Puzzle Time 2018
HALFWAY GARAGE MOTs only £38.00 excludes Class 7 Light Commercial FREE MOT WORTH £54 with every BIG VALUE Fixed Price Major Service PRICE INCLUDES SERVICE PARTS, LABOUR AND VAT only £129.00 This offer is only available on 4 cylinder cars up to 2000cc and excludes platinum plugs 01635 876777 Unit 7, Pipers Court, Berkshire Drive, Thatcham
www.humphries-stonemasons.co.uk 4-5 Downview, Park Street,Hungerford RG17 0EF 01488 682847
Newbury Motors Ltd Unit A6, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berks, RG14 2AD Tel: 01635 41105 Fax: 01635 523322 We would like to offer the following great deals HALF PRICE MOT WHEN BOOKED AT THE SAME TIME AS A SERVICE Air Conditioning Recharge Special Offer R134 Gas Only £49.00 + VAT if this Ad is produced Air Conditioning Repairs and Servicing Engine Management Diagnostics
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