Out & About September 2017

OA fitness

When it comes to wanting to adopt a healthier lifestyle you are not alone and VICKI BROWN suggest various ways you could find a support network – whether it’s one exercise buddy or a group of like-minded individuals – to get you motivated Team workout

I saw a post the other day online and it got me thinking. It was a post looking for a workout buddy. This person knew what they should be eating and what exercise they should be doing, but even with this knowledge, they needed help. They were looking for a workout buddy, because sometimes all someone needs is a little encouragement to stay on track. A goal can seem extremely daunting and overwhelming if you feel alone when starting out, so having someone to encourage you and who you can encourage back is a great idea. HOWTO FINDYOURSELF A BUDDY The first thing worth trying is asking those close to you – family, friends and work colleagues – to see if any of them would like to work with you to achieve a goal. Even if your goals are not exactly the same, you could still meet up and go for walks, go to an exercise class or attend the gym together. They will be a great support for you and you for them. Going it alone, it is easy to say ‘Oh I won’t bother today’, whereas when someone else is relying on you, you are much less likely to cancel. This is a great way to maintain continuity and support each other when you feel like you want to give up or are just having a tough day. If you can’t find someone close by to buddy up with, you can look further afield, and you just might make a new friend at the same time.

THE INTERNET CAN BE A GREAT HELP Look for local community groups that you can post on, asking for someone who would like to team up – chances are you will be inundated with those who are in exactly the same boat as you. When you think you’re on your own, asking for help can make you feel much better, when you realise that actually lots of other people feel that way too. If there is a class that you want to attend, sign up and go. I completely understand how intimidating it can seem, but remember everyone was new once. Once you get chatting to people, you may make some friends with similar goals and again you will benefit from the support network, which should encourage you to go back each week. JOIN A CLUB OR GROUP TO GETYOU STARTED AND KEEPYOU ON TRACK There are so many clubs around: running, cycling, walking, martial arts etc. These can make you feel part of a team and are fantastic for giving guidance. So often when you want to start out, particularly cycling or walking, you can be unsure of which routes to take or you may be wary of going somewhere on your own. This is understandable, which is why joining a club can calm those nerves and get you motivated. Every town seems to have a list as long as

your arm of various groups, so have a search for your desired interest and get in touch with them. Chances are you will be welcomed with open arms by a friendly and encouraging bunch of people. Just what’s needed when you need focus and support. WORKING ALONEWITH SUPPORT Some people need support, but like to work alone – if that’s you it might be be to consider getting a personal trainer to give them some guidance. Having someone to be held accountable to can make a big difference. Many people have an idea what they need to do, but still need help to discipline themselves and make better choices. So get out there and find yourself a keep fit buddy or a support group to kickstart your way towards your target. Give it a try and see how much easier it can be to stick to your goals.

Personal trainer Vicki Brown is the founder of LiveFitNow, based in Wash Common. For a free consultation, more information and links to online home fitness videos, visit: www.LiveFitNow.co.uk


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