Out & About Summer 2021

Out&About wellbeing

Five simple ways to look after your mental health and wellbeing Mental health and wellbeing is about how we think, feel and act. It’s about how we handle stress and relate to others. Mental health can also mean having a mental health condition that affects thinking, mood and behaviour. Mental health and wellbeing has worsened during the pandemic and it’s normal to feel anxious, scared or worried about coronavirus, so here are some techniques to help you if you are struggling

We know that social relationships act as a buffer against mental ill health. Feeling close and being valued by others is a fundamental human need which is why it is important for people to connect with others. You can stay in touch with friends and family by phone, email, video message and post. Understandably, you may find that social distancing can be boring or frustrating. Learning and working towards a goal helps improve self-esteem, confidence and feelings of satisfaction. Newbury College has digital and distance learning available. We can experience feelings of anxiety and worry about the unknown or what will come, which can overwhelm us. It’s really important to be present and live in the moment, and not think too far into the future. This could include things like trying a different place for lunch, taking a walk outside or practicing mindfulness techniques.

To strengthen your own personal resilience and reduce stress during this period of uncertainty, build the five ways to wellbeing into your daily routine, as this will help you to feel a bit more able to cope and more able to support your family and friends. Being physically active can help improve our mental health and wellbeing but remember you might not be in the right head- space to do an intense workout. A small amount of exercise, even 10 minutes can make a difference, such as going up and down the stairs, using bean tins as weights or accessing an online exercise video. Try talking to your GP about a referral for exercise if you need more support. Helping, sharing, giving and volunteering are associated with increased sense of self worth, positive feelings and experience more meaning in life. There are vulnerable people in our communities who continue to need our support throughout the pandemic. Giving to others improves wellbeing and can

help build new networks. This might be from giving

something small like a thank you or word of encouragement volunteering for a local charity.

You can find out more about orgnisations and advice available to you visit https://info.westberks.gov.uk/publichealth



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