Equestrian Timetable
Sunday 22nd September
Main Arena 10:20
Ring 3 B 8:00
Welsh Ponies and Cobs to follow Exmoor and Dartmoor Highlands, Fells and Dales Ring 3 A&B combined not before 11am NPS Mountain and Moorland Ring 5 9:00 Scurry Driving (Small) 9:40 Ladies Cart 10:25 Scurry Driving (Large) to follow CH 53 British National Scurry Driving Championship Ring: Main Arena Timing: 14:15 11:05 Heavy Horse Trade Turnout (Single) (12:05-12:15 Main Arena for Grand Parade) 12:30 Side Saddle Demonstration 13:25 The Friesian Quadrille Display Team 14:25 Heavy Horse Trade and Farm Teams Prejudging
Coaching Parade & Ladies Coaching Heavy Horse Parade
12:05 12:15
The International Stairway (Showjumping) British National Scurry Driving Championship Heavy Horse Teams Followed by Heavy Horse Turnout Championship
Ring 1 9:00am Show Jumping (Classes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19) Ring 2 8:00 Novice Working Show Horse to follow Open Working Cob NEDZ/EQUIFEST
Mountain and Moorland Working Hunter Ponies EQUIFEST Working Hunter Ponies
Ring 3 A 8:00
Miniature Shetlands to follow Standard Shetlands
Connemara and New Forest
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