Out & About July 2017
Method: These are a fairly virtuous treat that can be made a bit more indulgent if you add the frosting. Makes 12 100g grated carrot 100g grated courgette 200g caster sugar Cream cheese frosting (optional): 125g mascarpone cheese
• Preheat the oven to 200 ° C/ Gas 6. Line a muffin tray with 12 paper muffin cases. • Place all the ingredients for the muffins in a mixing bowl and mix until just combined. Divide the mixture evenly between the 12 cases and bake for 30-35 minutes in the in the preheated oven. Remove and cool on a wire rack. • To make the frosting, place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix until combined. When the muffins are cool, top them with frosting, if using.
150g natural yoghurt 225g self raising flour 3 eggs 1tsp finely chopped rosemary
100g fromage frais ½ tbsp caster sugar ½ tsp ground cinnamon
honest about food, what’s in it and where it comes from RESTAURANT ROOMS CONFERENCES MEETINGS TEAM BUILDING CATERING
200ml olive oil a pinch of salt
Whats for Dinner? Second helpings by Romilla Arber, £20, directly from the group, or plus p+p www.honestygroup.co.uk
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