Young Photographer of The Year
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Welcome to the N wbury Weekly News Young Photographer of The Y ear 2017 Vote for your favourite picture from more than 70 taken by schoolchildren across the area
OVER the next 20 pages you will be able to see all of the entries sent in for our inaugu- ral photography competition, which we hope you will enjoy looking at as much as we have. We wouldlike to thankall of the entrantsfor takingthetimeto enterthiscompetition andmake thissupplement as fantasticas it is.
castyourvoteusingtheform below. Thebrief for thecompetition was to take a photographthat bestillustratedhowyouseethe townor villageinwhichyou live. Thevarietyof photographswe have receivedhasbeenincredi- bly impressive. They all highlightwhata beauti- ful par t of thecountry we are
luckyenoughto live in. Now thetoughjobbegins.
ThereareiPadsandphonesup for grabsandFramemakers Newbury have kindlyofferedto frameourwinners’ picturesfor them. Goodluck toeveryoneand thankyou for enteringthis competition. TheNewburyWeeklyNews YoungPhotographerof theYear Competition team
Anotherthankyougoestoall of thelocalschoolswhohelped support thisinitiative by encour- agingtheirpupilstoget involvedandby incorporatingit in to theircurriculums. We hadmorethan70entries – over threedifferentagegroups – andchoosing thewinners is goingtobean incredib ly diffi- cultdecision. Don’t misstheopportunityto
Thejudgingpanel,ledby our award-winning photograbpher, PhilCannings, willbechoosing thewinnersover thenext few weeks, fromtheshortlistvoted for by ourreaders. Sodon’t forgetto check back andseeif y ouhave wononeof thefantasticprizesonoffer.
A word from the judges…
FIRSTLY, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who entered our photography com- petition. We werereallypleasedthatso many of youdecidedto take part in our first-ever YoungPhotogra- pherof theYearcompetitionand we hopeto beable to run it again next year. We have receivedsomany amazingphotographsthat choosing thewinnersis goingto bean incredibly toughjob. Seeingthevarietyof photographs yousentin hasbeenreally interesting. It was greatto seewhatyouall thoughtbestsummedup thetown
or villagethatyou live in. We’ve seenWestBerkshireand NorthHampshire throughvery differenteyes andit’s beengreat fun. We werealsovery impressedby thedifferentways youchoseto photographyour littlebit of the townandcountryside. Therehave beensomenature close-ups, somepanoramic countrysideimagesandsome actionshots, whichhave all been of a reallyhighstandard. Well doneto everyonewhotook part andbestof luck in the competition. Phil NWN picture editor
One of Phil Cannings’ winning entries in the Picture Editor ’ s Awards (Local Photographer of the Y ear).
Phil Cannings
VOTE TO SHORTLIST YOUR FAVOURITE PHOTOGRAPH Cast your vote below and post this form to: Young Photographer of the Year 2017, Newbury News Limited, Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2DW You can vote as many times as you wish, but all entries must be submitted on original entry forms, no photocopies.
Photographer’s Name ............................................................................................................................................................
School ...................................................................................................................................................................................
All entries must be received by July 22, 2017
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