Out & About April 2017
SLEEP ISSUES ARE ON THE RISE FOR KIDS WHO USE DEVICES. Make sure your child is protected at home and in school. You worry about how all that screen time is affecting your child. That worry is well placed. Blue light from everyday devices - tablets and phones - may cause eyestrain, headaches and even sleep disorders. Why are children at risk? No natural protection The lens in a human eye doesn’t filter blue light until around age 40. Shorter arms, hold devices closer The closer the device is to the eyes, the greater the exposure. Larger pupils Larger pupils permit more light to enter the eye. What is Blue Light? Unlike UV, which is filtered by the cornea and crystalline lens, blue light is the highest energy light that actually makes it to the back of the eye. Our eyes have no natural protection in our younger years. Where does blue light come from? You encounter blue light in everyday activities. Fluorescent lighting, electronic screens (phones, tablets, computers, TVs, etc.), and the sun emit damaging high-energy blue light. Is there good blue light? Not at night. According to Harvard researchers, even dim light can interfere with a person’s circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion. “A level of brightness of about twice that of a night light has an effect.”
It takes longer to fall asleep Blue light, especially before bed, disrupts the body’s internal clock. Quality of sleep suffers Restlessness adds to sleep deficit. Chronic sleep loss may have health consequences including weakened immunity, ADHD, type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.
BluTech Protection. Perfected. BluTech Lenses uses a patented formula to filter more of the blue light known to be associated with visual strain, macular damage and sleeplessness without distorting color. BluTech protection is infused into the lens. It’s not a tint or coating and won’t wear off or fade.
BluTech Wearer Survey 98.2% Noticed "Significant sleep improvement" 99.1% Eyes "More relaxed indoors"
65.1% “Significant reduction in headaches/migraines” 93.8% Absolute “Yes to wear as everyday pair of glasses”
BuySpecs Direct, Unit 6 Pipers Court, Berkshire Drive, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4ER Tel: 01635 293578 Email: thatcham@buyspecsdirect.co.uk www.buyspecsdirect.co.uk
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