Out & About May 2017
ARE YOU A LOCAL AUTHOR? Would you like the opportunity to promote your book in Finding Love on a Farm Trudy Smith
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All’swell that endswell. From thebeginningwe know thatTrudySmith has an amazingdaughter and apassion for life. Remembering thismakes it easier to readof the trials, injustices and abuses shewent through inher life. Andyetmypast still weighedheavily and draggedmedown… andkeptme there, because itwasnever far away.
West Berkshire, North Hampshire & East Wiltshire
From £225 + vat we will have an advertorial space available next to the Book Page where you can tell your story. If you would like more information please contact Abigail 01635 886612 One advertorial position per month Please note we do not review the book Subject to availability
Smith allows the reader tomeanderwithher through her life against abackdropof theSouthAfricanveldwith colourful imagery anddescriptiveprowess.We allhave somuch to learn,notonly fromourownpast,but from the livesofothers.To take comfort and strength from the success andhappinessof thosewhohave struggled and won.Herdebutnovel is a reflective lookbackoverher life inSouthAfrica. It still resonates todayon apersonal and global level.There is something for everyone to take away fromSmith’sdebutnovel.
“I lived in Newbury for about ten years and thoroughly enjoyed walking in the countryside and along the river. I was so fascinated that it went through the town and couldn’t resist feeding the swans and ducks. Retirement came around suddenly, and it was then that I decided to gather all my thoughts I’d stored for a lifetime and write my memoirs.”
Biography: Trudy Smith was born in Pretoria and lived the majority of her life in South Africa. In this, her first novel of a trilogy, Smith paints a portraitof life inSouthAfrica in the1970s.As readerswe canpicture the landscapeandalmosthear thewildlifeasweare transportedback to a different time and place, into Trudy’s childhood and early life. Now living in London, Smith is retired from a career in the cosmetic industry, and has time to reflect on a life filledwithuncertainty and self-doubt. There is something for everyone to take away from this thought-provokingand evocativedebutnovel. 186pages, ISBN978-3-99048-805-8 £13.30 Trudy’sbook ‘FindingLoveonaFarm’ isavailable fromAmazonandwww.novum-publishers.co.uk
Call 01488 682847 for more information or visit our showroom in Hungerford to see our extensive range of multi-fuel & wood burning stoves. www.humphries-stonemasons.co.uk
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Thinking of Joining a Golf Club? Come to our Open Day and access all areas of the Golf Club including the chance to play the picturesque and challenging closing 5 holes of our course for FREE. 8VH WKH FOXEKRXVH VDPSOH WKH IRRG PHHW NH\ RIæFHUV RI WKH &OXE LQFOXGLQJ WKH Captains, Committee and a mix of members. Everyone is welcome whether you already play the game or are new to golf. Come and see why Newbury & Crookham is ‘The Club for Everyone’ Try out the new swing analysis technology ‘TrackMan’ with our PGA Pro’s and grab a quick lesson in the brand new ‘state-of-the-art’ Swing Studio. There will be lots of fun competitions such as chipping & putting and incentives to join on the day. Just turn up from 1pm, or register your interest on our Facebook page or website; or call 01635 40035 or email Gareth.Williams@newburygolf.co.uk Come and join us from 1pm Saturday May 6 th 2017
We look forward to welcoming you newburygolf.co.uk
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