Newbury Weekly News - May 11th 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
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Gerry joins ECEX as SHEQ chief METALWORK, fabrication and mechanical services
contractor ECEX, based in Newbury, has appointed a new safety, health, environmental and quality (SHEQ) manager, Gerry Merchant. With a background delivering SHEQ in related sectors, Mr Merchant will assist in ECEX’s ambitions to gain the environ- mental management ISO 14001 and the new occupational health and safety ISO 45001 accredita- tions. Replacing long-time ECEX SHEQ manager, Ian Moir, who retires imminently, Mr Merchant joins the Bone Lane company with 18 years’ experience in the construction and medical waste industries. Prior to his work in H&S, qual- ity and environment, Gerry was a paramedic and station supervi- sor for the ambulance service. He still provides weekend ambulance duties at Premier- ship rugby matches; an opportu- nity to combine his skills and interests. ECEX managing director John Grenville said: “Gerry’s appoint- ment will enable us to progress in improving our safety, quality and environmental credentials, adding to our existing ISO 9001 and EN 1090 (CEmarking of struc- tural steelwork) accreditations. “Since the implementation of ISO 9001 we’ve seen a step- change in meeting our ‘right first time, every time’ target. “We enjoy really positive customer feedback from almost every finished job.
TheSORCE team
SORCE team is fully engaged for success
Intranet softwareven simpler andquicker thanbefore
NEWBURY-based SORCE has launched its newly-named Engage intranet software. It has new features and added flexibility to enable intranet professionals to engage their colleagues and enable chief exec- utives to realise real business growth. Over the last few months SORCE’s technical team at Newbury Business Park, London Road, have enhanced their award- winning intranet software to enable users to do what they need
to do more simply and quicker than before. The software is designed and built in-house by a team of devel- opers and designers. SORCE managing director John Nicklin said: “We are really proud to launch our new-look Engage intranet software. “It’s already going down really well with our clients and new business. “It’s an exciting time for us as a local business and testament to the great team we have here at
SORCE. “Our award-winning intranet software has been transforming business communications for over 16 years. “Today, hundreds of clients worldwide use our software at the core of their business and we work with them to ensure their software adapts to their chang- ing business needs. “Our clients range from legal to media, retail, leisure, housing, utilities and transport and is ever expanding.”
and reliability values mirror their own. “I’m proud to say that ECEX is such a company, with Gerry making a great new addition to the team.”
“ECEX works at some of the most prestigious buildings in the United Kingdom, so our clients require nothing other than really exceptional contractors whose quality, safety, environmental
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Clerk to Speen Parish Council 18 hours per week mainly from home. Preparing agendas & minutes, governance & financial processes, correspondence, website and other duties. Good literacy, numeracy, computer skills, ability to work independently & use of car essential. Local government experience preferred. 3-4 evening meetings per month. Competitive salary, pension and home office allowance. Download application pack from Estate Worker wanted to help within a family holding between Reading and Newbury, West Berkshire. The job has plenty of variety and you would be part of a small team working on a family estate within fields, woodlands and a river and spring network. A clean driver’s licence is required. No experience necessary, just a keen, honest, reliable and hard working person, with a view to acquiring agricultural/gardening skills. Salary dependent on qualifications. Please send a CV and covering note to:
TECHNICIAN / MECHANIC REQUIRED Sascron Limited is one of the largest car supermarkets in the United Kingdom. Due to expansion we are no looking to recruit experienced Technician’s / Mechanics Must be experienced and qualified as per industry standards. Friendly working environment. Candidates must have a UK driving licence, be used to working under pressure and be flexible. £30,000.00 starting salary For further details please call Kalem on 07736 691290 / 01189 813000 or email CV to KINGSCLERE MEDICAL PRACTICE North Street, Kingsclere RG20 5QX FULL TIME RECEPTIONIST We are looking for a RecepƟonist to join us for 37.5 hours a week. Previous experience in a medical environment is not necessary, but good communicaƟon and computer skills are essenƟal. Please request an applicaƟon form from: Mrs Win Harfield, PracƟce Manager: or 01635 296000 Closing date 26th May 2017 OAKES BROTHERS LTD AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS require a Parts and Product Support Delivery Driver FOR OUR BUSY EAST ILSLEY DEPOT. Please forward CV to or Tel. David Smith on 01962 794100
ASSISTANT HEAD GARDENER An enthusiastic qualified gardener is sought to join a small team working in a large private idyllic waterside garden in the Kennet Valley, Nr Marlborough. Good salary and conditions for the right candidate. In the first instance apply with your current CV to Terry at
Based in Greenham, Arlington Laboratories is one of the largest earmould manufacturers in the UK. tĞ ĚŽŶĂƚĞ ϱϬй ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ƉƌŽĮƚƐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ DĂƌLJ ,ĂƌĞ ŚĂƌŝƚLJ͕ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƟŶŐ ŝƚƐ ǁŽƌŬ ǁŝƚŚ ĚĞĂĨ ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ ĂŶĚ LJŽƵŶŐ ƉĞŽƉůĞ͘ ƵĞ ƚŽ ŽƵƌ ŽŶŐŽŝŶŐ ŐƌŽǁƚŚ͕ ƐƚĂī ƚƵƌŶŽǀĞƌ ĂŶĚ ŵĂƚĞƌŶŝƚLJ ůĞĂǀĞ͕ ǁĞ ŶŽǁ ŚĂǀĞ ƐĞǀĞƌĂů ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐ ƚŽ ũŽŝŶ ŽƵƌ ƚĞĂŵ͘ Administrator ;ĨƵůů ƟŵĞ Ͳ ϭ dž ƉĞƌŵ ϭ dž ŵĂƚĞƌŶŝƚLJ ĐŽǀĞƌͿ tĞ͛ƌĞ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ Ϯ ŚŝŐŚůLJ ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĞĚ ĂĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŽƌƐ ƚŽ ũŽŝŶ ŽƵƌ ƐŵĂůů ĂŶĚ ďƵƐLJ ƚĞĂŵ͘ zŽƵ͛ůů ŽƌŐĂŶŝƐĞ ĂŶĚ ƉƌŝŽƌŝƟƐĞ ŝŶĐŽŵŝŶŐ ǁŽƌŬ͕ ŵĂŝŶƚĂŝŶ ŽƌĚĞƌ ƌĞĐŽƌĚƐ͕ ŝŶǀŽŝĐĞ ŽƌĚĞƌƐ ĂŶĚ ĂŶƐǁĞƌ ĐĂůůƐ ĨƌŽŵ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ͘ zŽƵ͛ůů ďĞ Ă ŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚ ƚĞĂŵ ƉůĂLJĞƌ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚ ĂƩĞŶƟŽŶ ƚŽ ĚĞƚĂŝů ĂŶĚ ŐŽŽĚ ŬĞLJďŽĂƌĚ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶ ƐŬŝůůƐ͘ ŽŶ͛ƚ ŵŝƐƐ ƚŚŝƐ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ ƚŽ ũŽŝŶ Ă ŵŽƟǀĂƚĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƐŬŝůůĞĚ ƚĞĂŵ ŽĨ ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶƐ͕ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌĞ ŽĨ ĞĂƌŵŽƵůĚƐ ĨŽƌ ŶĞǁďŽƌŶƐ ƚŽ ĂĚƵůƚƐ͘ EŽ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ŝƐ ŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJ͕ ĂƐ ĨƵůů ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ŐŝǀĞŶ͘ 'ŽŽĚ ŚĂŶĚͬĞLJĞ ĐŽͲŽƌĚŝŶĂƟŽŶ ŝƐ ĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů͘ >Ăď ƚĞĐŚŶŝĐŝĂŶ ;Ϯ dž ĨƵůů ƟŵĞ ƉĞƌŵͿ &Žƌ ĨƵůů ũŽď ĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƟŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ĨŽƌŵ ŐŽ to: ǁǁǁ͘ŵĂƌLJŚĂƌĞ͘ŽƌŐ͘ƵŬͬũŽďƐ ůŽƐŝŶŐ ĚĂƚĞ͗ DŽŶĚĂLJ ϭϱ DĂLJ
FULL-TIME LGV Class 2 Driver Minimum of 3 Years Experience. Good time keeping & customer relations. Undertake training if / when required. Clearwise Newbury Ltd 01635 48196 DUE TO VOLUME OF WORK WE REQUIRE
FULL-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE RECEPTIONIST With a good sense of humour and a bubbly personality Would you like:- Answering calls for a range of clients, so variety in your day £16,640 rising to £17,680pa after 6 months Health care plan Free parking or a subsidised bus service from Newbury We would like:- Good spelling and grammar Typing 30 words a minute Knock out communications skills Call Nick East on 01635 573208 w.
For full details and to apply please visit: Closing date: Sunday 21 May 2017 Successful candidates will be subject to a DBS enhanced check along with other relevant employment checks. Tel: 01635 521255 E-mail: • Caretaker (Site Supervisor) – permanent, part-Ɵme, flexible hours during evenings and weekends are available, to start as soon as possible We currently have vacancies for the following fixed term positions: • AdministraƟve Assistant: 6th Form – permanent, part-Ɵme, term-Ɵme only, to start 4 September 2017
/ŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁƐ͗ ǁͬĐ DŽŶĚĂLJ ϮϮ DĂLJ dĞů͗ :Ž ZĞǀĞůů ŽŶ Ϭϭϲϯϱ ϱϲϵϯϰϲ ŵĂŝů͗ ũŽͺƌĞǀĞůůΛĂƌůŝŶŐƚŽŶůĂďƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ ůů ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵů ĐĂŶĚŝĚĂƚĞƐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ƐƵďũĞĐƚ ƚŽ ^ ĐŚĞĐŬƐ DĂƌLJ ,ĂƌĞ ŝƐ Ă ƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ĐŚĂƌŝƚLJ͗ ϭϬϰϴϯϴϲ
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