Out & About February 2017
Gillian Durrant visits Soulstice Wellbeing
your body, mind and spirit in preparation for meditation. I felt self-conscious, but I needn’t have worried. Ria Ingleby, who took the class, instantly made me feel at ease and, fortunately for me, there were two other men there – one of whom had only tried yoga once before. Ria is the founder and coach of ‘nourish a better you’, which endeavours to inspire, empower and support men and women to nourish the best version of themselves. We started with deep-breathing exercises and Ria explained how we should be kind and look after ourselves. Then it was on to the poses. Before the class I would have thought a ‘baby cobra’ was a half pint of beer and a ‘sun salutation’ a greeting to the fireball in the sky. I found some of the poses a bit difficult, especially ‘the swan’ I found a bit difficult, and after an hour-and-a-half I was tired, but strangely refreshed. We finished by closing our eyes and breathing deeply again before Sandra made us a ‘greener colada’ – a smoothie containing kale, banana and coconut water. I left Soulstice feeling refreshed, energised and happy. “You’ll sleep well tonight,” said Sandra as I walked out of the door. She wasn’t wrong.
develops cakes using vegetables, including aubergine and spinach. I opted for the chocolate torte with aubergine, which was absolutely delicious and surprisingly indulgent, given the fact it was technically one of my five-a-day. After a chilled hour-and-a-half, I thought I’d better do something and went over to observe a class called Methodology X. As it is a class run solely for women, I was unable to take part, but I did observe. Methodology X is a high-intensity workout created by world-renowned personal trainer Dan Roberts. It combines circuits with yoga and has been used by supermodels and Hollywood stars who want to tone up and shape up. The class is only available in the US, Manchester, London – and now Newbury. It has quickly become one of Soulstice’s most popular classes and there is already a waiting list. Another new experience was awaiting me, however, as Sandra had signed me up for a Hatha Yoga class. The word “hatha” can be translated two ways: as “willful” or “forceful,” or the yoga of activity, and as “sun” (ha) and “moon” (tha), the yoga of balance. Hatha practices are designed to align and calm
Dan Cooper relaxes in the secret café
The Old Court House, Newbury Town Hall Tel: (01635) 47246 Mob: 07880 787 873 www.soulsticewellbeing.com
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