Out & About Autumn 2018
Out&About cover story
set up to manage the tower, has recruited a team of volunteers who will be on hand to explain the military history and the significance of the environment and ecology of the common. The volunteers are led by project and volunteer coordinator Tom Davies. With his experience in delivering hands-on learning, Tom will help tell the story of the site to visitors and the many school groups expected to visit. Tom says: “I’m very excited to be bringing Greenham Common control tower back to life. I’m looking forward to facilitating the huge learning potential and social developments of this important historic building.” With the support of the South East Museums development programme, Greenham Control Tower Ltd is working towards attaining the status of a museum. The management team continue to gather memories and stories from local people and those who worked at Greenham Common. They are particularly interested to hear from anyone who worked in the control tower at any point during the building’s history. If you have objects related to Greenham Common that you would like to share you can contact them at greenhamtowervolunteers@gmail.com to arrange for photographs to be taken of the items for the Control Tower’s archives. The Greenham Common Control Tower exhibition space is open from September 8. Entry is free and opening times are 9.30am to 4pm on Saturday and Sundays and from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Thursdays and Fridays. For those visiting the common, the control tower also offers a much-needed place for rest and refreshment. There is a café on the ground floor selling drinks and cakes and pastries, run by a team of volunteers. The café opens at the same times as the exhibition space. If you would like to volunteer to help in the café or to get involved in other ways, you can get in touch by emailing greenhamtowervolunteers@gmail.com On Saturday and Sunday, 8 & 9 and 15 &16 September, you can journey back through time to the 1980s and experience the Greenham Common decontamination suite, control tower and protest camp in a specially commissioned piece of immersive theatre. Performances for Greenham Common Cold War Experience are at 10.30am and 2pm. There is an accessible performance at 10.30am on Saturday, September 15. Cold War experience
Inside the tower by Leon Schumacher
Control Tower 1977 by Doug Conrad
Plane next to Tower 1974 by Derek Hopkins
Control Tower 1957 by Leon Schumacher
Book tickets for all performances with the Corn Exchange box office 0845 5218 281, or online www.cornexchangenew.com Tickets: £8 adults, £5 concessions.
Control tower café
For further informatin visit the Control Tower website: www.greenhamtower.org.uk and Facebook page @GreenhamControlTower.
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