Officers & Acknowledgements
OFFICERS President: Dame Theresa Sackler President-Elect: David Bruce Shows Council Chairman: Christopher Turner Shows Council Vice-Chairman: Nellie Redmond Shows Council Junior Vice-Chairman: Fiona Mundy Chief Executive: Patricia Marks Finance Trustee: Sarah Herriman Many thanks to Show Team 2019 SHOW MANAGEMENT Executive PA: Ann Maisey Office Administrator: Victoria Pettis Show Co-ordinator: Amber Wernham Accounts & Lettings Manager: Susan Layton Finance & Lettings Assistant: Molly Buxcey Communications Officer: Jo Papworth Education Officer: Jan Murray Logistics: Ben Shand Student Interns: Pippa Wildern and Jacob Goodhind Office Volunteer: Rose Miles
Auditors: James Cowper Kreston, Mill House, Overbridge Square, Hambridge Lane, Newbury Solicitors: Coffin Mew,
28 Bartholomew Street, Newbury; and Moore Blatch, Gateway House, Eastleigh Bankers: National Westminster Bank PLC, Market Place, Newbury, Berkshire Hon. Veterinary Surgeons: Donnington Grove, Newbury and Larkmead Veterinary Group, Cholsey Hon. Vet Officer: Julian Slater Farrier: GKE Sampson and Sons Showground Committee Chairman: Ben Shand Health and Safety Officer: Elaine Price - SPA Security and Events
Acknowledgements Over the years, many businesses and individuals have provided a vast amount of support to the Society. These have assisted with the development of the Showground buildings, the grounds, fencing, trees and signage. The Society is grateful to all who have provided support in this way. The Society would like to thank all the various shops and offices who have assisted in the sales of advance tickets.
We would also like to thank the West Berkshire Safety Advisory group (Inc. Police, Fire, Ambulance and Public Protection) and the Red Cross.
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