
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Newbury Weekly News

The Oratory School

JOE Smith became Head Master of The Oratory School in Woodcote, South Oxford- shire in 2016, after a very successful headship in the highly regarded Oratory Prep School where he led the school to having the enviable reputa- tion of being a happy and academically excellent school where energetic and adventur- ous children thrived. He has brought this passion and vision with him to The Oratory School, where after just a year and a half he has put in place many positive changes to take the school to new heights. As the Good Schools Guide said “Now’s the time to look again”. Mr Smith said: “The Oratory School is a wonderful commu- nity, and the boys and I are blessed to have such passionate and dedicated teachers who encourage the boys to work and play hard. “This is a genuinely all-rounder school, where a boy will not only get to work hard in his academic studies, but also take advantage of the co-curricular activities, as well as benefit from the caring and nurturing pastoral care. “Knowing that my pupils are happy, engaged with their learn- ing and trying out new things is what makes my job such a plea- sure. “We are already seeing the bene- fits of the changes we have implemented in the last 18 months. “Our excellent new Head of Teaching and Learning is ensur- ing that our academic standards continue to rise.

Oratory Preparatory School

throughout and after-school activity programmes for chil- dren in pre-prep and prep. It is an all-round education that promotes creativity and fun, trying new things and taking risks, and which builds each child’s resilience, determination and belief in themselves from the moment they join the school. They support, encourage and continually extend children on their learning journey and love to see them thrive. From the age of two, pupils are immersed in Forest School, introduced to weekly swimming lessons, theatre workshops and much more. As they move through the school, where the opportunities

and academic rigour continue, pupils take with them not only academic achievement, but also a breadth of experience that prepares them way beyond the classroom. Oratory Preparatory is charac- terised by the happiness and success of its pupils and enjoys a well-deserved reputation, which the Good Schools Guide describes as an education “for all sorts of children. A place with a palpable buzz and vibrancy that gets the balance right between giving children the freedom to be themselves, while maintaining a focus on traditional values”. Come and experience the Oratory Prep School.

THE Oratory Preparatory School is a thriving, happy school in South Oxfordshire. Set in stunning grounds, they combine outstanding teaching with wonderful facilities, dedi- cated staff and excellent pastoral care. They educate girls and boys from two to 13, sending children to a whole host of top schools locally and nationally, including Eton, The Oratory School, Wellington College, Abingdon School, St Helen and St Katherine’s, St Mary’s Ascot and Queen Anne’s. They develop and nourish every aspect of a child’s character through a broad and enriched education, with sport, music, drama and art embedded

“Our new co-curricular programme has more than 50 activities for our boys to choose from and our new Deputy Head Pastoral is ensuring that the discipline and care at the school is paramount. “We are not a school that stands still; we embrace change and

innovation and are excited about the future.” The Oratory is an independent school for boys aged 11-18. It is a Catholic school that welcomes boys of all faiths or none and visitors often comment on the inclusive community atmo- sphere of our school.



Goring Heath, South Oxfordshire, RG8 7SF tel: 0118 984 4511


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