Out & About April 2017
Equestrian diary 2017 Your local guide to equestrian events
8th Ascot Racecourse
Festival of Food & Wine Racing Weekend
9th Ascot Racecourse
Festival of Food & Wine Racing Weekend
Checkendon Equestrian Centre Outdoor Dressage Competition Affiliated dressage also running
10th Vine & Craven
Lambourn Fun Ride Hall Place Mini Cross Country 12th Checkendon Equestrian Centre Classical Dressage Clinic with Diane Followell 13th Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials 14th Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials 15th Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials 16th Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials Checkendon Equestrian Centre Eventers Challenge 17th Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials Enborne Equestrian Centre Mini Fun Show Jumping
22nd Newbury Racecourse Dubai Duty Free International Weekend 23rd Checkendon Equestrian Centre Outdoor Show Jumping Competition Newbury Racecourse Dubai Duty Free International Weekend OCTOBER 1st Enborne Equestrian Centre Trailblazers Show Jumping 2nd Hall Place Dressage 4th Checkendon Equestrian Centre
6th Ascot Racecourse
Autumn Racing Weekend & Ascot Beer Festival
7th Ascot Racecourse
Autumn Racing Weekend & Ascot Beer Festival
Checkendon Equestrian Centre Outdoor Dressage Competition Affiliated dressage also running 8th Enborne Equestrian Centre Dressage 9th Windsor Racecourse Autumn Afternoon Racing 10th Checkendon Equestrian Centre Classical Dressage Clinic with Diane Followell 15th Enborne Equestrian Centre Mini Fun Show Jumping Hall Place Mini Show Jumping
Outdoor Dressage Competition Affiliated dressage also running
GB Hay, Straw and Haylage Field Barn Farm, Beenham Hill, Beenham, Berkshire RG7 5LT tel: Graham 07788 584 807 Top quality hay, straw and haylage in Berkshire need a regular supply of hay, straw and haylage to keep your horses happy? contact us now. buy 10 bales of haylage and get one free. please quote ‘nwn’ when ordering www.gbhayandstraw.co.uk We provide comprehensive farming services including advising you on grass management and helping you prepare your fields for the following season.
Over 10 years experience!
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