Out & About Autumn 2021
Saturday, September 18, Woolton Hill Village Market Woolton Hill Junior School, 11am-2pm Local produce, crafts and teas and coffee. Sunday, September 19 Waterperry Gardens Cosmic Choir will be performing their first concert in the Amphitheatre 3pm-4pm. www.waterperrygardens.co.uk/ events/ The choir sings in Sanskrit and English, most of their songs being in Sanskrit. There is no ticket charge for the performance, however there is a fee of £8.95 to enter the gardens. It is possible to use your Waterperry Gardens season ticket for this event. Sunday, Setptember 26 Car Boot Sale & Dog Show - TAKE 2 National Animal Welfare Trust 9.30am-1.30pm https://www.nawt.org.uk/ Bric a brac, books, clothes, DVDs, pet items and pet food are just some of the items that will be available to buy. This event is to raise funds for the animals at Trindledown Farm and is a celebration of 50 years of NAWT. Bailey’s café will be serving refreshments throughout the day, the farm will also be open for visitors. Car boot pitches do not need to be booked in advance, just turn up on the day Sunday, October 3 4x4 and Vintage Spares Day Newbury Showground, Chieveley 9.30am-2pm www.4x4sparesday.co.uk/events/ newbury-4x4-land-rover-vintage- spares-day-1 Set across 25 acres, with both indoor and outdoor stands, there is something for every engine enthusiast or spares supporter. This event is the largest Land Rover autojumble and spares day in Europe
Racing calendar www.newburyracecourse. co.uk Saturday, September 11 Pop Up Pub in the Paddock Friday, September 17 Dubai Duty Free International Friday Saturday, September 18 Dubai Duty Free
International Saturday starring Rick Astley Friday, October 22 BetVictor October Afternoon Racing Saturday, October 23 Virgin Bet Flat Finale Thursday, November 4 BetVictor Jumps Season Opener
Saturday, October 9 and Sunday, October 10 Highclere Fete
https://highclerecastleshop.co.uk/ categories/highclere-history-festival Castle Tours, re-enactments tents, WW2 memorabilia, vintage cars, live music, cocktail bar and cream teas
WooltonHill Market
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