Out & About Autumn 2019
barnes J ><;f 7[ 74 F 79 x Warners Thoresby Hall Fri 27th Sept 2019 | 4 Days: From £419
We know that a break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life is important to you, and Warners are here to help you make the most of it! Thoresby Hall is set in a stunning location, has quality entertainment and sports, swimming and activities designed to help you have fun and indulge. You can choose to do as little or as much as you like! There will be stops in towns of interest on the way to and from the hotel, plus 2 short day trips out to see the best of the local area, whilst still giving you plenty of time to enjoy the hotel’s facilities!
Blackpool Illuminations Sun 6th Oct 2019 | 3 Days: From £219
%ODFNSRRO LV %ULWDLQ·V ODUJHVW KROLGD\ UHVRUW ZLWK D ÁDW PLOH promenade and three piers. The trams on the seafront are the only survivors of their kind in England! We will be staying at the Best Western Carlton Hotel set directly on the seafront and just minutes from the centre.
4* Upscale Cornwall Sat 12th Oct 2019 | 3 Days: From £279
Enjoy a short break to Cornwall whilst staying in a luxury 4 star hotel and spa. We also manage to visit 4 upscale towns whilst in Cornwall; St Ives, Padstow, Falmouth and Fowey. We will be stayig at the 4 star 3HQYHQWRQ 3DUN +RWHO EHLQJ RQH RI WKH ÀQHVW GHVWLQDWLRQV LQ &RUQZDOO First class service all round with a dash of Sophisticated charm.
Gardens Galore - Criccieth Mon 14th Oct 2019 | 5 Days: From £379
Criccieth is a small, unspoilt seaside resort with two bays and from the KHDGODQG WKHUH DUH PDJQLÀFHQW YLHZV RI 6QRZGRQ DQG &DUGLJDQ Bay. We also visit Plas Newydd & Bodnant Gardens. We will be staying at The Lion Hotel tastefully developed from an Olde Inn situated on Criccieth Green.
We have several exciting plans in the making for the FHOHEUDWLRQ RI RXU WK $QQLYHUVDU\ LQ 7KH ÀUVW EHLQJ the opportunity for YOU to buy your very own model of a Barnes Coach! 3UH RUGHU WKLV JUHDW OLWWOH SLHFH RI ¶%DUQHV · PHPRUDELOLD for only £24.95* (*Plus Postage & packaging if required) Call the team to order or purchase on our website. www.barnescoaches.co.uk
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