Out & About January 2017

Far left: Romilla Arber Bottom left: Crown & Garter, Inkpen Above: Honesty Cafe, Lambourn Whats for Dinner? Second helpings by Romilla Arber, £20, directly from the group, or plus p+p



Homemade Yoghurt Yoghurt is so easy to make and it’s surprising that more people don’t do it. It is such a natural product and far-removed from the sweet, flavour-enhanced yoghurts sold in supermarkets. You don’t need a fancy yoghurt maker either, which would just take up vital space in our kitchen. All you need is a few jars to put the yoghurt in to set. Add fruit for a pudding or enjoy your homemade yoghurt for breakfast. Makes three large pots 1 litre whole milk or semi-skimmed milk 75ml full-fat natural yoghurt n Bring the milk to the boil in a saucepan. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 45 minutes. n Add the natural yoghurt to the milk and stir it in. Pour the mixture into clean, sterilised jars and keep them in a warm place overnight. I usually put mine in the airing cupboard, wrapped in a tea towel. Chill in the fridge before serving.

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