Trade Stands - Avenue A
North Street Nurseries Ltd +447779763955 clive@northstreetnurseries.co.uk Hardy mini cyclamen and winter flowering pansies all grown on our own nursery. Neat Necks +447870416539 kim.galway@virginmedia.com Leather goods, gents & ladies accessories. Eco-friendly bags and re- usable Bamboo fibre cups. info@pioneros.co.uk The finest collection of Argentine Polo belts, Dog collars, leather Handbags and Accessories, handmade in our family workshop in Buenos Aires using the finest leathers. Paxleys Ltd +447824862845 vin@paxleys.com Luxury Lifestyle brand for you and your dog. Potters Poultry +447917037067 tracey@potterspoultry.co.uk We are specialists in the production of poultry equipment for all systems and pullet rearing for the Laying industry with over 50 years of experience. Come to our stand to discuss your needs. Proven Products Ltd +441159608646 sonia@provenproducts.co.uk Woll Cookware of Germany - German Cast Aluminium pots and pans. Rainshader Ltd +447886204700 doreen@rainshader.com High End Umbrella won’t let you down. Lightweight, strong, wind tested to 50mph, superb for wind, rain and sun, easily folds away into shoulder carrying sleeve. Renapur Ltd +441903893990 lynne@renapur.com Renapur Leather Care for nourishing, protecting, waterproofing, cleaning. Riverford Organic Farmers +441803227421 careyfitzhugh@riverford.co.uk Award-winning seasonal organic veg boxes and more fresh from our farm, bursting with flavour and delivered free to your door. Royal Acropole 2 +447972224447 jeeta@live.co.uk Royal Acropole Country wear, a family business operating over 60 yrs manufacturing various country wear designs and affiliated products in affiliated products in Birmingham UK using local people with many years’ experience and skills including handcrafts. S & M Leisure +447971751846 stanjfreeman@gmail.com Simulator Rides including Rollercoaster, Eurofighter & TT Isle of Man. Snoozzzeee Dog Ltd +447526124372 sarah@snoozzzeeedog.com Snoozzzeee Dog (Est 1997) by Sarah Spencer selling High quality machine washable & tumble dry pet beds & accessories in different colour, ways shapes and sizes. Sarah Pye (Fine Art) +447810833617 mail@sarahsart.co.uk Large Original impressionist paintings ,inspired by nature. Depicting Vibrant colour, light and life in woodlands, wild flowers and the sea. Commissions welcome. Signs and Boxes UK +447917700176 galpin642@btinternet.com Lovely, unique wooden crafts all at low prices. Boxes, bottle holders, coat hooks, trays and gifts etc plus bespoke , personalised signs made while you wait. Pioneros +441491671177
Sun Leisure Ltd +441928727449
bev@sun-leisure.com Manufacturers and suppliers of the original Protex& reg; instant shelters, flags/banners, inflatable structures, accessories.We offer full flood digital printing services for high visual impact. Thai Gifts (Part of The Garden Bench Company Ltd) +441945410542 office@thebenchcompany.co.uk A unique range of UK designed garden gifts and ornaments The Champagne Cave +447494072592 sales@thechampagnecave.co.uk The Champagne Cave offers a selection of Premier Cru, Grand Cru and Vintage Champagne from exclusive vineyards which are not for retail sale in UK. The Country Clothing Store Ltd +447970891344 mark.beaman1@btinternet.com Hunting clothing and accessories. The Event Gallery Fine Art Ltd +447770896779 enquiries@theeventgallery.co.uk Original and limited edition framed artwork. Featured artist Kay Johns and her hand-embellished work. Specialists in wildlife, equestrian, canine and livestock. The Home Furniture Store +441323430020 enquiries@thehomefurniture-store.co.uk The Home Furniture Store provides superbly crafted, highly functional and exceptional quality outdoor furniture which can be enjoyed in all weathers. Maintenance free and totally weatherproof. The Loft Access Company Storage Solutions Ltd +447818061484 Come and see us, we supply and install Loft Ladders from only £149.00 plus vat. The Sock and Shoe Co. +447850372893 Quality country and equestrian footwear, socks and accessories The Spanish Boot Company +441531671901 ellie@thespanishbootcompany.co.uk A collection of leather and suede Spanish boots and accessories and a selection of Egality Freedom clothing. The Tea Stop theteastopbus@gmail.com +447453303357 Rest and refresh on a 1966 Red Roadmaster Double decker bus serving tea, coffee and delicious cakes and scones. Thomas & Co +447796554107 thomasandco1@googlemail.com Full range of Thomas & Co clothing and accessories. Tilly’s Tavern louise.petley@cup-of-rosie.com +447810755926 Gorgeous mobile bar - also ideal for private functions, weddings, parties etc! Tiger Tree +447732888127 christineoakland@yahoo.co.uk We source quirky, colourful gifts and toys for children, toddlers and babies. Timothy Foxx Ltd +447846544884 rosalie@timothyfoxx.co.uk Exceptionally eccentric tweed and casual clothing - Tweed jackets, tweed skirts, tweed shorts,Tweed Ear warmers, shirts, hoodies, polos, fascinators, tweed homewares and tweed accessories. The Medical +447967194925 sherie.booth@themedical.co.uk Free Posture/Spinal screenings for anyone who is just curious or who would like some advice on an ongoing problem. sales@theloftaccesscompany.com nicksmith56@hotmail.co.uk
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