Out & About April 2017
Give skin a rest I t is believed that the average woman will spend more of her life wearing make-up than not.
7.You’ll feel free again If you have been wearing make every day, then you’ve probably forgotten what it’s like to feel the sun on your face or the breeze. It can feel quite liberating to feel the elements freely on your face, but do remember to wear sunscreen, of course. 8. There won’t be any more make-up mistakes If you stop wearing make-up you will never have that sinking feeling again when you look in the mirror and realise that the great make-up idea you had early on in the morning, doesn’t look so great in the cold light of day. No more wondering of this will work or that will work. You just get up, splash some cold water on your face and go. 9.You can fall asleep wherever and when ever you please You will be able to fall asleep on the couch and not leave a make-up smear all over your cushions. Another one of great benefits of not wearing make-up is that you can also go straight to bed whenever you feel like it and know that you don’t have to remove any make-up products before you do. 10.You can kiss and cuddle your man without leaving a trace You will also be able to get up close and inti- mate with your man without leaving traces of lipstick or make-up on his face and clothes too. It’s perfect for those lunchtime rendezvous, when he’s got to get back to work.
A lot of girls say that they feel more self-confident without make-up, and not self-conscious at all. If anything, letting their natural beauty show, made them feel just great. 3.You would save loads of time Another one of obvious benefits of not wearing makeup is that you’ll get a few minutes extra in bed in the morning. Depending on how elaborate your daily makeup routine is, you’ll probably save around 10 minutes every morning. It doesn’t stop there, though, you’ll also save time during the day, because no touch-ups will be needed and you’ll save time at night too, because you won’t have to take the make-up off again. 4.Your skin will be able to breathe You’ll probably find that your complexion improves because your skin will able to breathe all day long. It could be that the make-up that you are using to hide blemishes and imperfections in your skin is the very thing that is causing them in the first place. 5.You can laugh and cry without worrying about your eye makeup Another benefits of not wearing make-up is that you will be able laugh until the tears roll down your cheeks and not end up looking like something out of a horror movie. No more smudged or running eye make-up to worry about that will mean you can really let yourself go and be yourself. 6. No more stains on your clothes No more make-up smudges on the collar of your clothes means no embarrassing moments during the day and no more hard work trying to clean the stains out of clothes later. You won’t have powder fall on your bathroom floor or counter tops to clean up either.
1.You’ll save lots of money Think what you could do with an extra £10k in your pocket, because that’s what one study suggested that the average woman spends on make-up in a lifetime. Most of us do love our make-up and we spend more that we need to on buying the very best brands that we can, but it could make a big difference in your monthly budget if you were to go make-up-free, even on just a few days a week. 2. When you get a compliment, you know it is about you When someone compliments you on how beautiful you look, then you can be sure that they are complimenting you and not your skills with make-up. While it can no doubt boost your confidence and make you feel better about yourself, it is important to give your skin a break from time to time and to give it the care it needs. You’ve heard of the 5:2 diet, well how about the 5:2 makeup-free routine? Here are the10 good reasons for going make-up-free: In a typical 24-hour day, women will have a face full of cosmetics for nearly 13 hours and will have just 11 hours free from it. According to research, the typical woman puts on her ‘face’ at precisely 8am and spends 11 minutes applying it.
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