Out & About Autumn 2019
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H ere at the café, we decide what to make for the lunches each day by taking a peek at what looks good in the market. We then think about what we have in the cupboards and our ideas are born. Late season tomatoes are always such a treat, as they’ve had just that little bit more sunshine – especially this year.
One of my favourite ways to use up the juiciest and most flavourful tomatoes is to make Panzanella. This traditional Italian country salad is the perfect way to enjoy them and use up bits of stale bread at the same time. You can also use roast tomatoes.
Panzanella – just proving that the simple things in life are the best Ingredients
• 500g ripe juicy tomatoes sliced into halves and eighths – any colour or size • 2/3 sticks of tender celery (inside stalks) – finely diced • Half a red onion, thinly sliced into half-moons • A bunch of flat leafed parsley – finely chopped • A bunch of basil leaves roughly torn (if you have oregano or marjoram in your
garden add a few leaves for extra flavour) • 8-10tbsp of good extra virgin olive oil • 5tbsp red wine vinegar
• About four fat slices of sturdy stale bread – (if you are gluten free, use a good gluten free bread – we make a really good gluten free focaccia in the café, which works a treat – or possibly boiled new potatoes.
Late season tomatoes are always such a treat, as they’ve had just that little bit more sunshine – especially this year
Method 1) In a small bowl, place the sliced onion with a splash of vinegar and sprinkle of salt. Set aside for a few minutes then drain. 2) Season tomatoes with salt and pepper. Place bread in a bowl, cover with water and leave a few minutes. 3) Squeeze the bread with your hands remove the excess water, and tear chunks into the salad bowl. Add tomatoes, drained onions, parsley, celery, herbs, oil and vinegar. Toss everything together well and season to taste.
Autumn bean salad – a hearty autumn salad Gather together • 500g dried white haricot beans (available from Lonely Lentil) Cover beans in cold water and leave to soak for 5-6 hours, or overnight. • 1 yellow onion – peeled • 2 cloves garlic – peeled • 500g French beans (green, purple or yellow wax beans) – topped and tailed
• ½ red onion – finely sliced • 1tbsp white wine vinegar • 5-6tbsp extra virgin olive oil • 2tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley
Method 1) Drain soaked beans, rinse and place in a pan covered with fresh cold water. Add the onion and garlic. Bring to the boil, skimming any scum which surfaces. Simmer for 45 minutes. Add salt and continue to simmer for about 15 minutes, until beans are tender, but not mushy. 2) Meanwhile, bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Add French beans and cook for four minutes. Remove with a slotted
spoon, and place French beans in a large bowl of cold water to quickly stop the cooking. Drain beans well. 3) When the haricot beans are tender, carefully drain. While beans are hot, add oil, vinegar, parsley, onion and toss together to coat in dressing. The Haricot beans will absorb some of the dressing. Add cooked French beans, and adjust seasoning. You will find the beans need quite a bit of seasoning. Serve.
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