Food Hall
Stand No
Stand No
Go Spice Mixes Ltd
Lvc Global ltd (Kin Toffe Vodka)
+447847698192 derek@gospice.co.uk Own range of more than 30 international spice and herb blends, with no added salt, sugar or artificial additives. Grapefruit 49 +447377684791 sam@grape-fruit.com We deliver fantastic boxes of organic fruit & veg to homes across the country from farmers. Grunton Growler 75 +441274673664 sales@crustypie.co.uk Harry’s Cider Company Ltd 12 +441458241324 info@harryscidercompany.co.uk Award winning Somerset cider made with vintage west country apples. Heck! Food Ltd 23 +441845567709 louise@heckfood.co.uk We make damn good sausages and burgers - pork, chicken and vegan! Everything gluten free! Hello Fresh 22 +447508487666 kevin@d2ms.co.uk Recipe kits. +447900694948 philip@hughesfreshfruit.com Delicious strawberries and cream, fresh fruit salads and whole fruit smoothies. Imaginative cuisine 42 +447919887749 rick@imaginativecuisine.com Award-winning innovative food products create leading-edge trending solutions for professional Chefs. Please visit, taste with the opportunity +441502517060 hale.fishman@gmail.com Best quality shellfish, jellied eels, dressed crabs, prawn cocktails etc. Ivors Ice Cream 17 +441454412847 ivor@ivorsicecream.co.uk Farm house made ice cream and sorbets of many flavours. Just Biscuits 58 +447872471112 justbiscuits@hotmail.co.uk to explore your senses and purchase. International Seafoods 74 +447874220447 chris.day1066@outlook.com Delicious blends of dry roasted, flavoured & coated seeds.These healthy packed treats are naturally rich in Omega 6 & 9,Vitamins and minerals. Liquorice with a Twist LTD 36 +447786070449 info@liquorice-withatwist.co.uk Finest quality liquorice, fondant filled liquorice and candy sticks. Sugar free, gluten free and salted liquorice. Liquorice pick and mix sweets. Le Mesuriers Ltd 61 +447867793267 patrick@lemesuriers.com Award winning range of condiments. Limetree pantry Foods Ltd 69 +441623836288 chris@bjparr.co.uk Sweet and savoury pies, suet puddings, sausage rolls, pasties and cakes. Linden Lady Chocolates 47 +447860453892 mike@lindenlady.com Producing an extensive range of exquisite handmade chocolates, pralines, truffles, fudges, marshmallows and Turkish delights Hughes Fresh Fruit Ltd T/A Strawberry Fayre. 25 Handmade sweet and savoury biscuits. Lawncourt Harvest Ltd T/A Munchy Seeds 64
+447967853045 lewis_040588@hotmail.com Kin Toffee vodka created in the lake district and is a sublime blend of vodka, toffee and vanilla. Presented in 4 bottle sizes.A premium drink enjoyed over ice, in cocktails and many puddings. Lymn Bank Farm Cheese Company 13 +441754880312 info@postacheese.com We make and sell a variety of smoked and flavoured cheeses here on the farm.Accompanied by our homemade chutneys and oatcakes. Med Foods Ltd 9 +447853259102 info@medfoods.co.uk Our Products are harvested using traditional methods by artisan producers and by combining our British know-how to innovate, whilst keeping with our traditional Mediterranean roots and culture; we have created the perfect formula. History, climate and unique approach all play a part. Morrison and MacKay Ltd 15 +441738787044 gorthy1@btinternet.com A fine range of malt whiskies, whisky liqueur, gin and vodka fruit liqueurs Mr Hobbs Gin 32 +447949864429 fern@mrhobbsgin.co.uk Mr Hobbs Gin, part of the Hobbs of Henley experience from Henley on Thames in Oxfordshire, with their collection of cherished family tipples. Natural Goodness Yogurt Shoppe 68 +447737822339 hellerchristopher25@gmail.com PremiumWest Country Jersey herd frozen yogurt. Blended with a choice of eleven frozen fresh fruit.Very healthy and extremely delicious. New York Delhi 24 +442088767057 nina@newyorkdelhi.com ViPnuts - The Gourmet Peanut brand - flavoured peanuts Orsom Cheese. (Morton Hollingdale) 40 +447880740891 cheese@mortonhollingdale.co.uk Award winning handmade cheese - all made on the farm by cheese makers with over 60 years’ experience in making classic British Cheese Perfect Tipple Ltd 26 +447990511357 sales@perfecttipple.co.uk Perfect tipple, unusual drinks and gifts to include sparkling gold bubbly infused with 23 carat gold flakes and Aviva pearl dust wine. Richmond promotions 4 +447773849031 richpromotions@aol.com A lovely range of hand made and hand painted Spanish ceramic kitchen items Rose Cottage Foods Ltd 52 +441377253743 info@rosecottagepantry.co.uk Artisan pork pies and savouries made using the meat from our rare breed beef and pork all raised at our farm in East Yorkshire Rubis Chocolate Wine 18 +441628851444 sandra.sherlock@jayish.com The award-winning Rubis Chocolate Wine and Gallery Vodka plus new to the UK, Beach Bum Rum. Sampling all in the Food Hall. Smoke and Spice Company 16 +447557302123 terry.gale@hotmail.com Smoked manuka sea salt Snowdonia Cheese Company 59 +441745610160 retailshows@snowdonia-cheese.co.uk A selection of premium quality waxed cheese truckles together with accompanying chutneys. Made with pride, bursting with character.
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