Saturday will see all the breed classes being judged with the champions going forward to be judged on Sunday. Sunday: we will have the final of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust Young Shepherd Of The Year and the North Ronaldsay Champion of Champions Final with qualifying rounds for both events being held all over the country from north to south east to west. Sheep Sheep judging will commence at 9:00 am on Saturday and Sunday so come along to see many of our native breeds of sheep.
On Sunday we have a Commercial Sheep Show and you can also come on down to see the Sunday fleece classes and the craft and spun classes. We are also very excited to announce that again this year the Rare Breed Survival Trust will be hosting the North Ronaldsay Sheep champion of champions’ competition. The competition has been running throughout the show season with various qualifying rounds at shows across the United Kingdom. We also have the Wooly roadshow display from Griffiths mill with home made garments made from native wool on display and the rare breed survival trust display promoting the work they do to preserve all our native breeds. Come along meet the animals, talk to the owners and then watch the Grand Parade at 3:50 on both days where you will see a great display of animals.
Saturday 21st September - Badger Faced Welsh Mountain - Black Welsh Mountain - Border Leicester - Clun Forest - Hebridean - Jacob - Kerry Hill - Oxford Down - Southdown - Any Other Longwool Breeds - Any Other Hill and Health Breeds - Any Other Primitive Breeds - Any Other Shortwool Breeds Sunday 22nd September - Junior Handler - RBST Young Shepherd Of The Year - Young Stock Person Of The Year - Wool on The Hoof - Group of Three - Pairs - Supreme Sheep Championship - Commercial Sheep
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