Out & About March 2017

2XU LQGHSHQGHQW QXUVHULHV ZLWK D KLJKO\ UHJDUGHG UHSXWDWLRQ IRU RXWGRRU OHDUQLQJ R΍HU exceptional care for boys and girls aged 3 months to 5 years of age.

Set within a stunning 53 acre woodland and farm setting. Conveniently located between Newbury and Reading. 5HTXHVW D SURVSHFWXV RU FRPH DQG YLVLW XV WR ȴQG RXW PRUH DERXW DOO WKDW ZH R΍HU

Jubilee Day Nursery (full-time) Rectory Road, Padworth, RG7 4JD 0118 970 1600 | info@jubileedaynursery.co.uk www.jubileedaynursery.co.uk | www.facebook.com/JubileeDayNursery

Jubilee Gems (term-time) School Road, Padworth, RG7 4JA 0118 983 4018 | info@jubileegems.co.uk www.jubileegems.co.uk | www.facebook.com/JubileeGems


Knot just your average Knit

� Knitting � Needles & Hooks � Patterns � Crochet � Kumihimo � Felted Accessories. New ranges of wool and other yarns now in stock, come along and enjoy a coffee whilst you browse.

SPRING MARKET 2017 MARCH 11th & 12th 10am - 4pm Spring is in the air so why not come and join us for some market fun with 20 different stalls and great food at the Pineapple Cafe for all to enjoy!!

Tel: 01635 201660 Email: enquiries@yarnfest.co.uk www.yarnfest.co.uk CALL NOW TO BOOK A WORKSHOP The Old Telephone Exchange, Long Lane, Hermitage, Thatcham RG18 9QS TIME Courses for Winter/Spring 2017 Saturday 4th March Intermediate Crochet (£35) 14.00-17.00 Saturday 18th March Needle Felting 10.00-15.00 Mouse or Teddy Bear (£40) Saturday 1st April Beginners Crochet (£25) 14.00-16.00 Saturday 6th May Corner to Corner 14.00-17.00 Crochet Shawls/Blankets (£35) Saturday 13th May Beginners Crochet (£25) 14.00-16.00 Saturday 3rd June Intermediate Crochet (£35) 14.00-17.00 Sunday 30th July Summer Open Day and Craft Fair - Book a Table Ring Sue for details watch Facebook & Web for our special offers DATE COURSE

Lower Way Farm Thatcham RG19 3TL F: facebook.com/pineapple.arts T: @pineapplearts14


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