4-8 Broadway, Newbury RG14 1BA n (until 2 June) Exhibition: Knitting from traditional to contemporar y, Old Chapel Textile Centre, Main Street, Greenham Business Park RG19 6HW (open 10am-4pm Tuesday to Thursday and first Saturday of the month) n (until 20) Newbury Dramatic Society presents Maskerade by Terry Pratch- ett, 7.30pm (6.30 on Satur- day). The Watermill, Bagnor. Box office (01635) 46044 n Jeff Barnhart and the Harlem Knights, 8pm. Zelda’s Jazz Room at the Comrades Club, Newbury Street, Wantage, OX12 8DJ. Tickets on the door £11 n Art and Plants at Rookery Farm Open Studio, 11am - 5pm. Woolton Hill RG20 9XP. Plant sale in aid of The Air Ambulance. Art by Sharon Perris, Katie Penlington, Julia Bowes and Jan Nethercot. Free tea and cake n Thatcham in old photographs , talk by Dr Nick Young, 7pm-8pm. West Berk- shire Museum. Tickets £5 from the museum (01635) 519562 Thesefreecommunity listingsare publishedwhenspaceallows,in goodfaithandattheeditor’s discre- tion.Forfurtherlistings,see Out& About magazine,andalsotheWhat’s Onadvertisements inN2. The NewburyWeeklyNews accepts noresponsibility forinaccurate infor- mationsuppliedorforeventsthatare rearranged. Pleasesendcontributions toWhat’s On, NewburyWeekly News, NewspaperHouse,Faraday Road,Newbury RG142DW, oremail Thedeadline is Fridayintheweek beforepublication. n Follow us through the week: online at, on Twitter @newburytoday, Instagram newburytoday and on Facebook WEDNESDAY
http://www.parkhous -
Croft andPearcearenotthemselves, atNewGreenham ArtsonSaturday night
for Kids with Bonni Southey, 10am-1pm. City Arts, Hampton Road, Newbury. https://cityartsnewbur category/may-2017/ n Croft and Pearce Are Not Themselves , award-winning Radio 4 sketch comedians. 8pm. New Greenham Arts. Box office 0845 5218218
members of Berkshire Family History Society , 10.30am- 12.30pm. Free drop-in session at Newbury library n (and tomorrow) Newbury International Antiques & Collectors Fair , 8.30am-5pm Newbury Showground. (01636) 702326 n Newbury District Field
Club: Talk on the Coastal Path, by Dave Stubbs , 2.30pm. Council Chamber, Newbury Town Hall, Market Place.
n The Sheepdrove Piano Competition winner recital, 12.30pm. Corn Exchange auditorium. 0845 5218218 n Taste of Spain, Spanish- themed evening at The
n Family History with
n Design Create and Frame
4* Scottish Sensations & Treasures of the Trossachs Inc. Kelpies Experience, Falkirk Wheel, Stirling Castle & Royal Yacht Britannia Absorb the contrasting scenery and natural beauty of
5 days from July 10th
About NWN Travel Offers NWN Travel Offers celebrates 21 successful years in 2017! We launched the service back in 1996 to to offer good-value breaks away with interesting itineraries departing from handy local pick- ups. Thousands of readers have enjoyed a wide variety of breaks. NWN Travel Offers is simply a way NWN readers can enjoy quality weekends and holidays with the added bonus of travelling with other people from the locality.
Perthshire whilst staying at one of Scotlands most iconic and well-loved hotels. Follow in the footsteps of Scottish Kings at Stirling Castle, one of Scotlands most famous Palaces, sail into the air on the unique Falkirk Wheel boat lift and marvel at the extraordinary, monumental Kelpies. We also visit the world famous Royal Yacht. An action-packed tour based at a 4 star hotel! Monday July 10th: North to our hotel in Cumbernauld. The Westerwood Hotel and Golf Resort is a 4 star hotel situated in spectacular grounds with stunning views. Tuesday: We first make our way to the unique sight of The Kelpies, the worlds largest equine sculptures which are monumental tributes to the horse power heritage vital to the early industries of central Scotland. In the afternoon we experience the Falkirk Wheel, one of Scotlands top tourist attractions. The worlds first rotating boat lift is an engineering marvel which connects the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal. We also enjoy a hot drink and scone on board! Wednesday: To Edinburgh for a visit to the Royal Yacht Britannia, follow in the footsteps Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela plus many more including the Queen! The remainder of the day is free to explore Edinburgh.
LadyMaiseryareappearing atArlington ArtsCentre tonight (Thursday)
Puzzles solutions from page 41
Crossword week19
Please telephone 01793 821303 for futher information or to book. Organised and operated by Barnes Travel. Thursday: We spend the day in nearby Stirling giving us time to discover the city and also visit the Castle, one of the largest and most important castles in Scotland, both historically and architecturally. Other attractions include the 19th century jail. We return to our hotel mid afternoon to enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Friday: We return home £439 includes return coach travel, tours as indicated (inc. Stirling Castle, Kelpies, Falkirk Wheel & RoyalYachtBritannia),hotelaccommodationofbed,breakfastandeveningmeal. Singlesupoplement£80.Optional travel insurance£23.
Convenient pick-ups (subject to minimum numbers travelling) NEWBURY, THATCHAM, HUNGERFORD, THEALE
Across : 1 Gaelic, 5 Brandy, 8 Pungency, 9 Trap, 10 Peel, 11 Undercut, 13 Septicaemia, 15 Red panda, 17 Giga, 19 Shea, 20 Primeval, 21 Engage, 22 Scouse .
Down : 2 Acute, 3 Leg slip, 4 Centurion, 5 Boy, 6 A star , 7 Dracula, 12 Dramatics, 13 Stephen, 14 Magneto, 16 Prada, 18 Grass, 20 Pye.
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