Out & About Summer 2018

It’s never too EARLY to start improving your health and fitness An Interview with Jeff Turner – Abstract Bodyworks ® Founder Jeff Turner, founder of Abstract Bodyworks, visited the sister gym Abstract Bodyworks Newbury early in May 2018, to share some of the latest thinking about Age Defying Exercise, meet some UK clients, and spend some time with his friends and colleagues, Stephen & Pat McKinnon. While he was here he sat down for an informal chat with Stephen. Below are some of the key points that came out during that conversation. A Healthy Body Journey SM: So what are the exercise principles you use today that allow you to stay so �it and healthy in such little time? JT: Abstract Bodyworks developed these exercise methods to exploit the natural wound/heal capacity of the human body. SM: “wound/heal” sounds dangerous – what does it involve? The Future of Exercise SM: What is the next thing in exercise? JT: Maybe nothing! Our training is based on how the human body, any human body, can regain strength. If something comes along that is better then we’d switch in a heartbeat, because all we are about is getting our clients to be FITTER so they can do what they want. At Abstract Bodyworks we try to work with leading industry thinkers , and right now I’m collaborating with Dr Ellington Darden on a new book he is writing, which is very exciting. But you’ve worked with some key researchers too right?

JT: For exercise, any exercise, to have a positive impact on the human body it has to stimulate the muscles up to the point where they are forced to respond – the “wound” is the stimulus and the “heal” is the response. SM: So how do you achieve that at Abstract Bodyworks? JT: We have combined a variety of leading edge systems into our unique exercise protocols. In no particular priority: Personalized Exercise: each client is not only trained 1to1, but the speci�ics of their routines are created to address their unique capabilities and needs. Exercise Equipment: many people, including the old me, think that free weights are the best way to go, but we are all wrong. By using world class, purpose designed, exercise machines we can make workouts safer and more effective, as well as making them more ef�icient in time. Meticulous Progress Tracking: each workout a client does is documented (by their trainer) so there are objective measures about how clients are progressing. Progress is clear, and any plateaux can be examined to understand if there is a roadblock or just a pause on their journey. There are many more bene�icial features of Abstract Bodyworks exercise – like the cool, private environment – but the best way for people to �ind out more is to take advantage of the two free trial sessions available to everyone.

SM: Yes; we’ve done a couple of research projects with Drs James Fisher and James Steele of Southampton Solent University and had them both published in peer - reviewed journals, not the kind of thing that most gyms can boast of! So what of the future for you and our clients?

A Body Builders Beginning Stephen McKinnon (SM): Jeff, you started off years ago as a natural body builder - can you explain why you took that path? Jeff Turner (JT): Well I made that decision initially because of my genetics; I found that I had the capability to gain muscle size easily. Now that isn’t a good or bad thing, it just is, and I couldn’t change it if I tried! SM: So you started because it was EASY! JT: That’s right. At the age of 18 I decided to become a natural body builder (without the use of drugs or supplements), which involved two hours a day, six days a week at the gym, resulting in no spare time. SM: And are you still training like that? JT: NO! I did that for about 6 years, until I was introduced to Arthur Jones and the Nautilus and SuperSlow® training methods, which are the foundation of what we do at Abstract Bodyworks. Because of that I brought my commitment down from 15 hours over six days to two 8 minute sessions per week – and I’m stronger now at almost 60 than I was when I was 25!

JT: We hope to continue to deliver one key bene�it – FREEDOM. Good exercise creates a positive response in a safe, effective and TIME ef�icient manner, and that gives our clients two fantastic freedoms – the �irst is freedom from frailty with their new healthy, �itter bodies, and the second is free time, liberated from all the hours they used to waste in gym - like I used to!

See adver�sement opposite for details of how to book your two free sessions. Quote O&AQ22018 for a free gi�

© Abstract Bodyworks UK Ltd, 2018


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