Out & About Spring 2018
HOW TO... In the first of a regular series on how to make your own craft items or learn the basics of new skills, MARTIN BAKKER from Hungerford florists Martin and the Magpie shows you how to make a terrarium-inspired spring planter
What do you need: n Potted bulbs like narcissi or muscari. In this case we have used lily of the valley ( Convallaria majalis ) n A glass vessel that could work as a terrarium n Soil or compost n Moss n Decorative stones or pebbles
Terrarium: a transparent globe or similar container in which plants are grown
n First we put a layer of decorative stones in the bottom of the vessel Not only does this look decorative, it also doubles up as drainage n Next we add a layer of soil or compost n Make sure it’s deep enough for the bulbs to go in
Martin and the Magpie, 120 High Street, Hungerford, RG17 0LU. Telephone: 01488 681062 www.martinandthemagpie.co.uk
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