Out & About Autumn 2018
Sir Max Hastings Friday 28th September Hungerford Croft Hall, 1930 hours The best-selling author talks about his masterful chronicle of one of the most devastating conflicts of the 20th century, 'Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1975' (published 20th Sept). Three years in the making Sir Max Hastings marshals testimony from warlords, peasants, statesmen and soldiers, to create an incredible record.
Ben Macintyre Thursday 4th October Hungerford Croft Hall , 1930 hours
Ben Macintyre, author of 'Agent Zig-Zag' and 'SAS Rogue Heroes', will be talking about his new book 'The Spy & The Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War' (published 20th Sept). A thrilling Cold War story about a KGB double agent, by one of Britain's greatest historians.
James Holland Wednesday 17th October Hungerford Town Hall, 1930 hours
Following the fortunes of both sides, this is a blistering narrative of one of the most critical periods of WW2, one that culminated in the largest air battle ever witnessed. Award-winning historian, James Holland will be giving an illustrated talk on 'Big Week: The Biggest Air Battle of World War Two' followed by a Q&A and signing.
Tickets £8 or buy a combined ticket for all 3 events for just £20. Tickets include £5 off the discussed book on the night. Early booking for these events recommended. For more information visit www.hungerfordbookshop.co.uk, call 01488 683480 or pop into the bookshop.
Classic Furniture and Style Large selection of reconditioned Ercol and other classic high quality furniture
www.octopus-newbury.com 01635 741671 / 07970 032 640 100 BARTHOLOMEW STREET, NEWBURY, BERKS. RG14 5DY OPEN: Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5.30pm
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