Craft Marquee
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Peak and Brim Hats
Stella Parslow +441525237806 Contemporary landscapes and abstracts using oils and acrylics with applied 3D substrates with silver foils. Strawsilk Art by Tim Lee 52 +447779266430 timleemail@hotmail.com Each piece is made individually applying layers and different colours of strawsilk fibres onto glass (candle holders,vases,lamps,paintings) then +447889230848 suepalmersimmons@gmail.com Unique fused glass bowls, plates, coasters, vases, jewellery and wall artwork. Terry Harvey Woodturning 1 +447968484580 psouthern456@aol.com Beautiful hand crafted wooden bowls and platters, wooden fruits and ornaments and mobile phone stands. Terry Riley Vessel Flutes 55 +447934752262 vesselflutes@gmail.com Hand made, hand tuned single and twin chamber ceramic wind instruments with teach yourself books suitable for both beginners and advanced players. The Ceramic House Company 56 +447980925585 bendy.paul@gmail.com The House of Hector 15 +447379300952 paulalulu@gmail.com Unique and handcrafted jewellery created not for the feint hearted. Designed with a strong influence of Africa, celebrating nature, texture and spirit. Each piece is one of a kind, orders can be made and commissions are welcome The Little Bunny Studio 12 +447979495822 paularobinson46@gmail.com British wildlife inspired fine art illustrations and free motion machine embroidery sold as framed/unframed original artwork and limited edition prints. These Fair Hands 22 +447702679002 info@thesefairhands.com A family business based in Hampshire.We design and manufacture handpaint each piece with various designs. Sue Palmer-Simmons Glass 61 bespoke signage and accessories in oak and corian. Thomas Moore Watercolours +447531774358 thomas@thomasmoore.co.uk Original framed watercolours. Tracy Whinray Ceramic Art +441842828792 tracy@tracywhinray.co.uk Individually created ceramic wildlife sculpture, wheel thrown stoneware fired domestic pottery and bronze resin figures. Twisted Silver London +447884184006 emma@twistedsilverlondon.co.uk I take antique silver cutlery, such as butter knives and pastry forks and +441380848463 enquiries@victoriaburnettdesigns.co.uk Personalised pony, dog and countryside wooden wall plaques, clocks and door hangers. Hand cut and painted in watercolour. White Horses 72 +441438715819 terryandmargaretwhite@gmail.com Hand carved rocking horses. 46 39 7 hand make them into modern silver jewellery. Victoria Burnett Designs 30
+441162599939 sales@peakandbrimhats.com British made hats and accessories for town and country. Partners in Pewter
+441628485764 info@partnersinpewter.co.uk Brilliant modern pewter giftware including key rings, trinket boxes and Christmas decorations suitable for people of all ages. Paul Wright Jewellery 53
+447711243743 paul@paulwrightjewellery.com Jewellery designs in silver and gold by Paul Wright. Pete Hill Design
+447989096242 pete@petehilldesign.com Contemporary handmade furniture and lifestyle pieces produced in Berkshire. Peter Rhoades Photography 4
+447775591668 peter@prhoades.co.uk Fine art wildlife and landscape photography. Pierro Artisan Penmakers
+447884385858 mail@pierrocrafts.com Handmade writing instruments and desk top units in local and exotic woods. Piskey Led Ltd 73 +447855968295 info@piskeyled.co.uk Handmade wooden pastille burners and fragrant pastilles. Red Shed 66 +447917691877 jogasby@gmail.com Handmade slate and oak home and gift ware. RainbowWoods 54 +441189835040 rainbow.woods@btinternet.com RainbowWoods create and offer for sale, unique handcrafted hardwood products for the home. Rhian John Paintings 50 +447827966811 rhian@rhianjohn.com Colourful Paintings and prints of animals, landscapes and seascapes. Roundabout Childrenswear 47 +447929224661 enquiries@roundaboutchildrenswear.co.uk Beautifully handmade children’s clothes, original British design celebrating our sewing heritage.Traditional, easy to wear style in quirky fabrics. Roy Thedvall (Artist Blacksmith) 24 +441239831959 roythedvall@hotmail.com Original designs in hot forged iron and steel, including candelabra, clocks, fire irons and ‘one off’ items. Ruth Lednik Ltd 34 +441235868368 lednik@btinternet.com Quality childrens clothing from 6 months to 10 years, bespoke jackets and cardigans for ladies. Sandra Young Glass Sculpture 44 +447746685207 sandra@firecreation.com Glass sculpture and jewelery of myth, magic and nature. Designed and created by Sandra Young for over 33 years. Shelley Faye Lazar 67 +447711565887 shelleyfayelazar@mac.com Handpainted silks and wools for unique and distinctive scarves, shawls and garments.Wearable art perfect for accessories, decorative and functional.
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