Out & About Autumn 2018
Out&About antiques
A West African tribal ‘god’ vessel, used in worship sold for £280
Great place for a day out The Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford is one of my favourite places to visit as it displays the most amazing collection of objects from all over the world. I particularly love the Pacific Island pieces that were collected during Captain Cook’s second voyage. When the museum was founded in 1884 there were more than 26,000 objects there – today there are more than half-a-million, many of which have been donated by early explorers and anthropologists. It makes for a fascinating day out. The entrance to the Pitt Rivers Museum is through the Oxford University Museum Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW Open: 10am-4.30pm Tuesday to Sunday (and bank holiday Mondays); 12noon-4.30pm Monday www.prm.ox.ac.uk
A carved West African hardwood stool sold for £60
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