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Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
8 page pull-out & keep guide
Nursery can be more affordable than you think! Claim your free 15 hours* or 30 hours* of free childcare at Audlen House Day Nursery Offering care and education to children aged 3 months to 5 years All Year and Term Time sessions available Various session times • Rated Outstanding by Ofsted • Separate pre-school • Extended opening times • Thoughtfully designed large garden *Terms and conditions apply
131-133 Station Road, Thatcham RG19 4QH TEL: 01635 876667 EMAIL: EMAIL:
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Home Farm
HOME Farm is the Nursery and Pre-Prep department of Elstree School. Founded more than 20 years ago, it caters for over 50 girls and boys aged three to seven years. Home Farm is often the first experience of school life and staff understand how important these initial steps are. The offer of home visits and taster days prior to a child starting in the Early Years eases the transition between home and school. The school prides itself on its very special and warm environment, influenced largely by the family principles of Elstree. Early Years Barn has resulted in an extended Nursery and Reception, an enlarged Early Years garden, a new entrance and offices. The project has transformed the Early Years Barn into a light, spacious building with airy classrooms and great outdoor space. The children also have the opportunity to make use of all the extensive facilities at Elstree School, set in its magnificent 150 acres. Each week the Early Years children spend a full day investigating and exploring the natural environment in the engaging woodland area. In the colder months, the children thoroughly enjoy their hot chocolate, freshly made over the campfire to accompany their picnics. There is a well-resourced, The recent opening of the enlarged and refurbished
The Winch ombe School
dedicated Early Years Garden that is in constant use in the free-flow learning environment. Other facilities greatly enjoyed by the children include a vegetable patch, a raised pond and a giant sandpit. A weekly cooking session adds to the enjoyment. All pupils also benefit from specialist PE, French, drama and music lessons. To enhance their learning, children are taken out on trips connected with their topic. Recent visits have included Wellington Country Park, Marwell Zoo and a local garden centre to purchase seeds for the
vegetable garden. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their children’s learning, and there are termly events to which parents are invited. There is a Grandparents’ afternoon and both Nursery and Reception hold Parents’ Afternoons. The Den Building Day in the summer term of Reception is a firm favourite with all. To find out more, please come and visit on the next open morning on Saturday, May 12. Contact Tish Gauci on (0118) 971 3302 or send an email to
physical skills. Parents are seen as vital part- ners in the growth of their chil- dren. Home and school successes are shared and celebrated. The friendly staff are readily available to talk to parents and parent feedback is welcomed. Life in Acorns is full of variety, meeting the needs of all children, enriching strengths and building new interests. The children become increasingly ready for transition to full-time education, which is seamless as the children are fully embedded in life at The Winchcombe School.
which are available for those working parents who qualify for 30 hours government funding. Learning takes place within a well-resourced, inspiring unit facilitated by experienced teachers and learning support assistants. Children have the opportunity to explore both the inside and outside environments, interact- ing with all the children, includ- ing those from the Foundation 2 classes, Seedlings and Saplings. A whole range of fun, play-based experiences builds the children’s confidence and helps them to develop social, emotional and
THE Winchcombe School, situated close to Newbury town centre, is a thriving primary school with pupils aged three to 11. The school’s motto Achieve Believe Care summarises its positive ethos and vision to develop children to reach their full potential in a safe, collaborative environment. The Foundation 1 class, Acorns, provides places for three-year- olds beginning their journey of learning. Extra, payable sessions are available in the afternoons provided we have the space and we also offer a number of spaces
“The Early Years is highly effective. Positive relationships and a thirst for learning permeate through the enabling and highly engaging environment.” (Ofsted December 2016) Foundation Stage 1 IS YOUR CHILD TURNING THREE SOON? Winchcombe Foundation Stage takes children from the term after their third birthday. We provide a safe and enriching environment within excellent purpose built facilities. Children are encouraged to develop their own interests through exploration, meeting challenges and learning together.
OPEN MORNINGS Wednesday 9th May 2018 between 9.30 and 11.30 am Thursday 17th May 2018 between 1.30 and 2.30 pm
We welcome visitors to the Foundation Stage and main school at any time. Please contact the school office on 01635 232780 or email to register for the open mornings or a visit at your convenience.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Jubilee Gems and Jubilee Da y Nursery Encouraging confidence, independence and a love of the outdoors
Years Foundation Stage. Children can play in their purpose-designed gardens, create in the mud kitchen or explore the farm and its animals with practitioners. Children enjoy spending time in the beautiful woodland making dens, learning new skills at Forest Schools and going on bug hunts. Such experiences provide a unique way of building confidence and self-esteem while learning new life skills and promoting independence through hands-on learning. The nurseries have attractive and homely spaces – both indoors and outdoors – for each age group, with activities carefully selected for every stage of development, whether that be through exploring sounds and extending vocabulary, mark making messy play, craft activities, singing, soft play or maybe some dressing up and role play for the toddlers. Children from two-and-a-half are introduced to concepts such as a healthy lifestyle and participate in a fun weekly fitness programme, specifically designed for this age group. Rated ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted, it was noted how ‘enthusiastic children are on entering nursery and how all settle quickly’. Children have the space to explore and discover in a safe, secure environment with a caring team close at hand to
CONVENIENTLY situated between Newbury, Reading and Basingstoke, Jubilee Gems and Jubilee Day Nursery in Padworth provide exceptional care for babies and children up to five years of age. The two nurseries are indepen- dent and offer term-time day and full-time provision respectively. The Jubilee name has become synonymous with high quality outdoor learning and both nurs- eries provide a caring, safe learn- ing environment where your child will be happy, nurtured and encouraged to develop and achieve their potential. Recent research has shown that the first five years of a child’s life are crucial to their long-term learning and development. Jubilee places great emphasis on a well-rounded learning experi- ence, which encompasses a child’s physical, personal, social and emotional development. Passionate about outdoor play and learning, the nurseries are fortunate to have 60 acres of open countryside, private woodland and their very own working farm for the children to enjoy. The ethos at Jubilee is ‘learning by doing’ – both inside and out, every day. They believe it essential that children explore, learn and play – safely and freely. With the support of a highly experienced and caring team, children gain an understanding and respect for nature through the outdoor learning programme that links directly to the Early
encourage and support individual needs, play, learning and development.
us they can recognise ‘Jubilee children’ for their ‘confidence, independence and joy of learning’. “If you haven’t already done so, please do come and visit our nurseries – we have an open door policy.” If you would like your family to be part of the Jubilee experience you can request a prospectus and book a visit to see first-hand the fantastic opportunities on offer.
different rates and the team at Jubilee support them by encour- aging everyone’s unique talents through their in-depth under- standing of child development. Children learn about topical festivities and enjoy visiting the dedicated Learning Hub, where they really start to get to grips with phonics through fun sessions, enjoy educational games and dance, and immerse themselves in other lively activi- ties, all of which are linked to the
Early Years Foundation Stage. Senior Nursery Manager Lesley Thompson says that many people talk about a ‘gut feeling’ when they are looking for a nursery. “We like to think the warmth of our team and our environments contribute to that. “It’s very important to get a feel for who will be looking after your child and for the setting. We often receive comments from primary school teachers who tell
Pre-school children have dedicated free-flow spaces
leading into their own outdoor spaces, designed to promote and encourage independence. It’s here that Jubilee’s highly- skilled team prepare the children for their eventual move to ‘big school’. Children naturally develop at
Give your child a truly unique experience... With a highly-regarded reputation and experts in outdoor learning, Jubilee provides the very best mix of learning, discovery and play for children 3 months to 5 years of age. For more information, receive a prospectus and to come and visit us, go to: (Open 51 weeks of the year) (Term time) 60 acres of gardens, woodlands and farm.
Jubilee Day Nursery: Rectory Road, Padworth, RG7 4JD 0118 970 1600 Jubilee Gems: School Road, Padworth , RG7 4JA 0118 983 4018
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Burghclere Pre-school
BURGHCLERE Pre-school is a long-established Ofsted Good- rated pre-school located in the lovely village of Burghclere, conveniently located between the A339 and A34, and just five miles fromNewbury. The pre-school runs termly, Monday to Friday, 9am-3pm, with half or full days available depending on your preference. The pre-school also offers an early drop-off. The pre-school is based in the Portal Hall, in the centre of the village, which gives a fantastic open space to work in. There is also a secure outdoor play area, complete with mud kitchen. Children are lucky to be adjacent to the village playground, which they make full use of. They are also surrounded by beautiful countryside, so often go on nature trails to see what can be found, learning as they go. Inside, there are learning zones for the children to explore, ensuring they cover all areas of learning as directed in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. The pre-school’s focus is to work in a partnership with parents, families and the local community, who all contribute to each child’s early years learning experience. Staff want to ensure that learning does not take place in isolation, but that it is a fusion of experiences and interactions that happen daily, at home, at pre- school and in the wider community. The pre-school is proud to be part of the Burghclere community and to be making a difference to
Chieveley Pre-school
children as they guide them on their educational journey. The qualified, dedicated staff ensure that the pre-school offers a safe, loving and stimulating environment with high standards of care. Children are always creating, baking or planting, but equally there are quiet zones for reading and relaxing. The pre-school has up-to-to date educational equipment as well as providing the individual attention and stimulus each child needs to feel happy and confident. Staff use Tapestry, an interactive online learning journal, which enables them to record, track, share and celebrate children’s progress in early years’ education with their parents. The pre-school has a new summer house, which is to be used on a daily basis as an outside classroom and will enhance the children’s outside learning. Staff have a passion for providing the best in care and education for young children.
Their purpose is to partner with parents to support their child’s healthy development and early learning. Each child has a dedicated member of staff as their key person, who will work closely with parents to keep them fully- informed of their child’s progress. The team also produces a monthly newsletter to keep parents up-to- date on pre-school activities, plans for coming months and any future developments. Staff proactively seek parental feedback as this is vital in order to continually improve the setting, and the pre-school is also commit- ted to the continual professional development of its staff. Burghclere Pre-school welcomes visitors and would be delighted to show any prospective parents and children around to discuss its day- to-day activities. To arrange a visit please call 07749 316 968 or email admin@ preschool or you can visit www.burghclere
n Warm, friendly and caring staff n Happy, safe and independent children n Purpose-built setting on site with the local primary school n Ofsted rating of Outstanding across all areas CHIEVELEY Pre-School can offer all of the above. They have built on the success of their Outstanding Ofsted rating by moving to new premises on site with Chieveley Primary School. At Chieveley, staff follow the children’s ideas and interests as much as possible. They are constantly being led by them believing children learn better doing the things they want to do. Their ‘learning through play’ ethos continues to be crucial both inside and outside of the
Through, online auctions, cake sales, a sponsored obstacle race for staff and many other events they are well on the way to achieving this already, which will help them to maintain the high standards they have set for themselves. Chieveley Pre-school currently has spaces, but these are filling up fast. They welcome two-year- olds and cater for many different learning needs. If all of this sounds like the setting your child would thrive in please do get in touch via email: e-mail-chieve- There are open days throughout the year, but visitors are welcome at any time. There is also a newly updated website giving more details about the pre-school.
classroom. They pride them- selves on their outdoor learning programme and regularly put on their ‘nature detective’ hats and enjoy foraging for sticks, hunting for bugs and generally exploring the great outdoors. The close links with the school continue to grow and now onsite the pre-school is able to take advantage of their facilities, using their hall, playground and woodland areas. As part of the school-readiness programme children also spend time in the Foundation classroom, allowing for a smooth transition into school life. Chieveley Pre-school is a charity and relies heavily on the support of parents, extended family members and the local commu- nity to help with fundraising. They have set the huge task of raising £10,000 this year.
Burghclere Preschool Ofsted say we are ‘GOOD’! (2017 &2013) Providing a fun and stimulating education for children to bloom.
Outdoor play area and garden Full and half day sessions Open 5 days a week, term time 2 year funding accepted 15 & 30 hour funding accepted Village setting
Spaces now AVAILABLE! Summer/Autumn Term
“Children benefit from an exceptional wide range of interesting resources indoors and outdoors” (Ofsted, 2017)
Portal Hall, Church Lane, Burghclere, Newbury, Berkshire. RG20 9HX Telephone: 07749 316968 E-mail:
Chieveley Early Years Centre School Road, Chieveley, RG20 8TY Tel: 07511 098720 Registered charity number 1048094
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
St John’ s Pre-school Harnessing your child’s natural curiosity , building confidence and independence
BASED at St John’s Church in Newbury’s heart, St John’s Pre-School follows the Curiosity Approach philosophy – meaning they surround their children with resources that inspire curiosity, awe and wonder. They are a forward-thinking setting with a dedicated, gradu- ate-led team who create beautiful environments for their incredi- ble children. They inspire their children to be inquisitive and curious, creating the “thinkers and doers” of the future. Children are supported to be ‘school ready’ when they leave, gaining independence, confidence, developing a ‘can do’ attitude and recognising what they are expert at. Children also develop the ability to enjoy their peers’ interests and capabilities. St John’s Pre-school is proud to have achieved another ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted recently, with ‘Outstanding’ for Personal devel- opment, Behaviour and Welfare. They provide free (subject to funding criteria) and paid-for childcare from 15-30 hours per week for two- to five-year-olds. They operate during school term-time and run a daily breakfast club. They pride themselves on the wide range of experiences they give children in their care, from weekly accredited Forest School sessions for all children from their third birthday, weekly yoga sessions, weekly Hartbeeps music and sensory classes, to walks in the community and
Newbury Gardens
and the cook, Sally, prepares fresh balanced meals everyday – breakfast, cooked lunch and pudding, tea and snacks. Children can also participate in cooking activities. Sally teaches them about weighing ingredients and the importance of healthy eating. The children’s parents have said some lovely things about the nursery, so here are a few comments: All staff at the nursery are warm and welcoming. The nursery is extremely supportive of the needs of working parents and we always feel included. All staff have the children at the forefront of their minds and this has shown in the progress our child has made. A fabulous and caring
person is fantastic. She made every effort to make us all feel part of the nursery and she certainly made the transition into nursery an extremely easy process We are extremely happy with Newbury Gardens and can think of nothing that can be improved All staff very informative, reas- extremely happy in the nurs- ery and this is a huge comfort that we know she is in a safe place with lots of love and care. We are exceptionally happy with the standard of care the staff, the surround- ings and the way that our child has settled in. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the nursery to other families If you would like to visit Newbury Gardens or have any questions, please contact them on (01635) 580980. suring and professional We can see our child is
NEWBURY Gardens offers children a range of exciting and challenging activities, which suit their individual needs. Once a week, they are visited by sports coach Dave from In2Sport. He works with the children from the age of two. He teaches them football, rugby, cricket and athletics. They also receive a visit from Megan at Wiggle Waggle. Megan introduces the children to a whole range of music and dance. It’s energetic and upbeat and the children love it. There is a large, beautiful woodland garden where the children are safe and can thrive. And they also get to spend time on walks in the local community, visiting the market to choose fruit and veg. They visit the library for Rhyme Time and take outings to local farms. There is a large kitchen on site,
activities with their children. They also utilise the Tapestry online learning journal system to enable families to share in their child’s learning and progress. The pre-school promotes healthy eating and provides healthy choices for children at snack time and has a daily fruit café. They have a few spaces available and are accepting registrations, so if you would like to visit or find out more, please contact Marlis on 07814 155110.
‘Sticky Kids’ early years’ music and movement sessions. Their child-led approach and ethos results in children being able to follow their interests and explore the world around them. They set pre-school up to enable free-flow from the inside space to the dedicated outside space to encourage independence and interaction. Staff actively involve parents, carers and grandparents in pre- school. They hold regular Stay and Play sessions to offer them the opportunity to participate in
environment that we are extremely pleased with
We felt extremely welcomed and we felt that everyone was really knowledgeable We feel that our child’s key
We follow the Curiosity Approach philosophy promoting investigation and discovery.
Spaces Available
Encouraging children to be curious about the world around them, follow their own unique style of learning and to engage in the joy of doing rather than the end result Friendly, nurturing pre-school in the heart of Newbury Rated ‘Good‛ by Ofsted with ‘Outstanding‛ aspects
Accredited Forest School provider with weekly sessions at Cheam School Weekly Yoga, ‘Sticky Kids‛ and Hartbeeps music sensory sessions Highly qualified and experienced graduate led practice with small group sizes
Caring for children from 3 months to 5 years
• Located five minutes walk from Newbury train station • Open 8am-6pm Monday-Friday, 52 weeks of the year • Full, part-time and flexible spaces available • Beautiful woodland garden and large play area
• We aim to provide a ‘home from home’ environment for your child • Fresh vegetables and home-made meals prepared on site everyday by our Cook Sally • Weekly music and movement sessions provided by Wiggle Waggle • Weekly sports sessions with In2sport • Funding accepted for children aged 2 - 4 yrs
Natural resources and real life experiences - woodwork bench, vegetable patch and herb garden Mud Kitchen and Weekly Walks Child-led, in the moment learning opportunities
Come and see what we have to offer
Funded spaces available for 2, 3 and 4 year olds Tel: 07814 155110
Greenham House, Greenham Rd, Newbury, West Berkshire RG14 7HS Phone: 01635 580980 email:
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The Orchard Day Nursery
n Outstandong Ofsted Judgement n Daily excursions in nursery- owned minibus n six months to five years old n Government-funded hours available n Fully-qualified care team n Specialist in outdoor learning and fun n Best kept secret in West Berks child care HIDDEN behind electric gates and with the River Pang meandering through it’s surrounding grounds, The Orchard Nursery, Yattendon, truly is the hidden gem inWest Berks child-care crown. This setting, established in 1990, is staffed by a fully-qualified and hugely-experienced care team and boasts a recent Outstanding assessment from Ofsted in personal development, behaviour and welfare. With owners and team determined to provide an environment of safety and love, the learning and fun each day, coupled with the unique approach to the way in which they deliver it, make The Orchard Nursery an easy choice for the families that trust them with the care and development of their children. Is it a bus day? Following a Scandinavian ‘Get Outdoors’-style of learning that takes place both at the setting in the large gardens and surround- ing fields, or away from the nurs- ery using their 17-seat minibus, ensures that come rain or shine, Beast from the East or Pest from the West, the children enjoy the benefits of outside experiences that are translated to more tradi-
individual, warm and loving welcome each day, and gives parents a good knowledge and relationship with all the team on a daily basis. The Orchard Day Nursery takes pride in not filling the nursery with trainees and apprentices to hit the minimum requirements and ratio demands of Ofsted; they boast a 90 per cent Level 3 or above qualified team, that considers the EYFS and Ofsted measurements as their entry-level target and some- thing fromwhich to build on and constantly improve against. School readiness Housed in its separate large log cabin with individual play areas, the Pre-school is designed to represent a slightly more formal classroom setting. In preparation for big school, the Pre-school has been turning out ‘school ready’ children for over 25 years and is complimented by all the primary schools that their children move on to. The principles of the nursery still apply here and are complimented by a teacher-focused style to encourage more measurable outcomes and learning methods designed to highlight areas for individual child development. Where do I sign? If all this sounds too good to be true then why not visit The Orchard Day Nursery and see first hand what they do? Due to Pre schooler’s moving up, there are spaces currently avail- able across all age groups and staff would be delighted to welcome families that are as committed to providing their children with a timeless and unforgettable nursery experience as they are.
tional learning back in nursery. The nursery tries to take the children on the minibus three times a week, and to describe it as popular with both children and parents alike might be the understatement of the year so far. The ability to not be confined to the setting means that everything the children do is ‘joined up’ – from kicking leaves in the woods during Autumn, to sticking them on collages back at the setting, to splashing and paddling in the shallows of the Pang to water safety instruction or lighting a campfire to warm hot chocolate while understanding why this happens. The power of this proven hands on and experiential way of discover- ing the world makes for active bodies and inquisitive minds. Watching the children, red-faced and still inspired by their trip, tumbling back into the boot room and on into a freshly-prepared-on- the-premises hot lunch, is a sight worth seeing and a magical, daily event that never fades. The best things come in small packages The Orchard Day Nursery is not a huge sprawling campus with large rooms full of loads of children and squads of staff. Maximum capacity is 26 at any one time. This plays into a commitment to a consistent and loving approach that provides the children with an
bacus Day Nursery
speaks for itself” Ranjana – parent at Abacus Parents are kept up-to-date using a dedicated online portal where nursery news and events are shared and, most importantly, where you can securely access details of how your child slept, ate and enjoyed their day and share in your child’s developmental progress, with easy to understand developmental observations and progress tracking. Parents love this service. The nursery is open from 7.30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, for 51 weeks of the year. Get in touch today to arrange your visit and find out more. Abacus Day Nursery, Oxford Road, Newbury, RG14 1XB. Call (01635) 550134 or email abacus@completechildcare.
been to a number of nurseries, all across the UK. My son gets the best of the best care and education from Abacus Nursery and I, as a mother, receive my peace of mind, knowing that my son is in good hands. “Abacus Staff always show that simple gesture of heartfelt warmth to their children, which make Abacus Nursery so special. Abacus staff members are very keen to accommodate special significantly, in all areas like awareness, behaviour, physical and emotional development, since he started going to Abacus. He is learning French as well. I am extremely pleased with his overall development. “Last, but never the least, when I go to collect my son at the end of a busy day, I always find him happy, chirpy, satisfied and that requests from parents. “My son has developed
ABACUS has been one of Newbury’s childcare gems for many years, helping working families in the area from its large homely setting located close to the centre of Newbury on Oxford Road. It has many of the features and facilities you’d expect of a top nursery, but with the added benefit of those personal touches that keep you as a parent feeling connected to your child while you are apart. Children at Abacus Day Nursery also benefit from regular weekly visits from Madame, for their fun French lessons and Outdoor Learning Leader Helen, both of whom open children’s minds to the world that surrounds them and the people in that world. “Abacus Nursery is by far the best nursery that I have come across. My son is nearly four now and since he was six months, he has
Ready to learn
Ready for life
Ofsted “Outstanding” 6 month - 5 years Outdoor Learning Specialists Daily Outings in Nursery Minibus Government Funded Hours Available Fully Qualified, Experienced Team Holiday Club
The Orchard Day Nursery Yattendon 01635 201838 outstanding personal development, behaviour, and welfare.
01635 550134
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Hungerford Pre-nursery and Nursery School Discover affordable, excellent Early Y ears education on your doorstep
The focus on tasty, healthy eating earned Hungerford Nursery School an ‘Outstanding’ rating from the Children’s Food Trust in 2017. The nursery also holds the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark award, which means they are focused on supporting children’s literacy and numeracy. This gives the children a strong foundation and advantage in maths and language when they start school. At its last Ofsted inspection, the Inspector said: “You set high expectations for children’s achievements and continually strive to exceed these. You expect staff to challenge and extend learning. As a result, most children’s attainment exceeds the standards expected for their age.” So what made one parent say, “If he was allowed to, my son would come on Saturdays and Sundays” and another share, “I could not have wished for a better foundation for my children”? Children are at the heart of Hungerford Nursery and staff are passionate about learning and warmly encourage children to be the best they can be in the safe, supportive and exciting environment. This is exceptional care and education, available to you or a loved one. Do arrange your visit by phoning the office on (01488) 682628 or email office@hungerfordnurs- They look forward to showing you around.
PARENTS and carers want the early years of their child’s life to be full of fun and wonder – exploring the world around them, while picking up skills, behaviours and attitudes that will help them be the best they can be. As a nursery school without a catchment, designed with excellence and affordability in mind, you are invited to book a visit to see for yourselves. The approach at Hungerford Nursery School is to nurture that sense of natural curiosity and encourage children in their exploration and learning. Highly-qualified staff provide the context and nurturing relationship that turn your little explorers into lifelong learners. Ofsted inspections have strongly supported this approach, with the last four Ofsted inspections (2009 – 2017) awarding the nursery the top mark of ‘Outstanding’. From the start, the close-knit team will begin to build a relationship with you and your child. This allows learning and behaviour to be in sync across home and school. Ofsted observed: “Keyworkers form close and effective relationships with children quickly. This helps children to feel secure and benefit from this high quality support.” Parents value these strong and supportive relationships. “The staff are amazing, supportive and enthusiastic, our
child has felt secure and happy,” said one Hungerford parent. Hungerford Nursery believes that secure children are able to make the most of opportunities, and this prepares them well for school. “We really care about children’s wellbeing and it is a key focus of our staff. All our staff are attentive and tuned in to each child. They know that when children are happy and content then they engage in learning,” says Hungerford Nursery Head- teacher Suzanne Taylor MBE. Each child is treated
individually and has a broad and exciting curriculum developed that is linked to their specific interests. Progress is carefully monitored and shared with families. The nursery also delights in offering extra experiences to the children. Their favourites are the regular cooking sessions and outdoor learning in a private woodland. Among Early Years care providers, the nursery is well- known as a leader in outdoor learning and they train other schools in this area.
Children benefit from the purpose-built grounds, which include an enormous sandpit with water pump, a street of play-houses, mud kitchen and challenging climbing on safety surfaces. Children are encouraged to be independent through praise and reassurance, giving individual attention and guidance. “We have seen a remarkable development in his confidence and learning,” a parent shared. As there is no catchment area – children from Berkshire and Wiltshire are welcome. It is a
local authority-maintained nursery and eligible families qualify for free 15 or 30 hours sessions with the option of purchasing additional hours according to your needs. Before-school, childcare is available from 8am with breakfast, and holiday clubs are also offered in support of busy parents. Hot nutritious lunches are cooked daily in the kitchen and the catering team can manage allergies and sensitivities, and work to ensure that any dietary needs are met.
Hungerford Nursery School Centre for Children and Families
Our passion for mixing fun and learning leads to happy and bright children. Ofsted picked up on this when they visited:
“You set high expectations for children’s achievements and continually strive to exceed these … as a result most children’s attainment exceeds the standards expected for their age” Ofsted Inspector following 2016/17 inspection.
We welcome visits. Do arrange your visit by phoning our office on 01488 682628 or email We look forward to showing you around. Find out more on: or search for us on Facebook.
Hungerford Nursery School Centre for Children and Families The Croft , Hungerford Berkshire. RG17 0HY 01488 682628
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The Rocking Horse Nursery
THE Rocking Horse Nursery is Newbury’s most advanced childcare option, here’s an insight into some of the activities the children and staff have been enjoying this spring. Last month the staff were asking ‘which comes first, the chicken or the egg?’. ‘The egg,’ cried the children as they watched six eggs hatch and their fluffy yellow inhabitants enter the world. The nursery took delivery of the six eggs, which were carefully looked after and watched by the staff and children. A number of the older children were lucky enough to see some of the eggs hatch. After a few days the ducklings were given the opportunity for their first swim and they had a lovely splash-about, much to the delight of the children. The ducklings have now gone to their forever home. The nursery is constantly striving to improve their service and to reinforce their position as Newbury’s most advanced childcare option. This year, they have installed a bespoke, fully-working children’s kitchen. The micro-sized domestic area has been well utilised by the children who are enjoying being taught some very useful early cooking skills. Choosing their favourite toppings, they made pizzas which they ate for their tea. To mark Easter they returned to the kitchen to create Easter
Children at Rocking Horse Nurser y were able to watch ducklings hatch and are taking advantage of their new kitchen, learning about food and how to cook
they operate a fast-moving waiting list.
at keeping children safe and treating emergencies. If you are looking for a nursery place you should look no further than the Rocking Horse Nursery. Based within the beautiful Newbury Racecourse Estate with its own free car park on site, it is open five days a week, to babies and children up to school age. There are limited places available within the nursery, but
prides itself on the close relationships it develops with its families and tries where possible to provide added value opportunities for parents and are introducing support sessions to enable parents to develop their own skills if they wish. This Spring, parents will be given the opportunity to sharpen their first aid knowl- edge on a bespoke course aimed
sandpit, mud kitchen and outdoor racetrack for those buzzing around on bikes, trikes, scooters and ride-ons. In anticipation of summer, the children are busy planting seeds in their gardens. They are looking forward to seeing them grow into flowers, but they have also planted vegetables, which they will be transforming into delicious treats in their kitchen. The Rocking Horse Nursery
biscuits. The children love this new resource. The staff enjoy the opportunity to demonstrate raw ingredients being turned into a delicious meal or treat. It is a fun, if sometimes messy, lesson for all. As well as six playrooms, the children have access to large, interactive gardens. The larger garden, accessed by the pre- school children, includes a huge
For more information see www.rockinghorsenewbury. or give them a call on (01635) 48969. The staff would love to show you around the nursery and demonstrate the activities that keep the children happy, smiling, contended and delighted to go to nursery each day.
Your most advanced childcare option Exceptional day care for children from birth – 5 years All in the beautiful and unique setting of Newbury Racecourse
• Highly experienced staff • Video entry system • Sensory room
• Six age-related play rooms • Secure gardens • Library
• Unique children’s kitchen • Free car parking For more information visit our website or call us on 01635 48969
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