VISIT OUR NEW VIEWING AREA in our Cattle Building to get a photo with a prize winning cow
The breeds are both dairy cows for milk and beef cattle for meat. The competitive classes are judged each morning from 9am to 12pm in the judging rings by the cattle building. This is a real spectacle! You can also see the cattle from a viewing area in the building during the morning and from about 12pm to around 3pm the whole building will be open. Cattle Over the weekend we host many different cattle breeds, from the small Dexter to the enormous Limousin.
Saturday Classes: Cattle Lines Aberdeen Angus
Beef Shorthorn Belted Galloway British Blonde British Blue British White Charolais North Devon
Hereford Highland Limousin Longhorn Murray Grey Other beef breeds (Native and continental) Simmental South Devon Commercial Beef Dexter Holstein Coloured Dairy Class Continental Cattle Championship Supreme Interbreed Beef Championship Saturday Dairy Championship Local Dairy Championship
Sunday Classes: Sunday Junior Classes Beef young handler classes Beef Cattle Continental Pairs and Groups Beef Cattle Native Pairs and Groups Sunday Supreme Beef Pairs Sunday Dexter Dexter Junior Handler Dairy Interbreed Pairs Holstein South and Wilts Open Calf Show Supreme Young Handler
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