Out & About Summer 2021
Win family tickets to Blenheim Palace and Bletchley Park Out & About competitions
The historic World Heritage Site Blenheim Palace has been home to the Dukes of Marlborough since 1704 and is the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill. New for 2021, the Palace’s historic stable block has been transformed into an immersive experience showcasing the importance of horses at Blenheim through the centuries. Features of the Stables exhibition include a re-creation of the tack room, the stable office and an area where live horse displays can take place, as well as the chance to dress up and attempt to ride side-saddle. Take the Miniature Train
To be in with a chance of winning a family ticket for two adults and two children, please answer the following question: Which Prime Minister was born at Blenheim Palace? a) David Lloyd George b) Sir Winston Churchill c) Sir Anthony Eden
from the Palace for a little adventure in the Walled Garden and explore the Butterfly House and Marlborough Maze. The small play area is open for little ones to enjoy, with the Pizza Café serving refreshments on the outdoor terrace for a much needed snack. The magnificent Formal Gardens and Park also provide a stunning setting for the variety of cultural
and sporting events on offer throughout the year. To complete the perfect day out, Blenheim Palace serves fabulous British food sourced locally and made fresh on site every day, with something to tempt everyone. www.blenheimpalace.com
Blenheim Palace ts&cs: Prize includes a Family ticket for 2 adults & 2 children to visit Blenheim Palace, Parkland & Gardens; visits must be pre- booked online at www. blenheimpalace.com; prize tickets must be presented on arrival at Blenheim Palace; prize is valid until Nov 17, 2021 and can be converted on your first visit to a free Annual Pass, allowing entry to Blenheim Palace, Parkland and Gardens for up to 12 months from conversion; entry to externally organised events is not included in an Annual Pass; prizes are not transferable and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer; travel costs are not included; there are no cash alternatives.
Visit the home of the Second World War
to outwit their enemy. Bletchley Park is a vast country estate steeped in history where you can immerse yourself in the lives of the people who worked so hard to bring the war to an end, including Alan Turing, whose contribution in breaking
the Enigma code changed the course of the war. With plenty of exhibitions and interactive activities and extensive grounds to sit and picnic, a visit to Bletchley Park provides a unique insight into one of the nation’s best kept wartime secrets.
codebreakers and discover how they contributed to the outcome of the conflict. Walk through the extensive blocks where thousands of personnel analysed and deciphered endless messages in their attempts
Send your answer on the form to Out&About competitions, Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2AD. The closing date for entries is Thursday, July 15. For O&A terms and conditions please see p5.
For a chance to win a family ticket for two adults and two children, aged 12 to 17 (under 12s go free) answer the following question: What is the name of the encryption machine used by the Germans?
a) Lorenz b) Bombe c) Enigma
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