Puzzle Time 2018
FARMYARD MANURE to help with the growing of all your flowers and vegetables £40 per load
Excellent service and product range built on 60 years of experience. We are one of the largest stockists of fabrics in the South West with 1000’s metres of fabrics in stock plus 1000’s to order.
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WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD One Cubic Metre. Only £60 per bag FAST DELIVERY tel: 01635 45758
T. 01672 513491/2 | The Parade | Marlborough | Wiltshire | SN8 1NE Open: Monday – Friday 8:15am – 5:00pm (Closed weekends) www.dandrfurnishers.co.uk
01635 45876 Wash Common Dental Practice, 2 Essex St, Newbury RG14 6QN www.washdental.co.uk enquires: reception@washdental.co.uk Are you booked in with your hygienist? You should see your hygienist regularly Your health matters Have you booked your annual check up?
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