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Sunday 22 nd September 07:00 Hot Air Balloons (TBC) 09:30 Harvest Festival Service 10:00 Band 10:20
Coaching Parade & Ladies Coaching
11:05 11:35 12:05 12:15 13:45 14:45 15:15 16:05 16:50 17:20 18:00
Farm Machinery Pageant The Parade of Hounds
Heavy Horse Parade
The International Stairway (Showjumping)
British National Scurry Driving Championship
Business and Company Services Employment Law Family & Mediation Litigation Disputes & Resolution Property Wills, Trusts, Probate & Taxation
Guards Polo Club
Heavy Horse Teams followed by Heavy Horse Turnout Championship The Grand Parade of Livestock
Extreme Bike Battle
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Hot Air Balloons
Tutts Clump Surgery Bradfield Reading, RG7 6JU 0118 974 4352 Pangbourne Surgery Horseshoe Road, Pangbourne, Reading, RG8 7JQ 0118 984 3221 Spencers Wood Surgery Old Basingstoke Road, Spencers Wood, Reading, RG7 1AA 0118 988 4856
Boar, a 4 gold star nd the corner from 2nd Sept and enjoy our bill this brochure. ad, Newbury, RG20 8UE 247 550 www.crabandboar.com
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