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Thursday, April 26, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Hungerford Pre-nursery and Nursery School Discover affordable, excellent Early Y ears education on your doorstep
The focus on tasty, healthy eating earned Hungerford Nursery School an ‘Outstanding’ rating from the Children’s Food Trust in 2017. The nursery also holds the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark award, which means they are focused on supporting children’s literacy and numeracy. This gives the children a strong foundation and advantage in maths and language when they start school. At its last Ofsted inspection, the Inspector said: “You set high expectations for children’s achievements and continually strive to exceed these. You expect staff to challenge and extend learning. As a result, most children’s attainment exceeds the standards expected for their age.” So what made one parent say, “If he was allowed to, my son would come on Saturdays and Sundays” and another share, “I could not have wished for a better foundation for my children”? Children are at the heart of Hungerford Nursery and staff are passionate about learning and warmly encourage children to be the best they can be in the safe, supportive and exciting environment. This is exceptional care and education, available to you or a loved one. Do arrange your visit by phoning the office on (01488) 682628 or email office@hungerfordnurs- They look forward to showing you around.
PARENTS and carers want the early years of their child’s life to be full of fun and wonder – exploring the world around them, while picking up skills, behaviours and attitudes that will help them be the best they can be. As a nursery school without a catchment, designed with excellence and affordability in mind, you are invited to book a visit to see for yourselves. The approach at Hungerford Nursery School is to nurture that sense of natural curiosity and encourage children in their exploration and learning. Highly-qualified staff provide the context and nurturing relationship that turn your little explorers into lifelong learners. Ofsted inspections have strongly supported this approach, with the last four Ofsted inspections (2009 – 2017) awarding the nursery the top mark of ‘Outstanding’. From the start, the close-knit team will begin to build a relationship with you and your child. This allows learning and behaviour to be in sync across home and school. Ofsted observed: “Keyworkers form close and effective relationships with children quickly. This helps children to feel secure and benefit from this high quality support.” Parents value these strong and supportive relationships. “The staff are amazing, supportive and enthusiastic, our
child has felt secure and happy,” said one Hungerford parent. Hungerford Nursery believes that secure children are able to make the most of opportunities, and this prepares them well for school. “We really care about children’s wellbeing and it is a key focus of our staff. All our staff are attentive and tuned in to each child. They know that when children are happy and content then they engage in learning,” says Hungerford Nursery Head- teacher Suzanne Taylor MBE. Each child is treated
individually and has a broad and exciting curriculum developed that is linked to their specific interests. Progress is carefully monitored and shared with families. The nursery also delights in offering extra experiences to the children. Their favourites are the regular cooking sessions and outdoor learning in a private woodland. Among Early Years care providers, the nursery is well- known as a leader in outdoor learning and they train other schools in this area.
Children benefit from the purpose-built grounds, which include an enormous sandpit with water pump, a street of play-houses, mud kitchen and challenging climbing on safety surfaces. Children are encouraged to be independent through praise and reassurance, giving individual attention and guidance. “We have seen a remarkable development in his confidence and learning,” a parent shared. As there is no catchment area – children from Berkshire and Wiltshire are welcome. It is a
local authority-maintained nursery and eligible families qualify for free 15 or 30 hours sessions with the option of purchasing additional hours according to your needs. Before-school, childcare is available from 8am with breakfast, and holiday clubs are also offered in support of busy parents. Hot nutritious lunches are cooked daily in the kitchen and the catering team can manage allergies and sensitivities, and work to ensure that any dietary needs are met.
Hungerford Nursery School Centre for Children and Families
Our passion for mixing fun and learning leads to happy and bright children. Ofsted picked up on this when they visited:
“You set high expectations for children’s achievements and continually strive to exceed these … as a result most children’s attainment exceeds the standards expected for their age” Ofsted Inspector following 2016/17 inspection.
We welcome visits. Do arrange your visit by phoning our office on 01488 682628 or email We look forward to showing you around. Find out more on: or search for us on Facebook.
Hungerford Nursery School Centre for Children and Families The Croft , Hungerford Berkshire. RG17 0HY 01488 682628
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