Berkshire's charitable hub - connecting people who care with causes that matter . Berkshire's charitable hub - connecting people who care with causes that matter . Berkshire's charitable hub - connecting people who care with auses that matter . Berkshire's charitable hub - connecting people who care with causes that matter . We work with: Berkshire Community Foundation is an independent charity that connects local people who care with local causes and projects, ensuring their donations are effective and give the greatest benefit to those most in need. Berkshire Community Foundation is an independent charity that connects local people who care with local causes and projects, ensuring their donations are effective and give the greatest benefit to those most in need. WIN A £500 GRANT FOR A LOCAL CAUSE VISIT THE BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STAND Berkshire Community Foundation is an independent charity that connects local people who care with local causes and projects, ensuring their donations are effective and give the greatest benefit to those most in need. TOMBOLLA WIN A £500 GRANT FOR A LOCAL CAUSE VISIT THE BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STAND Berkshire Communi y Fou dation is an independent charity that co nects lo al people who care with local causes and pr jects, ensuring their donations a e effectiv and give the great st benefit to those most in need. WIN A £500 GRANT FOR A LOCAL CAUSE VISIT THE BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STAND TOMBOLLA WIN A £500 GRANT FOR A LOCAL CAUSE VISIT THE BERKSHIRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STAND We work with: TOMBOLLA TOMBOLLA
Charities & Community Groups Individuals & Families Businesses Charities & Community Groups Individuals & Families Businesses Charities & Com unity Groups Individuals & Families Busines es Charities & Community Group Individuals & Families Businesses www.berkshirecf.org www.berkshirecf.org www.berkshirecf.org www.berkshirecf.org
Professional Advisors Trusts & Foundations Local Authorities Professional Advisors Trusts & Foundations Local Authorities Professional Advisors Trusts & Foundations Local Authorities Professional Advisors Trusts & Foundations Local Authorities
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