Out & About Spring 2019


5 Apply the wings to each side of the egg shape – just push them into place and smooth with your fingers. The clay sticks to itself nicely. Add the beak and comb.

4 Push in eyes (if using).

7 Alternatively, push a small hanger into the top of the chicken’s head for a hanging ornament. 8 Leave to dry. Clay dries to touch-dry within a couple of hours, but it is best to leave for 24 hours to ensure it is thoroughly dried. If adding features with felt pens, ensure clay is completely dry before doing so

6 Push wire legs well into the polystyrene. Adjust until chicken will stand.

F iona Crooks Smith is co-founder and owner of Rainbows of Newbury, an arts and crafts supply shop in Inch’s Yard. Rainbows is a treasure trove of crafting goodies selling a multitude of yumminess, including decopatch supplies, DMC embroidery threads, King Cole knitting yarns and patterns, Decoart paints and mediums, Gutermann sewing threads, ribbons and braids, buttons, general haberdashery, beads, jewellery-making supplies, foam and silk clay and other modelling mediums, polystyrene, maché and wooden shapes and objects to decorate, and SO much more.

Fiona arranges both children’s and grown-up crafting parties, and ad hoc workshops and taster sessions on decopatch, basic jewellery making, needle and wet felting, block printing, mixed media paints and mediums, learn to knit sessions and much more. ‘It is always worth asking’

9 Inch’s Yard, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5DP rainbowsofnewbury@gmail.com 01635 34180 Facebook Instagram Twitter


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