Out & About Winter 2019

Out&About leisure

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1 Plan your design by starting with your smallest bead. The arms are close together at the centre so be careful to have enough room for six beads around. Top tips: Play with colours and shapes. Check your design and be sure you can replicate on each point, six in all. Leave enough room at the end to bend the top of the wire into a hook.

2 Once you are happy with your design then create a hook at the top using the round nose pliers. It is essential you do this at each point completion. No one wants to turn the star and lose all their beads – it does happen.

3 Recreate this pattern on all six points, remembering to create a hook at the top, but only after checking the pattern is correct.

4 Once completed, create a hanger using ribbon or wire and utilise one of your hooks to attach. Hang on your Christmas tree or give as presents.

For further information check Gillian of Dragon’s Hoard on Facebook or email: nbjasmineweyr@gmail.com

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