Newbury Weekly News - May 11th 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
In aid of the East Woodhay Flower Show and East Woodhay Village Hall PLANT and JUMBLE SALE Wide selection of Herbaceous and Vegetable Plants, Books, White Elephant and Clothing Saturday 13th May 2pm East Woodhay Village Hall, RG20 0AP Refreshments available
LADY FRANCES WINCHCOMBE’S THATCHAM FOUNDATION Registered Charity No: 309045 GRANTS AVAILABLE - FROM LIMITED FUNDS Parents and Guardians of boys and girls resident in Bucklebury, Cold Ash or Thatcham wishing to apply for Grants from the Foundation (including renewal of benefit) should ask the Clerk for an application form (to be returned by 30th June 2017). Grants are made for educational expenses for young people: (i) beginning apprenticeships (ii) for students in further education beginning immediately after secondary school. Clerk to the Trustees, Thatcham Memorial Hall, Brownsfield, Bath Road, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG18 3AG (01635) 868244 email: West Berkshire Community Hospital LEAGUE OF FRIENDS (Reg. Charity 246183) CAR BOOT SALE THATCHAM MEMORIAL HALL AND PLAYING FIELDS FOUNDATION Charity no: 300214 The Annual General Meeting of the Foundation will be held in the Memorial Hall, Brownsfield, Thatcham on Wednesday May 17th 2017, commencing at 7.30pm, when local residents are invited to attend. K. Pitt, Clerk to the Trustees.
Friday May 19th - 7.30 (Great Bedwyn Church) TRIO YORK, JULIAN TEAR violin RICHARD TUNNICLIFFE cello JOHN YORK piano Beethoven: Piano Trio No.7 in B flat major, op.97 (The Archduke)
To advertise in What’s On please contact ABIGAIL 01635 564512 BEN 01635 564597
Dvorak: Piano Trio No. 3 in F minor op.65 Admission £14.00 (Members £10) Children Free
This is your 2for1 TICKET for the 2 DAY
Antiques & Collectors Fair
VALID - Fri 12 May (9.30am-5pm) & Sat 13 May (9am-4pm) or - Fri 4 Aug (9.30am-5pm) & Sat 5 Aug (9am-4pm)
Sunday 14th May 2017 Sunday 11th June 2017 Sunday 23rd July 2017 Sunday 20th August 2017 Sunday 24th September 2017 Sunday 22nd October 2017 9am to 12noon
At the Newbury Showground (M4 Jct 13) Newbury, Berkshire RG18 9QZ THIS TICKET WILL ADMIT 2 ADULTS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 TO ONE FAIR.
Price per person without this ticket is £5 (Accompanied under 16’s admitted FREE)
This offer is subject to all details completed below. Admission may be refused if these are not completed. For your convenience please complete before handing in at kiosk. PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS Mr Mrs Miss Other
or visit: www. iacf offers
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at West Berkshire Community Hospital Sellers set-up from 8am (not before please). Buyers not before 9am £7.00 per car - £10.00 with trailer. £10.00 per van - £15.00 with trailer Entrance by Turnpike Road only. No Traders. No vehicles to leave site before 12 noon For more information please ring 01635 40566 FREE CAR PARKING
01636 702326 O www. iacf DATA PROTECTION: These details are for the use of IACF only and will not be passed onto any third parties. If you would prefer not to receive any information about future events and promotions then please tick the box. enquiries@ iacf O
to download your 2 for 1 Ticket NWNMAY17
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