President’s Charity of the Year Berkshire Community Foundation independent charity that connects l who care with local causes and proj their donations are effective and giv benefit to those most in need. Berkshire's charitable h - connecting people who with causes that matte
The Newbury & District Agricultural Society are pleased to announce that The Royal County of Berkshire Show will be supporting The Berkshire Community Foundation for the 2019 Show. The Berkshire Community Fou dation use their local knowledge to connect supporters to the groups of communities they want to help, making sure their donations are effective and bring the greatest benefit to those most in need. In 2018, the Foundation distributed over £1 million to local charity projects to support struggling communities in Berkshire, but the Foundation rely on local donors for support so they can provide advice, distribute grants, and raise the profile of local charities and community groups addressing identified need across Berkshire. The Foundation works alongside donors and philanthropists to raise funds and influence decisions, helping to make a real difference to local people’s lives. Support from The Royal County of Berkshire Show will help the Foundation to tackle a number of issues in the county including child poverty, modern slavery, homelessness, physical and mental health issues, isolation and loneliness. Make sure you visit their stand for more information on the charity. Berkshire Community Foundation is an independent charity that connects local people who care with local causes and projects, ensuring their donations are effective and give the greatest benefit to those most in need. We work with: TOMBOLLA WIN A £500 GRANT FOR A LOCAL CAUSE VISIT THE BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STAND
Berkshire's charitable hub - connecting people who care with causes that matter . Charities & Community Groups Individuals & Families Businesses
Professi Trusts & Local A
Our funds include:
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