Out & About Autumn 2019
Out&About leisure
OCTOBER Friday 4 An evening of Traditional Jazz, Deanwood Golf Club, Stockcross, Newbury , 8pm
Tuesday 22 West Berkshire Racing Club, National Hunt Season Preview Evening, Newbury Racecourse Owners and Trainers Bar, 8pm Expert guest panel including trainer Charlie Longsdon. Pay bar and raffle in aid of Injured Jockeys Fund. Non members welcome £5. Saturday 26 Model Railway Exhibition, St Bartholomew’s School, Newbury, 10am-4pm Refreshments. Wheelchair friendly. Free parking. www.newburymrc.co.uk Sunday 27 Artisan Market, Northbrook Street, Newbury, 10am-4pm NOVEMBER Saturday 9 Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society, Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley, 2pm Philip Wickens Memorial Lecture: Move over Osiris here comes Serapis – Paul Whelan Wednesday 13 Newbury District Field Club, West Berkshire Museum, 2pm The History of Donnington Grove – a talk by Dr David Peacock. Members Free, visitors £3 on the door Berkshire Family History Newbury Branch, Shaw Church Hall, 7.30pm-9.30pm Boiled cats, mercury and Jesuit drops : Penny Stokes considers your chances of surviving a healthcare crisis in 18th-century Newbury. All welcome. Free parking. Refreshments. Non-members are invited to make a £3 donation towards costs. Enquiries to newbury@berksfhs. org.uk or see www.berksfhs.org.uk
featuring the Pete Allen Jazz Band. Tickets £15.50 available from Deanwood Golf Club (01635) 48772 Saturday 5 Newbury Apple Day, Market Place, Newbury, 9am-3.30pm Bring along your apples and turn them into juice. www.growingnewburygreen.org.uk Wednesday 9 Berkshire Family History Newbury Branch, Shaw Church Hall, 7.30pm-9.30pm The life and times of Robert Tebbot – treasurer of the Berkshire Local History Association Dr David Lewis on the 19th-century builder who became mayor of Windsor and the friend of kings. All welcome. Free parking. Refreshments. Non-members £3. Enquiries to newbury@ berksfhs.org.uk or visit www.berksfhs.org.uk Newbury District Field Club, West Berkshire Museum, 2pm Treasures of the Anglo-Saxons – Sutton Hoo and the Staffordshire Hoard – a talk by Sue Ellis. Members free, visitors £3 on the door Saturday 12 Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society, Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley, AGM at 1pm, talk at 2pm Shalfak: Re-Discovering a Middle Kingdom Fortress in Lake Nubia – Dr Claudia Näser on the work of the first two seasons of the Shalfak Archaeological Mission Sunday 13 An afternoon of Traditional Jazz, Deanwood Golf Club, Stockcross, Newbury, 3pm featuring Pete Allen’s Dukes of Wellington with Ben Holder (violin). Tickets at the door £13.50 (cash only) Monday 14 Newbury Embroiderers’ Guild, St Francis de Sales Church Hall, off Warren Road, Newbury, 7.30pm AGM and sales table. Visitors welcome £6.50. www.newbury-embroiderers.co.uk Contact newburyembroiderers@btinternet.com Facebook @ Newbury Embroiderers’ Guild Friday 18 West Berkshire Firewalk Challenge, Newbury Rugby Club, Monks Lane, 6pm Are you brave enough to walk across a path of hot coals? All money raised will support the Marie Curie nursing service. 18 years and over: £25 registration and £100 minimum sponsorship, 16-17 year olds: £15 registration and £50 minimum sponsorship. www.trybooking.com/KAV
SEPTEMBER Friday 20 and Saturday 21 Dubai Duty Free International OCTOBER Newbury Racecourse www.newburyracecourse.co.uk Saddle up
Friday 25 Afternoon Racing Saturday 26 Worthington’s ‘Remember Together’ Family Raceday NOVEMBER Thursday 7 Afternoon Racing
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